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Time to get Fit thread

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Tried an 11c yesterday. I think I was messing up my body position and legs. Gave up near the top. Arms were super pumped and didn't think I would make it without falling yet again. Bleh. That being said fun climb. I think it flows quite nicely if I can figure out proper sequences and leg position.
Okay fit folks, I've plateaued and need some suggestions.

Background: I'm old. Turning 50 this month (yikes!!). I've dropped ~30 pounds of fat since November and put on ~10 pounds of muscle.

I've been doing a similar workout routine for quite a while and probably need to change it up. My weight and strength and body composition have stabilized. I'm 5'8" and 180 (+/- 3 lbs). I haven't had an official measurement done, but tape measure results and online calculators say I'm about 12% - 13% body fat.

I work out 4 days a week. I usually do:

25 minutes of cardio. I'm usually drenched in sweat at the end and my heart rate maintains ~160. I don't run any more. I have screws and a plate in my leg and it doesn't like the repeated pounding.

After cardio I lift weights. I don't lift heavy. I work (in order) shoulders, calves, core, chest, bicep, triceps. I don't do much with quads and glutes because they get worked with cardio, but I probably should do some weight training here. I don't work my upper back because I fucking hate it and I'm lazy :laughing

I eat pretty clean. I have a couple of cheat days during the week, but am mostly balanced in my diet.

I'd like to drop the last 10 pounds of fat and get a little leaner. I'm willing to adjust my diet to drop these last 10 pounds.

Okay fit folks, I've plateaued and need some suggestions.

Background: I'm old. Turning 50 this month (yikes!!). I've dropped ~30 pounds of fat since November and put on ~10 pounds of muscle.

I've been doing a similar workout routine for quite a while and probably need to change it up. My weight and strength and body composition have stabilized. I'm 5'8" and 180 (+/- 3 lbs). I haven't had an official measurement done, but tape measure results and online calculators say I'm about 12% - 13% body fat.

I work out 4 days a week. I usually do:

25 minutes of cardio. I'm usually drenched in sweat at the end and my heart rate maintains ~160. I don't run any more. I have screws and a plate in my leg and it doesn't like the repeated pounding.

After cardio I lift weights. I don't lift heavy. I work (in order) shoulders, calves, core, chest, bicep, triceps. I don't do much with quads and glutes because they get worked with cardio, but I probably should do some weight training here. I don't work my upper back because I fucking hate it and I'm lazy :laughing

I eat pretty clean. I have a couple of cheat days during the week, but am mostly balanced in my diet.

I'd like to drop the last 10 pounds of fat and get a little leaner. I'm willing to adjust my diet to drop these last 10 pounds.


In a word: row.

And quit processed sugar. I'm 52 and this was the single biggest game-changer.
^ We should chat about sugar. How do you avoid it? I think I have cut most of it out. Honey is my sweetener of choice. I know sugar is pretty much everywhere though. I look for it on labels but I'm not sure it isn't sneaking in when I least expect it. Anyone have a list of sugar free foods they love?
In a word: row.

And quit processed sugar. I'm 52 and this was the single biggest game-changer.

+1 on the processed Sugar.

Also if you drink more than a couple high gravity beers a week I would consider cutting them out. I cut out beer and have dropped close to 20lbs since the beginning of June.
I did whole30 a while ago. It has a ZERO sugar policy. Like none, zip, NADA. If it says it on the ingredients you weren't allowed to have it.

What I learned? sugar is fucking EVERYWHERE and in EVERYTHING. Was actually pretty disappointing. If you google whole30 approved foods they will all be sugar free.
^ We should chat about sugar. How do you avoid it? I think I have cut most of it out. Honey is my sweetener of choice. I know sugar is pretty much everywhere though. I look for it on labels but I'm not sure it isn't sneaking in when I least expect it. Anyone have a list of sugar free foods they love?

honey is basically sugar.
I did whole30 a while ago. It has a ZERO sugar policy. Like none, zip, NADA. If it says it on the ingredients you weren't allowed to have it.

