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Time to get Fit thread

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Mondays work out was a LOT of weights not much cardio..

Part 1 - Build to heavy - 5 rounds of:

6 Deadlifts
3 hang power cleans
1 push jerk

I maxed out at 85lbs for the series. I tried to do 90 but couldnt get the barbell up to my chest and shoulders.

Part 2 - For Time - 5 rounds - Women - 65lbs, men - 85lbs

12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks

did it in 9:15. My forearms are wasted.
Easily the most fun I've ever had burning 1800 calories.

Shoulders today.

4x10 seated overhead dumbbell press
4x10 standing upright rows
3x10 kettlebell front raises
4x10 seated overhead barbell press (military press)
3x12 standing barbell shrugs
3 sets of 21s (7-7-7, side raises, rear-low-to-overhead raises, front raise splits - bring dumbbells up together touching in front of you then split to sides in a T motion whole holding at shoulder level, then back to middle and down)

It feels fucking GOOD to be back in the gym. Still had that pump when I got home so knocked out 3x10 pull-ups and 3x10 knee-to-elbow leg raises to finish out.
Slalom skiing is an absolute ass kicker. I was a big skier as a kid and could do it all day. As an adult, not so.much.

5 slalom runs this weekend and 20 minute standup (jet ski ) Moto’s. A good workout when I’m 2 hours from my gym. Sore...and way fun. Tomorrow: diving down to try and find my GoPro and gimbal that fell off and sunk when the shitty plastic mount broke.
Kim scorp norcal and holey :thumbup

Hitting delts and saggy/disgusting glutes tonight.
Drop it like its hot Lizard!

Work out today was pull-ups, lunges, rowing and running. Killed it today!

75 total lunges
5 200m runs
30 total rings rows
15 total mins of rowing
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Day three after returning from vacation. Interestingly not sore at all. Since I have a week off from weight work, I might try to do some PR reps for fun.
Hitting delts and saggy/disgusting glutes tonight.

Funny you mention that I just added machine squats to my routine a few weeks ago. I love it. I need to see if I can do them with a bar again. I tore the ligament that attaches the collar bone to the back of the shoulder on the right side and with the shoulder messed up on the left behind the neck squats were a no go and front squats with collar bone issue sucked also.

Lunges may be a good substitute for squats though.

With everyone talking about deadlifts, looking at you Kim, I am thinking about adding them into the rotation as well.
Funny you mention that I just added machine squats to my routine a few weeks ago. I love it. I need to see if I can do them with a bar again. I tore the ligament that attaches the collar bone to the back of the shoulder on the right side and with the shoulder messed up on the left behind the neck squats were a no go and front squats with collar bone issue sucked also.

Lunges may be a good substitute for squats though.

With everyone talking about deadlifts, looking at you Kim, I am thinking about adding them into the rotation as well.

There is probably no better single exercise than the deadlift (when executed properly and in a manner consistent to generally accepted norms).
Funny you mention that I just added machine squats to my routine a few weeks ago. I love it. I need to see if I can do them with a bar again. I tore the ligament that attaches the collar bone to the back of the shoulder on the right side and with the shoulder messed up on the left behind the neck squats were a no go and front squats with collar bone issue sucked also.

Lunges may be a good substitute for squats though.

With everyone talking about deadlifts, looking at you Kim, I am thinking about adding them into the rotation as well.

DO IT! Squats and deadlifts have become my absolute favorites!

There is probably no better single exercise than the deadlift (when executed properly and in a manner consistent to generally accepted norms).

What makes the deadlift so good? I only do stiff leg deadlifts. I do pull-ups, squats, front squats, lunges....

I don’t like deadlifts that much to be honest. Maybe they just aren’t needed for my goals.
Right now my flexibility sucks...

I tried to do the basic stretches that you do BEFORE Yoga on Monday...

Yesterday walking was difficult, still got up and rode my basic 15 mile ride but only didn't do any hard climbs or sprint intervals. Then walking was more difficult.

I also got a weight bench so I can be more systematic/safer with my strength training.

This morning it's back to the stretching then maybe some swimming in the river later since the water is still good.
Seeing steady improvements so far, but guessing I'll be leveling out here soon as I'm nearing where I left off last fall/winter.

Current regime is M-F, 15-30 min cardio (intense cardio sessions T/Th, lighter the other 3 days, mostly because I HATE cardio. Of pretty much any variety, but know I need to do it).

Weight lifting 5-day split, mostly dumbbells since that's what our fitness center has. Does limit things a bit, I think I may need to think about a gym membership this fall - which kind of sucks because I love the convenience of our little fitness center!

I do take Mondays off if I was at the track on the weekend.
What makes the deadlift so good? I only do stiff leg deadlifts. I do pull-ups, squats, front squats, lunges....

I don’t like deadlifts that much to be honest. Maybe they just aren’t needed for my goals.

just reading that makes my lower back hurt.
deadlifts are good because it helps you lift dead things. trees, cars, bodies... the list is endless.

it also helps with liek, everything

obviously tha'ts slanted to bodybuilders but it's working some huge muscles that help stabilize your entire body.

however. deadlifts have to be done RIGHT, or you're going to injure yourself.


start light, like just the bar. you can do them with freeweights as well if the bar is too heavy, dumbells and kettlebells work fine. get the form down, then increase slowly... like really slowly. this is something that's totally worth paying a bit for a trainer to help you get the form correct IMO
What makes the deadlift so good? I only do stiff leg deadlifts. I do pull-ups, squats, front squats, lunges....

I don’t like deadlifts that much to be honest. Maybe they just aren’t needed for my goals.

Deadlifts work your entire posterior chain, hams, forearms, biceps, traps, core etc. They impact and strengthen your entire core (front/back/sides) which is what you need for things like walking around, bending over, lifting things etc.

Not really a controversy that the DL is the king of all weighted resistance exercises.

I will say, that I did experiment with stiff legged DLs for a short period of time, because it was a pain in the butt to get the weights together for a decent DL at my home setup.
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