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Time to get Fit thread

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Maybe its time to try some plant based protein foods. Nuts and Chia seeds are my go to these days.

Plant based proteins aren't complete proteins and usually aren't as easy to metabolize.

I think another aspect of my problem is a lack of time to cook. I end up knowing i have nothing prepared at home so wind up stopping at boston market after gym and do Half chicken, veggies, green beans, side caesar. Still only around 1100 cal. add a protein shake maybe another 250

at my lunch at work i have a 1/4 chicken, yogurt, string cheese

breakfast I'm not really hungry so I usually just force down a protein shake or quest bar.
So my trainer wants me to eat more calories than I can really seem to hit. I keep trying to eat a lot while staying within my macros but i keep coming up short. Target is 2800 calories a day with like 45% protein, 35% fat and like 20% carbs.

I never thought i would be struggling to eat but when the food aint fried chicken and nachos it get's hard to keep shoving protein down my gullet (get your filthy mind out of the gutter!)

Any advice?

High calorie diets.... ugh.
High calorie diets.... ugh.

Got to eat big to get big.
I never could efficiently bulk, because I hate feeling fat.
The alternative for me is just eat enough calories to not run a deficit and heavy protein. I don't think I have the genetics to ever be really yoked without some help anyways.
Ran a 5k in 25:00 on the treadmill then did a quick chest workout. Aiming to get the 5k down to 20:00 or so and lose some gut. I hit 197 lbs a while back and have since slimmed back to 184 lbs after swearing to myself I wouldn’t let it get to 200.
Went climbing, and just didn't have the energy. It's been a long weekend. After struggling on overhang 11b called it a day. Not sure if it really was because I felt off, or because they are re-calibrating their ratings to be harder. Will try it again when I feel better, it flowed super well.
Gym or outdoors?

It's almost August and we still haven't gone climbing at Smith Rock. Been up in the mountains every weekend.
Parked my car at the gym then realized I forgot my shorts and shirt. Damn it.
Gym or outdoors?

It's almost August and we still haven't gone climbing at Smith Rock. Been up in the mountains every weekend.

Gym. Haven't climbed outdoors in a long time. Other priorities. :)

Yeah been seeing the pics. Looks fun. :thumbup
We are hoisting 26" tires over 12 foot piles. Then we are retieing floating homes with 1 1/2" line. No gym this week.
Been starting to swim again since moving clubs. I remember swim team in High school we probably swam 4000+ yards a day. I'm at 1000 now (once or twice a week). Pace is OK at 1:40/100, but my arms are rubber afterwards. Goal is to get up to 1500 and be able to sprint that last lap.
Gym. Haven't climbed outdoors in a long time. Other priorities. :)
Unfortunately the same for me--haven't climbed outside yet this year, though have plans in the Sierra soon.

On the fitness front, recent arm injury makes muscle-ups painful. Arm doesn't want to bend all the way. Not a big deal with pullups, since it's easy to stop before the painful part. I popped out a muscle-up on the rings the other day, and had a lot of pain before I even realized I went through the part of the ROM that hurts.

I see the doctor today and figure out where to go from there. Hate losing fitness to injury at my age. The only affect I can see on climbing is making it a little harder to handle gear on a gear sling.
Gym or outdoors?

It's almost August and we still haven't gone climbing at Smith Rock. Been up in the mountains every weekend.

I don't think I've climbed there since the mid-00s. I'd love to ascend monkey face spire again. Monkey Space I guess, but if I'm not in shape for that, a route that includes the bolt ladder into the mouth cave.
I have no flippin clue how you guys manage to climb. Seriously I'm in awe. I tried to do it like twice maybe at the gym in Santa Cruz years ago. I got like nothing. Might be fun to try it again since I'm way lighter than I have ever been but I still doubt I can do much of anything. Props.
Dave, you've inspired me to get a set of oars and start rowing the little punt around. So good for the back and cardio!

Excellent. Post up some pictures.

Beautiful boat. Did you make it? I know you're crafty like that.

You look a little ummm, big, for that tiny boat. Maybe it's the kids throwing it off.

Thanks! Bought it like that-I'm too busy with other stuff to build boats, and this thing was a steal.

And I'm building a different boat, because I'm stupid.

I end up sitting near the very top because of the way the sliding seat is mounted so I end up looking too tall for the boat-it's quite large at 19' long. This video shows off the rowing setup:


Hey guys I came in 1355th place for Wharf to Wharf.

My real time was 49:33 way more stoked on that number

Congrats Mike! Kick ass.
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I have no flippin clue how you guys manage to climb. Seriously I'm in awe. I tried to do it like twice maybe at the gym in Santa Cruz years ago. I got like nothing. Might be fun to try it again since I'm way lighter than I have ever been but I still doubt I can do much of anything. Props.

Just like anything, it takes practice. I took my kid to a climbing gym and had fun on one of the walls. Great workout. Probably more than a workout than it should be since my lack of skill was made up for in just muscling through spots. Helps to a point.
I have no flippin clue how you guys manage to climb. Seriously I'm in awe. I tried to do it like twice maybe at the gym in Santa Cruz years ago. I got like nothing. Might be fun to try it again since I'm way lighter than I have ever been but I still doubt I can do much of anything. Props.

I'm pretty heavy, and I climb 5.9-5.10 stuff okay. It's mostly technique, although grip strength helps a lot. Took a couple of intro classes when we started, and went from there. :)


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