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Time to get Fit thread

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Shit Berto that sucks but at least you walked away.

Been sickish for the last two weeks. My digestive system has been acting up and didn't want to have an episode at the gym so held off. Feeling better the last few days so tonight I headed to the gym for my normal chest day. Couldn't push any weight I was up to 180lb sets and tonight I could barely push up 125. Takes me months to get up and 2 weeks to lose the gains. Really getting tired of this and have to figure out what's up it has to be more than old age. Couldn't even do a decent run on the treadmill as I tweaked my knee some how so had to cut it short so I didn't mess it up worse.

Hopefully I can get back to my best quicker than 3 months this time.
You got this Mike...we know it!

I just got back from my followup ortho doc appointment. Looks like a nice long spell of....nothing. No heavy weights, only lower body/ core for at least another 6-8 weeks.

Two Saturdays ago at Round 3 AFM Thill, I spun the tire going down the hill and Highsided from what I think was the TC intervening too late. I likely would have lowsided if not for the help of the TC in helping me high side. Immediately after being ejected, I hit the curbing (track edge) with the chin bar of my helmet at around 70-80MPH and was knocked out instantly. Broke my collar bone in several places, 3 ribs on the same side, bones in the opposite side hand (left) and massive sprain on wrist/ thumb as well as bruises all over and a crushed big toe (WTF?). Oh yeah, slight concussion too...the EPS liner is totally crushed on the right side of the Arai helmet. Excellent protection, I'll preach to everyone. Thanks Arai! In 35 crashes (or so) and 20 years racing, my biggest injury has been a broken thumb. This was the "Big Off" everyone eventually has and it's been one I don't want again. Had the collar bone plated last friday and today found out I'm out for another 6 weeks or so of any upper body resistance training and no lakes for 2-3 weeks. Ugh. Hand sprain is 3-4 months, but there's got to be a way to work around that for some sort of stand up Jetski racing, right?

I get to work legs, abs and cardio. That's about it...I've got myself motivated though with the workout plan when I'm back to form and how effective I can be starting fresh and with a new plan in place that I've yet to try.

So Mike...go kick some ass for me! I'm dying here not being able to train or compete!

Damn. That really sucks Berto. Getting hurt is the WORST. For me, the mental struggle of having to be inactive is the hardest part. I think you were wise to get surgery on your collar bone, was it even an option not to? The concussion is scary. The older I get the more I realize how fragile my noggin is. I don't know much about recovering from a brain injury other than take it easy mentally.

With what you are restricted to physically I'm thinking it might be time for an indoor cycling set up if your not there already. That or climbing hills to get outside maybe. Is it ok to run during concussion recovery? I wouldn't be surprised it the impact was a no go. I know it feel excruciatingly slow to recover sometimes but, take the Klay Thompson approach man. Slow and steady. Every little bit of progress stacks up and you don't want to go backwards.

Deer and Highsides, FUCK-EM!
Down 44 lbs from my heaviest weight, 31 of which was lost this year.

I feel a fuckton better.
My trainer made me do all sorts of off-balance exercises today where you need to use your core to stay level. I am gonna be sore tomorrow.
I bet you do!! Congratulations. That is an accomplishment!

Thanks, dude! It's been a slow, steady thing. Definitely hit some plateaus. Aiming to get another 25 off this year and then decide what to do from there.
Thanks, dude! It's been a slow, steady thing. Definitely hit some plateaus. Aiming to get another 25 off this year and then decide what to do from there.

Slow and steady is the only way that works over the long haul. You're doing it right! Keep it up.
Down 44 lbs from my heaviest weight, 31 of which was lost this year.

I feel a fuckton better.

That's excellent R! There's nothing like measurable gains.

My trainer made me do all sorts of off-balance exercises today where you need to use your core to stay level. I am gonna be sore tomorrow.

This things been great for balance exercises and testing my imbalances.


Slow and steady is the only way that works over the long haul. You're doing it right! Keep it up.

Get good sleep tonight, Killer. I'm taking it easy so you can D-stroy them all!
Thanks, Berto. I wish I had measured my bust/waist/hips to measure that but I will have to rely on my clothing to tell me when those get smaller.
You got this Mike...we know it!

I just got back from my followup ortho doc appointment. Looks like a nice long spell of....nothing. No heavy weights, only lower body/ core for at least another 6-8 weeks.

