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Time to get Fit thread

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Garmin data -
Avg HR: 146bpm
Avg Power: 155w
Normalized Power: 189w
Intensity Factor: 0.84
Training Stress Score: 721.7
Work: 5704 kJ
Resting Cal: 811 kcal
Active Cal: 5705 kcal
Total Cal: 6516 kcal
Avg Respiration: 31 brpm
Max Respiration: 45 brpm
Since I installed a proper pullup bar in the bedroom into the solid overhang, it's obviously been very accessible since it's there all the time...but I moved the furniture around to the detriment of the pullup bar access....so my trainer recommended doing them facing the other way, and miraculously there is just enough room to do it without hitting my head on the ceiling.

I realize I could also unbolt it and install it a few inches lower for safety, I mean your legs should be in front of you anyway and not just hanging.

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I've always thought that if you could design a machine that worked your body in order to execute a sexual act, you could get in a hell of a workout. :laughing
Did 5 sets of neutral grip pullups yesterday, proper form, and I think I just haven't been doing enough sets because today I am quite sore. And my wrists/forearms are also sore.

Back to 4 days a week 10 mile bike ride (~36 minutes) and 3 days in the gym. I found that listening to audio books is a good way to go with this. We should be up into triple digits next week and probably for the rest of the summer.

Already adding weight from increased muscle mass.
Got serious mid March. Started counting my macros. Really focusing on getting close to 160-180g of protein a day while also in a 500 calorie deficit.

Signed up for a gym that had child care and went nearly 5x a week for 9 weeks while on paternity leave. First month was lame cuz of a shoulder and back issue. But I’m back to 3x a week doing heavy legs, close to a 300lb back squat. 315lb was my pr about 10 years ago at 165lbs.

I’m down 15lbs and would like to drop another 15lb getting back to 165lb.

I wished I focused more on protein intake over the years. It certainly has robbed me of gains. I was also of the ‘I can over work’ a not so dialed in diet.

Funny thing is it’s very simple if weight loss is the goal. Just eat 500-800 calories below your daily expenditure. The hard part is the tracking and not eating after dinner. Also realizing how quickly some calories add up.
Just ordered from Amazon since it's just a chain

Shimano chains are one of the most counterfeited items, on amazon. Be careful ordering bike parts on amazon. SOOO many counterfeits. Bike parts might seem commonplace but, good bike stuff needs to be well made. Think about it, ALL the force you can generate has to get transmitted through that chain. I have had a chain fail. It's inconvenient at best and can get you hurt at worst. If you ever have bike part questions pm me, im happy to help :)
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WORD.... I find that if I take more than a week off my weight and reps drop drastically and I can't seem to get back to my starting point as quick as I lost it. Getting old sucks.

On a good note my old overweight ass is now doing better on the treadmill with no knee pain. up to jogging at a 5.0 pace for a 7 minute interval and two 4 minute intervals with 4 minute 2.0 grade 3.5 speed fast walks in between intervals. I keep upping the first interval by 60 seconds each week and do 3 sessions each week. So with this in mind once I get my initial long interval to 10 minutes I am going to up the speed as well by .2 each week.

Also still working on the weightlifting which is building muscle but slower than I want but again getting old sucks wish I would have stuck with it when I was younger so it wouldn't be such a slog right now. I see the young kids getting mass quickly and want to drop a 45 lb plate on their toes. youth is so wasted on the young.

It just gets harder. 77 now, and even maintaining a level of performance takes a schedule and rigorous work outs. I just hit 8 chinups, a record for me, took well over a year of directed work to hit that. I've reached a plateau at bench press, 90% of body weight or so. I'm working to hit 100% but my joints hurt too much after that level of lifting. It was the same on the track, took more energy every year for slight gains.

Back in the day I could rip out 25 pull ups with a smile, lol.
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Shimano chains are one of the most counterfeited items, on amazon. Be careful ordering bike parts on amazon. SOOO many counterfeits. Bike parts might seem commonplace but, good bike stuff needs to be well made. Think about it, ALL the force you can generate has to get transmitted through that chain. I have had a chain fail. It's inconvenient at best and can get you hurt at worst. If you ever have bike part questions pm me, im happy to help :)

I ordered this one:

It just gets harder. 77 now, and even maintaining a level of performance takes a schedule and rigorous work outs. I just hit 8 chinups, a record for me, took well over a year of directed work to hit that. I've reached a plateau at bench press, 90% of body weight or so. I'm working to hit 100% but my joints hurt too much after that level of lifting. It was the same on the track, took more energy every year for slight gains.

Back in the day I could rip out 25 pull ups with a smile, lol.
Yeah, each decade means more workouts to get there and losing faster when you stop.

You're doing pretty well, Ernie, to be doing 90% of your body weight in bench. :thumbup

I haven't had great luck with Sram chains. If that on shifts well and works for you great!

I checked on Jensen, Its a lil cheaper there and shipping would be free if you spend $50 total. It's been beautiful out, hope you start riding again. I got about 20 miles in last evening after work.

I checked out some prices on the link that Mike posted and their prices are very good.
I'm likely to use it for all future bicycle parts purchases, I certainly trust it more than I trust Amazon, especially as time moves forward, Amazon has shown a pattern towards greater greed, IMHO, over the last several years.
I checked out some prices on the link that Mike posted and their prices are very good.
I'm likely to use it for all future bicycle parts purchases, I certainly trust it more than I trust Amazon, especially as time moves forward, Amazon has shown a pattern towards greater greed, IMHO, over the last several years.

A lot of their parts ship from the west coast as well. I have had stuff get to me in 2 days using their cheapest standard shipping. I was a hard sell as I really like my local bike shops but, Jensen has them beat by a mile for parts.
JensonUSA is solid. I order from them a few times a year. Their shop and warehouse is in Riverside, CA IIRC.

I'd consider returning that chain, especially since Amazon returns are very easy. That listing is fulfilled by a company called Fuzzfam, or Loeam Industries LLC. They have 16 ratings total and some of the reviews are obviously for not-bike-parts.

Unfortunately, counterfeit parts are becoming common. Reddit is filled with posts about new chains with cracks in links after almost no miles.
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Thanks will do!


If you are trying to make the minimum order for free shipping I suggest these...


and maybe this too


Also, shimano chains > SRAM chains :laughing :thumbup

One more tip, If you go with a shimano chain remember some of them are directional. Meaning you can put them on backwards. Its not catastrophic if you do that, but you should get better shifting if you put the chain the right direction. :)
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