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Time to get Fit thread

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Share, Rogue's pull down strap is awesome. I use them for bi/ tri/ abs and even some lat stuff.
Since track season got over, for my coaching (my son is running at nationals, but I'm not really coaching him) I've been doing 6 days a week workout, 3 days in gym and 3 days on bike.
Please do! I had a great workout myself yesterday...never would I have thought that a bad day in the poli sink would result in one of my best workouts in awhile.
Please do! I had a great workout myself yesterday...never would I have thought that a bad day in the poli sink would result in one of my best workouts in awhile.

Gotta workout and shed a bad day so it adds extra incentive..

The straps seem to work alright I did a few sets with it on the wrist. The one big thing is I wish someone could come up with a good way to get velcro straps on nice and tight one handed. I did get some rubbing on a few sets due to angle in relation to the cable pulley but once I got it where the angle was correct it seemed to go away. The angle thing also caused the D-ring to shift in the loop so it wasn't straining against the flat part of the ring it was bunching up in the corner but it got better when I got my angle of motion more in line. I am going to keep using it and so will provide a durability update a little later I think the D-ring movement may have stress the sewn on loop a little. Overall I would say I like them but am thinking a nice leather wrist band with a buckle I can tighten easier one handed may be better.
I get that D-ring movement too. It's almost impossible to get it not to happen. Leather may be the ticket, but that's gotta change the $$ profile, for a good one?

Don't kill me cause I'm all "rogue'd" out, but they've got some interesting workarounds I can see: traditional strap using a standard handle on the cable. That might give best of both worlds...and I'd never thought about this for myself until now.

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I get that D-ring movement too. It's almost impossible to get it not to happen. Leather may be the ticket, but that's gotta change the $$ profile, for a good one?

Don't kill me cause I'm all "rogue'd" out, but they've got some interesting workarounds I can see: traditional strap using a standard handle on the cable. That might give best of both worlds...and I'd never thought about this for myself until now.


For me the pain seems to be in the wrist/hand joint and it is only when I rotate it in a certain direction. Certain exercises seem to aggravate it more than others. I can do bench/press/tris/back and some other exercises with no issue but some shoulder stuff and biceps put strain in the exact direction that causes pain. The wrist strap works well so going to see if its still good tonight as its shoulder/back day.

So weighed myself this morning and I am now at a new low. I am hoping this keeps up over the weekend as I plan on being active with a ton of outside work that needs to be done. I did a long set on the elliptical and my knee was sore yesterday and I had to do some work on the shower drain so that tweaked it so today will be either a light day on the elliptical or I may skip it I will have to see how it feels when I get to the gym tonight.
Almost like the elbow's involved with an impingement somehow?
Almost like the elbow's involved with an impingement somehow?

No almost if I rotate it with the thumb moving downwards it causes the issue. I am almost leaning towards carpal tunnel or something but not sure. I used the strap Friday night and it seemed okay still had to watch hand position though. It sucks because some of the seemingly most inconsequential hand rotation will send pain shooting through my wrist. Went to get my phone out of my pocket and I must have twisted wrong because it sent jags of pain through my wrist., I was going to try and ride it out but may go see an orthopod and check if I busted a tendon in my hand as x-rays were negative.
Man you guys are lagging no updates for weeks. Kind of miss Lizards daily updates. Definitely miss the Thailand updates.

Last few weeks have been hit or miss as we are doing a major renovation on a rental house so getting it ready for floor contractors and plumbers has taken a bit of time out of my week. Just finished most of the hard stuff last night so tonight is a double day of Chest/Bi/Tri with a finishing move of back/shoulders on Friday. Doing more reps/sets seems to be building more mass than the less reps and sets with heavier weights so I don't know I may switch it back up around the end of the year as hopefully I will be down enough in weight to start doing protein shakes before bed to help with growth but we will see. I also moved back to the treadmill from the elliptical as I was not getting the aerobic exercise I thought I needed. being careful as I don't want to mess up a knee and set myself back so slow and steady on the treadmill.
I've been doing 3 days at the gym and 3 days riding the bike each week for the summer, it's been good to take care of my self since track got over but going back into next season coaching cycle in a few weeks, so it will be harder to do once we get serious again.