Two Saturdays ago at Round 3 AFM Thill, I spun the tire going down the hill and Highsided from what I think was the TC intervening too late. I likely would have lowsided if not for the help of the TC in helping me high side. Immediately after being ejected, I hit the curbing (track edge) with the chin bar of my helmet at around 70-80MPH and was knocked out instantly. Broke my collar bone in several places, 3 ribs on the same side, bones in the opposite side hand (left) and massive sprain on wrist/ thumb as well as bruises all over and a crushed big toe (WTF?). Oh yeah, slight concussion too...the EPS liner is totally crushed on the right side of the Arai helmet. Excellent protection, I'll preach to everyone. Thanks Arai! In 35 crashes (or so) and 20 years racing, my biggest injury has been a broken thumb. This was the "Big Off" everyone eventually has and it's been one I don't want again. Had the collar bone plated last friday and today found out I'm out for another 6 weeks or so of any upper body resistance training and no lakes for 2-3 weeks. Ugh. Hand sprain is 3-4 months, but there's got to be a way to work around that for some sort of stand up Jetski racing, right?

I get to work legs, abs and cardio. That's about it...I've got myself motivated though with the workout plan when I'm back to form and how effective I can be starting fresh and with a new plan in place that I've yet to try.
Wow, that sucks, Berto!

Some things that will help:
1. Collagen, it will help with connective tissue repair
2. Epsom Salt soaking, helps get magnesium to the tissues, ingesting it won't do that, hot as you can stand it.
3. Cold/Hot cycles, 2 each Hot then Cold for 20 minutes.
4. Progressive loading of the tissues as they're healed, high rep/low weight at first then increasing weight as reps come down.

I've become expert at getting legs, especially hamstring injuries recovered.

You can get a wrap around heating pad that can be used in many ways, also an ice therapy unit helps out.
Overall im pretty happy. I had a good race. Tough swim. I didn’t make my stretch goal but oh well. Thanks for the support guys. :thumbup


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Wow, that sucks, Berto!

Some things that will help:
1. Collagen, it will help with connective tissue repair
2. Epsom Salt soaking, helps get magnesium to the tissues, ingesting it won't do that, hot as you can stand it.
3. Cold/Hot cycles, 2 each Hot then Cold for 20 minutes.
4. Progressive loading of the tissues as they're healed, high rep/low weight at first then increasing weight as reps come down.

I've become expert at getting legs, especially hamstring injuries recovered.

You can get a wrap around heating pad that can be used in many ways, also an ice therapy unit helps out.

Thanks a ton Brett. Great info that I'm gonna use. This plate is super annoying feeling. Let's celebrate Mike's results to cheer us up! (BELOW)

Overall im pretty happy. I had a good race. Tough swim. I didn’t make my stretch goal but oh well. Thanks for the support guys. :thumbup

Mike, 4% back from the leaders in your age class. That's not good. That's really good IMO. Impressive as hell! You lost 3 minutes to the leaders every hour. That's something I'm way stoked for you about. Well done brother!!!!
Thanks Berto, That's one of the nicest, most thoughtful things anyone has ever said to me. I really appreciate it and it means a hell of a lot coming from someone who understands competition the way you do. Thank you.

I hope Robert hits us with his race report soon. Stay tuned folks. I follow him on Strava and he's got a whopper to tell us about. :wow
You got this Mike...we know it!

I just got back from my followup ortho doc appointment. Looks like a nice long spell of....nothing. No heavy weights, only lower body/ core for at least another 6-8 weeks.

Two Saturdays ago at Round 3 AFM Thill, I spun the tire going down the hill and Highsided from what I think was the TC intervening too late. I likely would have lowsided if not for the help of the TC in helping me high side. Immediately after being ejected, I hit the curbing (track edge) with the chin bar of my helmet at around 70-80MPH and was knocked out instantly. Broke my collar bone in several places, 3 ribs on the same side, bones in the opposite side hand (left) and massive sprain on wrist/ thumb as well as bruises all over and a crushed big toe (WTF?). Oh yeah, slight concussion too...the EPS liner is totally crushed on the right side of the Arai helmet. Excellent protection, I'll preach to everyone. Thanks Arai! In 35 crashes (or so) and 20 years racing, my biggest injury has been a broken thumb. This was the "Big Off" everyone eventually has and it's been one I don't want again. Had the collar bone plated last friday and today found out I'm out for another 6 weeks or so of any upper body resistance training and no lakes for 2-3 weeks. Ugh. Hand sprain is 3-4 months, but there's got to be a way to work around that for some sort of stand up Jetski racing, right?

