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Time to get Fit thread

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The iphone step built in counter seems so inaccurate. I walked a trail today that had a 160m elevation change. Took me 1:15 and said I walked just less than 8000m and 52 floors. The trail is only 3km but I stopped to take pics along the way.
Yesterday I did a short walk, maybe 1/2 hr and it said 10300m.
Guess there's no point is using it as any sort of activity gauge.

all pedometers is very inaccurate. distances from them are borderline guesses because most dont have a GPS or dont bother to use them often enough.

they are useful for gauging activity level when comparing to yourself, and only if your phone stays in the same spot like your pocket. then u can compare day totals and averages.
I really like my Garmin ForeRunner for that sort of thing. Counts steps and runs GPS for much more accurate mileage totals, along with elevation and HR.
Finally made it to the running store this weekend and found out that my right foot is a whole size bigger than my left (WTF!). The lady at the store said maybe my arch collapsed a bit. They did a scan and gait analysis and said no real outstanding issues but that my right foot tends to point out which I was not surprised by as it was something they tried to fix when I was younger with braces guess it worked for 40 years so not a bad ROI. I tried on some shoes and grabbed a pair they were expensive but if I can run without pain it will be worth it, they also have a 30-day return policy so going to hit the treadmill hard this week and see what happens.

You peeps in this thread amaze and inspire me.

Mountain climbing looks sick but seeing as my house is the highest hill around here it doesn't work so well for me. Summit is only 30 feet from sea level. I can do it all day long with no base camps.:teeth
i flew all the way from San Diego to Portland to climb that mountain :laughing

i was stressing the cost and taking time off work. then i remembered that the whole reason i work hard is to spend that $$ on fun stuff outside. i dont even like hiking, but it was worth it.
Okay. I've got a sinus infection. I'm gonna skip cardio till i feel better but what about weights? should i just stay away from the gym entirely?
Depends on how you feel. Sometimes I will still hit the gym when sick but really depends on how I feel overall. I will admit that working out does seem to make me feel better but I don't always want to spew my germs over the equipment at the gym and possibly make others sick but I don't think a sinus infection is contagious like a cold.
Depends on how you feel. Sometimes I will still hit the gym when sick but really depends on how I feel overall. I will admit that working out does seem to make me feel better but I don't always want to spew my germs over the equipment at the gym and possibly make others sick but I don't think a sinus infection is contagious like a cold.

Depends what the infection was caused by. Viral infections are contagious, bacterial usually not so much. Maybe I should just stay home
for me, exercising while sick is an attempt at skirting the fine line between feeling better or making everything worse. I generally wait until my symptoms have decreased. that probably has a success rate of 80% or so. unfortunately, that other 20% is exercising too soon and making my symptoms worse. I once turned a sinus infection into pneumonia by doing a trackday :laughing
20 ring rows
15 pushups
40 sit-ups
40 air squats

repeat x5 with a 40min cap.

Finished with time to spare and feeling great. Apparently theres a muscle in my shoulder i have never used until we did a bunch of rowing last week. Just was able to do the exercise today. Tomorrow?..... more rowing.
Did a quick 2.5 miles on the treadmill and no foot pain.:banana:banana

Gonna try again tomorrow and see if I can push it to 3 or 4 miles. Hope these shoes really work out I will be stoked to be able to run with no issues.

Got in some light bench presses. Peeps were on the triceps machines so had to bail early as they were gonna close anyways. First day back in a while and feeling good. Just have to go slow and feel where my new limits are due to shoulder.
fucking ROCKED it today.... Warm up was just a bunch of games and rowing and what not.

Work out: 20 mins

8mins of rowing - max calories

As many rounds as you can do in remaining 12mins

15 Russian kettlebell swings
30 single unders
200m run

I did the above work out 5 times through.
fucking ROCKED it today.... Warm up was just a bunch of games and rowing and what not.

Work out: 20 mins

8mins of rowing - max calories

As many rounds as you can do in remaining 12mins

15 Russian kettlebell swings
30 single unders
200m run

I did the above work out 5 times through.

Wow! I srsly can’t do this without ending up in ER.
oh and it was 93 degrees yesterday :laughing. Work out today was also really good. mostly front squats. I maxed at 90lbs, 5 reps, for 5 sets.

I also bought lifting shoes, holy cow what a difference it makes! Way more stable than just regular gym shoes!

My form has also gotten a TON better since the first time i did front squats, elbows stay up, nice steady pace. I have a narrower natural squat stance and i squat pretty low. as in lower than anyone else in class. Not sure if thats a good thing or bad thing yet.
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oh and it was 93 degrees yesterday :laughing. Work out today was also really good. mostly front squats. I maxed at 90lbs, 5 reps, for 5 sets.

I also bought lifting shoes, holy cow what a difference it makes! Way more stable than just regular gym shoes!

My form has also gotten a TON better since the first time i did front squats, elbows stay up, nice steady pace. I have a narrower natural squat stance and i squat pretty low. as in lower than anyone else in class. Not sure if thats a good thing or bad thing yet.

The depth of your squat form wise depends on your stance and hips. Can't remember the terminology exactly, but if your butt is winking you are too low, or your foot position isn't right for the type of hips you have.

Ass to grass is great to say, but isn't always the best for everyone. That said, most people can go lower than they typically do.

Thanks Beau! :love my quads are pretty sore from all the workouts this week. Today is a rest day.
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