My legs are hard as rock, but I still get a burn through most of the ride, though I'm constantly pushing hard throughout the ride.

Hope everybody is staying in shape and staying injury free!
Currently on Tactical Barbell 2x a week fighter routine.

Been working out great, I dont feel as burned out anymore lifting 3x a week. My recovery has been great and I feel better when I roll in the gym.

Also added walks to my exercise program. Went from 164 lbs to 159 lbs in about a month.
All of the very high level Track Coaching instructors that I've had stress that recovery is at least as important as the training. Too many coaches (in track) are too fixated on trying to train up their athletes and forget that recovery is very important to avoid accumulating damaged tissues and eventually getting hit with injuries when the intensity gets turned way up during the last month of the season. They also commonly forget to drop the volume way down when intensity is way up.

Training smart is far more effective than training hard.
Yah Im trying to drop the mindset that every time I work out it has to be balls to the wall. Trying to operate in the mostly zone 2 or lifting at submaximal levels and its been working out great so far. Overall I feel better. Only time I really push myself these days are during my rolls which is the goal anyway.
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In track, we've learned that if you PR (Personal Record), you've pushed your tissues beyond what you have before and it will take 2 days of recovery before you should have a hard workout again.

What most people don't realize is that every time you have a workout that advances your fitness, you've damaged cells and your body needs time to repair or replace cells, which is where the protein supplements come in. If you haven't pushed too hard, your body can recover sufficiently overnight, sleep is when recovery happens. If you've had 2 really hard days, you definitely need a recovery day following, a workout to get the blood flowing but no real demand on your tissues.

One thing that really helps with recovery is an ice bath after an especially hard workout. You should have it within an hour of your workout and before you go to sleep.

When my son has been pushing very hard I'll sometimes have him take an epsom salt bath to help with tissue repair. The magnesium absorbed in through the pores helps with tissue repair.
Been doing pretty well, but almost a month since my last run. Had issue with my achilles in July then a good trail run on vacation in August, then caught the Rona. It was mild but I figured I'd start back up slow just because the risks of hear stress. Feeling back 100% now with gym workouts and swimming but my calves are seriously tight and I'm thinking of getting some custom inserts for my running shoes
Man you guys are lagging no updates for weeks. Kind of miss Lizards daily updates. Definitely miss the Thailand updates.


Hey sharxie! I’m still working out regularly but cheating on the diet and not hitting the volume like I was before.

Lost strength, size and lean-ness during 2020-21. The good news is shoulder pain went away but now have elbow pain lol

Coincidentally I spent two weeks in Thailand this past August. I traveled to Mexico 5-6 times this year (Guadalajara and Vallarta). Thailand opened up to non-vaxxers in June or July (forgot) so bought a ticket. A few days in Samui and about 10 days in Phuket. Swam in the ocean, drank mango smoothies, “cross-pollinated,” one night drank 18 Tequilas and 6 whiskeys* and lived to tell about it, going back in 2 weeks for some “unfinished bidness.”

Hard to beat Thai street food (sorry Mexico!). How I would love to live there part time.

Oh, bought a week membership at a gym near my hotel so got a few workouts in. Followed by a whole steamed fish. THAT, is my favorite routine.

*Thanks to the ‘rona, I spent a lot of time drinking with sister during 2020-21. And funny how that increased my liquor tolerance. There was nothing else to do during lockdown! Not braggin’ just sharing notes.
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One thing I proved to myself unequivecally is that cooling towels are very effective in this (dry) heat!

I went out for a hard bike ride when it was 115 down here, I soaked and put one cooling towel under my shirt and one around my neck. Then I put two water bottles (old style, no insulation) filled with ice in their holders and poured it over where I had the cooling towels while riding. I also had a camelbak filled with ice and gaterade and took 3-4 large swallows after each mile. I felt no ill effects or tiredness afte the ride, my body temp was pertty much normal, proving that cooling towels, when used properly, are really effective in extreme heat. And, yes, I pre-hydrated before my ride, I'm quite well versed in heat as our final track meet in 2021 started in 113 degrees.
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