I get to work legs, abs and cardio. That's about it...I've got myself motivated though with the workout plan when I'm back to form and how effective I can be starting fresh and with a new plan in place that I've yet to try.

Ooof, I heard you were out and was wondering when I was going to get to see your crash. I'm glad your head is relatively ok and I hope that wrist injury isn't a lasting issue for you.

I have never once followed doctor timelines to the letter. I have always pushed the recovery and been able to shorten the times considerably. Given that you treat fitness similar to me, I suspect you will have at least some success doing the same. Hell, I've had surgeons specifically tell me their timelines are for couch potatoes that want to stay on workers comp too long. That's not us. Stay mobile, keep the circulation going, and don't let that scar tissue build up too much.
Overall im pretty happy. I had a good race. Tough swim. I didn’t make my stretch goal but oh well. Thanks for the support guys. :thumbup

Way to go Mike! Doing that swim in choppy open water seems like hell. Your pace is impressive. Looks like the bike was your best leg - I'm not surprised :D
Ooof, I heard you were out and was wondering when I was going to get to see your crash. I'm glad your head is relatively ok and I hope that wrist injury isn't a lasting issue for you.

I have never once followed doctor timelines to the letter. I have always pushed the recovery and been able to shorten the times considerably. Given that you treat fitness similar to me, I suspect you will have at least some success doing the same. Hell, I've had surgeons specifically tell me their timelines are for couch potatoes that want to stay on workers comp too long. That's not us. Stay mobile, keep the circulation going, and don't let that scar tissue build up too much.
Doctors are always going to give the most conservative estimate, there is no upside to not do so.

When you get well sooner, it makes them look good, unlike if it takes longer. :afm199
I was correct about my race - it was the hardest single physical thing I have ever done. The course was so much more difficult than the same event here in San Diego. The whole thing was punchy and technical AF. The MTB singletrack climbs and 15% loose gravel climbs were separated by 5-10% dirt road climbs and challenging gravel descents with golfball sized rocks everywhere. There was very little time to rest.

The first climb turned out to be a MTB singletrack that most of the field had to hike because too many people couldn't climb it without coming off their bike. And there were 2 not-short climbs that were too steep and loose to ride for non-pros. The first climbed 700ft in 1mile and I almost made it without walking because I was fresh. The second climbed 350ft in 0.4mi and I walked the whole thing because I was not fresh, lulz. You can see from the elevation profile below just how little flat there was. In San Diego, a good hard climbing day 100ft of climbing per mile, usually for 60miles or so. This was 111ft of climbing per mile for 131miles!!!

I missed my goal of 10hrs. But with how poorly my prep went and how difficult the course was, I'm not unhappy with my results. My nutrition and hydration went way better than last race - I managed to drink 10 bottles (7.5L) and consume 2500-3000Cal without any stomach issues. And my SO (support crew) had the stops dialed perfectly. Not bad at all.

Winners finished in 7:23, putting my finish at 142%. My finish was pretty much in the middle of the field, 91st / 168 male finishers and 22nd / 45 in my age group. About 50 people or 20% of the field didnt finish and I suspect the organizer is going to get some shit for it.





Next race is not until Oct. It will be flatter/easier. But I think it's still time to train better.

Oh edit: NC/SC is an amazing place to ride a gravel bicycle. So much of the course was dirt roads through a forest or around water. And the roads were pristine asphalt because they get so little traffic. I wouldn't want to ride road there full-time because there is zero shoulder everywhere. But using dirt roads to stay away from people would be great. It's kinda funny - the organizer calls this the most scenic race in the US. I completely disagree because there are too many trees in the way to see any scenery :laughing. It's also tagged "The Hell of the East", which I completely agree with.
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Way to go Mike! Doing that swim in choppy open water seems like hell. Your pace is impressive. Looks like the bike was your best leg - I'm not surprised :D

Thank you! The swim was lumpy. I felt pretty strong on the bike. I'm glad so many triathletes can't figure out gearing and when areo bars are going to make a difference. :laughing
Some serious efforts from both Mike and Robert!

Great job, guys!

Robert, how many calories did you burn on that course?
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