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Time to get Fit thread

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It just gets harder. 77 now, and even maintaining a level of performance takes a schedule and rigorous work outs. I just hit 8 chinups, a record for me, took well over a year of directed work to hit that. I've reached a plateau at bench press, 90% of body weight or so. I'm working to hit 100% but my joints hurt too much after that level of lifting. It was the same on the track, took more energy every year for slight gains.

Back in the day I could rip out 25 pull ups with a smile, lol.

Still impressive tho. I'd drop the weight a ton, slow the movement and increase the rep count. IMO, of course. The whole deal is load time and range of movement without fucking joints up. While I'll load more weight when I'm able to, I shy away from overloading. Joints, joints, joints...with blown out ones, weight does no good anymore.
Still impressive tho. I'd drop the weight a ton, slow the movement and increase the rep count. IMO, of course. The whole deal is load time and range of movement without fucking joints up. While I'll load more weight when I'm able to, I shy away from overloading. Joints, joints, joints...with blown out ones, weight does no good anymore.
Agreed. I always do at least 18 reps per set. None of that 8 reps to failure.

I also never take my joints past 90 degrees, the stresses go up significantly past that.
Agreed. I always do at least 18 reps per set. None of that 8 reps to failure.

I also never take my joints past 90 degrees, the stresses go up significantly past that.

Reps of 18 and not passed 90? I’m in a way different boat. On front and back squats I’ll often do 5x5 around 85% max or 7x2 at 90%. I do wear knee sleeves and a lever belt once weight gets heavy. I’ve been squatting passed parallel for years and only feels right for me.

The gym we joined added a belt squat and booty blaster Machines. Those I often do 4x12.

I’ll likely transition to less weight higher Rep in a few years.
Still impressive tho. I'd drop the weight a ton, slow the movement and increase the rep count. IMO, of course. The whole deal is load time and range of movement without fucking joints up. While I'll load more weight when I'm able to, I shy away from overloading. Joints, joints, joints...with blown out ones, weight does no good anymore.

Thx! Good advice. I'm always on the edge of bursitis now, and too much joint pain.
Even a little joint pain makes me cringe and hit up the chiro ASAP...
Hello! I started working out at a gym on March 31st of 2023. It is now the end of June and I have slowly but surely lost some weight and my body is changing shape and form. My eating is very clean except when Troy cooks for me-then it's too good and gracious to pass up.
I will continue to go to my "group fitness" gym and try not to get too bored.
Speaking of age-menopause and thyroid issues but otherwise healthy at 59 yrs old. Feel so much younger.
Nothing will hold back and (at least partially) alleviate the ailments due to aging like getting exercise. It will also prolong your life better than pretty much everything else you might do.

As we get older, staying fit becomes more and more important if we value the quality of life.
I am now down 55 lbs since my heaviest weight and 41 lbs for the year. I was at Crater Lake over the weekend and had a much easier time hiking around at elevation than I did last year so that is a non-scale win. A pair of moto boots that didn't fit, now do and I am *almost* into my dirt bike pants.

The bursitis in my left hip is hurting less and the scale number drops.

I am now down 55 lbs since my heaviest weight and 41 lbs for the year. I was at Crater Lake over the weekend and had a much easier time hiking around at elevation than I did last year so that is a non-scale win. A pair of moto boots that didn't fit, now do and I am *almost* into my dirt bike pants.

The bursitis in my left hip is hurting less and the scale number drops.


You go! Congrats on keeping on in the movement department.
Please contibue to post once in a while so we can see you fabulous progress.
Exercises fixes everything for me. Lethargic? Exercise. Tired? Exercise. Can't concentrate? Exercise. Sore from exercise? Slightly more exercise. Want to eat a large meal guilt free? Exercise a little more ;)
definitely gets those neurotransmitters going in the brain.
Great for sad.
You go! Congrats on keeping on in the movement department.
Please contibue to post once in a while so we can see you fabulous progress.

Thank you, I will. I keep in touch with my friend Nick and report in to him regularly as an accountability buddy. I find it helpful.

re: walking, during the winter i would take lunch at the warmest part of the day to walk and get sun in my face. it did wonders for me. i walk in the evening now and it's a highlight of my day. it's a big help for happiness.
I am now down 55 lbs since my heaviest weight and 41 lbs for the year. I was at Crater Lake over the weekend and had a much easier time hiking around at elevation than I did last year so that is a non-scale win. A pair of moto boots that didn't fit, now do and I am *almost* into my dirt bike pants.

The bursitis in my left hip is hurting less and the scale number drops.

That's outstanding!

Great job! :thumbup

You are also extending your life with this weight loss, you probably added years, if you can keep it off!
Hello! I started working out at a gym on March 31st of 2023. It is now the end of June and I have slowly but surely lost some weight and my body is changing shape and form. My eating is very clean except when Troy cooks for me-then it's too good and gracious to pass up.
I will continue to go to my "group fitness" gym and try not to get too bored.
Speaking of age-menopause and thyroid issues but otherwise healthy at 59 yrs old. Feel so much younger.

So Awesome Melissa! It turns into a great lifestyle, doesn't it? Give T my best...been a long time since I've seen him.

I am now down 55 lbs since my heaviest weight and 41 lbs for the year. I was at Crater Lake over the weekend and had a much easier time hiking around at elevation than I did last year so that is a non-scale win. A pair of moto boots that didn't fit, now do and I am *almost* into my dirt bike pants.

The bursitis in my left hip is hurting less and the scale number drops.


Great success story R! IMO, one of the best parts is the work it takes and seeing the direct result of that work. Even better when everyone else sees it, unprompted. You're there, now.
Troy was just here and left to return to Korea and then Taiwan, will return in July. We are planning a trip to Austin in August.
Anyway, keep doing what you are doing and heal up well.
Those of you who know me know that my son ran track and I became a track coach 8 years ago since I was always at track practice and enjoyed coaching and worked hard at becoming the best I could.

After 11 seasons of track, my son signed with USC and they will cover all costs of him going to school there. It was always his first choice and he is good enough that they wanted him to be part of their legendary team.
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