What I learned? sugar is fucking EVERYWHERE and in EVERYTHING. Was actually pretty disappointing. If you google whole30 approved foods they will all be sugar free.
I have some friends that did whole30. Certainly not for me.
I would never completely try to cut all sugars, just complex-processed ones. Keeping simple sugars is fine.
I once gave up sugar for around 2 years but now find it difficult to go a few days without some sort of junk.
One dude at work will often have 6 or more cookies on his desk that he'll manage to gobble down in a shift.
+1 on the processed Sugar.

Also if you drink more than a couple high gravity beers a week I would consider cutting them out. I cut out beer and have dropped close to 20lbs since the beginning of June.


I once gave up sugar for around 2 years but now find it difficult to go a few days without some sort of junk.
One dude at work will often have 6 or more cookies on his desk that he'll manage to gobble down in a shift.

That's kinda me too...given up on controlling sugar to some infantile level. Fuck it...I don't drink alcohol much ever and no drugs either since out of my 20's..and even then, I didn't drink much and and didn't do a whole lot of drugs.

IMO, alcohol is an absolute body killer. Nothing worse. It wrecks people, hands down.
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That's kinda me too...given up on controlling sugar to some infantile level. Fuck it...I don't drink alcohol much ever and no drugs either since out of my 20's..and even then, I didn't drink much and and didn't do a whole lot of drugs.

IMO, alcohol is an absolute body killer. Nothing worse. It wrecks people, hands down.

Its amazing how well the body handles all the junk people put in it. Alcohol, smokes, processed food... yet they still show up for work and seem to function fine for years.
We're like rats in being able to survive on crap.

I average a couple of beer per year and had one last week so good now until Christmas. I just don't like the taste of it so its easy to avoid.
So hit the gym again last night and was able to run a good pace for me for about 15- 20 minutes. Felt really good with no foot pain. Not sure if being able to run longer is due to the new foot gear or the pre-workout drink I have been using for this last week. Maybe it is a combination of both but I am liking it so far.

Damn my tri's are killing me. I did some close grip incline benches on monday and some tri excercises on Tuesday but I haven't hurt this bad in that area for over a year. Thinking about taking tonight off as it would be back, tri, leg day and giving myself a rest and going at it again next week or maybe going and doing a light day with no tri's.
I have some friends that did whole30. Certainly not for me.
I would never completely try to cut all sugars, just complex-processed ones. Keeping simple sugars is fine.

I did the month but i also didnt do it "right". If you are on day 25 and you accidentally eat something that has sugar in it you're suppose to start ALL OVER. Sorry, fuck that. I did pretty good and lost 6lbs in that month?

But its hard, expensive and not sustainable.
I did the month but i also didnt do it "right". If you are on day 25 and you accidentally eat something that has sugar in it you're suppose to start ALL OVER. Sorry, fuck that. I did pretty good and lost 6lbs in that month?

But its hard, expensive and not sustainable.

The people I know that did it surendidnt seem to get noticeable results for all the hassle.
I did it more for a "reset" or to kick start a fitness journey. I wouldnt do it again :laughing it was a huge hassle.
Lots of shoulder work today. Finally was able to do 65lbs strict press at 5 reps. And it was pretty easy. Last one I struggled for a millisecond. Ive come so far since day 1. Fucking love it.
Been able to steadily step up the cardio and weights, mostly just "getting back to it" kind of gains, but hoping they prove themselves at the races next weekend compared to how things were a couple weeks ago.

Had a weight woosh this past weekend, now just a couple pounds away from where I was when I broke my leg back in 2016.
Dr approved PT for my cranky shoulder. She thinks its a repetitive stress problem. I hope she is right and I can get it fixed with corrections that don't require knives.

Kim you are a beast, take a victory lap.

AJ, keep at it! Yall are inspirational. I need to get some. Been lazy.
I try and be realistic about processed sugar, so when I say cut it out I don't mean zero tolerance, just set a do-able level and stick with it.

Many of you know of my affinity with sugar, as in I used to drink maple syrup.... and lets not talk about M&M's, but now I allow myself up to 25 grams a day (that's like five m&m's). I don't count unprocessed fruit, so if I want sweetener with my cheerios then I blend five dates into the milk or add a handful of raisins.

This has worked very well for me.
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