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Time to get Fit thread

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Those of you who know me know that my son ran track and I became a track coach 8 years ago since I was always at track practice and enjoyed coaching and worked hard at becoming the best I could.

After 11 seasons of track, my son signed with USC and they will cover all costs of him going to school there. It was always his first choice and he is good enough that they wanted him to be part of their legendary team.

That is awesome good for him.

So I really hate missing time at the gym. it sucks that I can put in months of work but then am under the weather for a week or two and those months of effort to get to a certain point are gone. But I persevere and I will conquer this shitty biological machine I have been given and will get back to where I was before eventually. Hit the treadmill again last night and am pushing myself to get back to where I was faster it seems that cardiovascular gains are not lost as quickly as pushing weights around for some reason.
Those of you who know me know that my son ran track and I became a track coach 8 years ago since I was always at track practice and enjoyed coaching and worked hard at becoming the best I could.

After 11 seasons of track, my son signed with USC and they will cover all costs of him going to school there. It was always his first choice and he is good enough that they wanted him to be part of their legendary team.

Way to go Brett! Hats off to that young man of yours. That's a major accomplishment. I hope you are feeling proud and excited.
That is awesome good for him..

Way to go Brett! Hats off to that young man of yours. That's a major accomplishment. I hope you are feeling proud and excited.
Thanks, guys!

it was a lot of hard work, getting good grades and having the natural talent to run fast (and jump far). He put in the time, as did we his parents, and now he should be set for life, he's also in the Marshall school of business which should set him up for life when track is done.

He's also a really good kid, always helping others and never putting others down. Yeah, I'm proud of him!
Troy was just here and left to return to Korea and then Taiwan, will return in July. We are planning a trip to Austin in August.
Anyway, keep doing what you are doing and heal up well.

Thanks, Berto. I hope your recovery is proceeding smoothly.

Thanks both! Healing is the WORST! It takes.so.damn.long! Stick around in this thread please...it's a great thread and we need more people stoking each other along.

Those of you who know me know that my son ran track and I became a track coach 8 years ago since I was always at track practice and enjoyed coaching and worked hard at becoming the best I could.

After 11 seasons of track, my son signed with USC and they will cover all costs of him going to school there. It was always his first choice and he is good enough that they wanted him to be part of their legendary team.

You're a bad as dude Brett...and your sons following right along. My god man...where did all the time go? I remember him when was like 10!!!! Tell him congrats from me and "thanks for making me OLD"!

That is awesome good for him.

So I really hate missing time at the gym.

I'm jelly of you. I'm out for at least another month...so 2 months total at a minimum. Awesome...
Those of you who know me know that my son ran track and I became a track coach 8 years ago since I was always at track practice and enjoyed coaching and worked hard at becoming the best I could.

After 11 seasons of track, my son signed with USC and they will cover all costs of him going to school there. It was always his first choice and he is good enough that they wanted him to be part of their legendary team.

Very impressive, and I'm sure it took some parenting to get there.
You're a bad as dude Brett...and your sons following right along. My god man...where did all the time go? I remember him when was like 10!!!! Tell him congrats from me and "thanks for making me OLD"!.
Thanks, Berto! Your memory is good, we came on the Goldwing (1st one) so that would put him at 10.

Perhaps I'll get a chance to come see some races, once you're healthy again. Not sure if I know many of the others racing anymore.
Very impressive, and I'm sure it took some parenting to get there.
I always put my kids first, not a recipe for living all of my personal dreams, but it allowed me to do what I see as a parents responsibility. My younger daughter is starting Law Schools this fall, also. Berto met her a few times, if he wants to feel even older. :laughing
Thanks, Berto! Your memory is good, we came on the Goldwing (1st one) so that would put him at 10.

Perhaps I'll get a chance to come see some races, once you're healthy again. Not sure if I know many of the others racing anymore.

I always put my kids first, not a recipe for living all of my personal dreams, but it allowed me to do what I see as a parents responsibility. My younger daughter is starting Law Schools this fall, also. Berto met her a few times, if he wants to feel even older. :laughing

Your kids are lucky, and I envy them. A parent that puts kids first is a wonderful human being.
I'm hella inspired. I had a goal of 5 miles pain free by September. I am way ahead of the game. Now I will start hiking and working out in new ways.
Fuck. YES!

I had my A1C tested. I started at the 6.6 range in 2019. I quit the metformin last year because it limited how much fiber I was allowed to eat.

I had it tested in April and it was at 6.0. I went in for my quarterly test yesterday and it's at 5.8 and that's without meds. I'm almost back at a normal A1C level, which should be 5.6 or less.

:banana :banana :banana :banana :banana
I am going to have to discontinue personal training 2x a week until I find a new job. I'm paid until the end of July. It's fine I have so much time I can just do it myself but paying for discipline really works.
Fuck. YES!

I had my A1C tested. I started at the 6.6 range in 2019. I quit the metformin last year because it limited how much fiber I was allowed to eat.

I had it tested in April and it was at 6.0. I went in for my quarterly test yesterday and it's at 5.8 and that's without meds. I'm almost back at a normal A1C level, which should be 5.6 or less.

:banana :banana :banana :banana :banana
That is great! Congratulations! :thumbup
Anyone else run wharf to wharf in Santa Cruz today?


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Was out on my ride yesterday, it was 111 when I started, saw 4 other people, 2 on bikes, 1 jogging, 1 running. I didn't see any carried water in evidence with the others. I wear a camelbak (type), 2 cooling towels and have two water bottles with ice to refresh my cooling towels. Got stopped at 5 traffic lights, only managed 16.3 mph average. I'm riding 4 days a week and hitting the gym 3 days with a session on the hand crank (like bike but with hands) 40 sec hard, 1 min slow pace, times 5.

I don't understand the lack of carried water in that kind of temp, I guess they must have lived here a lot longer than me.
i’m down 44 for the year as of today!

Pics (for yourself only). Keep at it R. That's bad ass! Pics are cause scales don't like adding muscle/ dropping fat, but your look does.
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Still haven't gotten back on the bike but working out hard. My trainer pushed my Monday training to Wed, so I did bench press and pullups and was admittedly sore the next day, and still a little Wed. He worked me out hard some 15 rep sets. Sore today, and next workout is tomorrow, but it's likely the weird day where he makes me walk around off balance and such with weights.

Some random Nextdoor lady messaged me that I was "hot" after she picked up some stuff I listed so it must be working ;)
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