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Time to get Fit thread

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deadlifts are good because it helps you lift dead things. trees, cars, bodies... the list is endless.
Indeed. I once deadlifted a bigger than me detached rock flake off a climbing route that was being developed. Primary route developer was bigger and stronger than me but unable to remove the flake the way he tried (including prybar).

In highschool a buddy deadlifted back corner of my light weight car while we changed a tire.

Wish I could still do em but my spine health dictates otherwise.

I'm a big fan of exercises that give functional strength though.
What makes the deadlift so good? I only do stiff leg deadlifts. I do pull-ups, squats, front squats, lunges....

I don’t like deadlifts that much to be honest. Maybe they just aren’t needed for my goals.

just reading that makes my lower back hurt.

I do Romanian deadlifts as an accessory (lighter weight, more reps) because it adds in a little extra hamstring work. Definitely on the lighter side, though, because if I go hard I can definitely feel it for the next two days.


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I do Romanian deadlifts as an accessory (lighter weight, more reps) because it adds in a little extra hamstring work. Definitely on the lighter side, though, because if I go hard I can definitely feel it for the next two days.

We do RDL's but just for warm-up with no weights.

Right? But I did am working on not being critical of what others want to do for their fitness goals...:laughing

Yea, I already got shit in this thread for posting about over head squats :laughing (I dont like them AT ALL)

Todays workout was fun!

1min row
30 sec rest
1 min push ups
30 sec rest
1 min single/double unders
30 sec rest
1 min knees to elbows
30 sec rest

Repeat x4

we did some core and triceps stuff but that was the brunt of it.
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I use straight-leg deadlifts to lengthen my hamstrings. That exercise is stretching and strengthening all in one exercise. And i don't need much weight to feel a benefit, mostly because I sit all day for work.
just reading that makes my lower back hurt.

What kind of back problems you got?

I had bulging discs in my lower back, flares up every couple years on average.

I’ve got pretty heavy on SLDLs, repping 315 for high reps, and I don’t think they were ever a direct cause. Usually lifting something big in an awkward way does it.

Deadlifts scare me over 400 pounds and they don’t seem to enhance my perceived benefits enough to bother with the standard deadlift variation.
Deadlifts work your entire posterior chain, hams, forearms, biceps, traps, core etc. They impact and strengthen your entire core (front/back/sides) which is what you need for things like walking around, bending over, lifting things etc.

Not really a controversy that the DL is the king of all weighted resistance exercises.

I will say, that I did experiment with stiff legged DLs for a short period of time, because it was a pain in the butt to get the weights together for a decent DL at my home setup.

I think deadlifts are overrated. Just MO. I used to think deadlifts were the best which is why I’m here to offer my opinion. :) Good exercise but once I can deadlift 400 or so, I don’t see the need to go heavier.

And yea I do stiff leaf deadlifts strictly to work my hamstrings.
no one said you had to go heavier. deadlifts are a functional compound lift. I don't understand what you're arguing against
I think deadlifts are overrated. Just MO. I used to think deadlifts were the best which is why I’m here to offer my opinion. :) Good exercise but once I can deadlift 400 or so, I don’t see the need to go heavier.

And yea I do stiff leaf deadlifts strictly to work my hamstrings.

If anyone is to judge what works best for you, you are. SLDL are more.hamstring centric, but IMO that bit of isolation benefit is outweighed by the benefit of the more compound nature of the DL. Your experience differs, which I accept at face value, but I expect you are in the minority.
no one said you had to go heavier. deadlifts are a functional compound lift. I don't understand what you're arguing against

I think that conventional deadlifts aren’t anything special. Trap bar deads are a safer alternative, though.
I think that conventional deadlifts aren’t anything special. Trap bar deads are a safer alternative, though.

Trap bard deads are like a squat and for those that can't take the pain of the bar across their back.

Thee are so many variations of deadlifts; sumo, regular, wide, romanian, stiff leg, reverse or straight grip, slow concentric. Deadlifts work nearly every muscle in the body BUT can really jack a persons back if done wrong.

I cringe when I see these guys really jerk the back backwards at the top. All you need to do squeeze the butt cheeks and slowly push your hips forward.

Another variation is the deadlift for olympic snatches and cleans. It's different in that you keep your hips down as your go up. Deadlifts are a strength builder but actually make a person slow and less explosive expecially with the one rep stuff. I'd stick to 5x5 and sometimes do some reps of 10.

If bored mix it up. Try the 20 squat challenge, it's a rough 6 week program.


As Mark Rippetoe, the founder of Starting Strength stated, ‘if you do an honest 20 rep program, at some point God will talk to you. On the last day of the program, he asked if he could work in’.

try front squats. I really like front squats because it makes your focus on keep torso vertical and form tight. I'm currently doing legs 2-4 times a week depending on my orange theory days.

I just read an article about lifting heavy to get leaner and not bigger. I personally would like a thinner chest, not a bigger chest. As long as my chest sticks out further than my stomach, I'm good. A 155lb dude squatting 500+ was saying that he noticed after a day of box jumps that his deadlift went up. Its the explosive stuff that helps.
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I think that conventional deadlifts aren’t anything special. Trap bar deads are a safer alternative, though.

To each his own. :thumbup

Thursday's are usually my day off since there are no classes. Decided to go on a hike with a friend.......

Went hiking up in the CO mountains. ~1200 feet of elevation, with the very top being 9,330 ft, was supposed to be 4.2 miles we backtracked a bit and I THINK went on a separate longer trail. So likely hiked around 5 maybe 6miles? From car door to car door with a few stops and lunch we were out for 3hrs and 45mins :laughing We had planned to be done in 2.5 oh well! was fun and im whipped!


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To each his own. :thumbup

Thursday's are usually my day off since there are no classes. Decided to go on a hike with a friend.......

Went hiking up in the CO mountains. ~1200 feet of elevation, with the very top being 9,330 ft, was supposed to be 4.2 miles we backtracked a bit and I THINK went on a separate longer trail. So likely hiked around 5 maybe 6miles? From car door to car door with a few stops and lunch we were out for 3hrs and 45mins :laughing We had planned to be done in 2.5 oh well! was fun and im whipped!



Love those pics Kim. I have almost forgotten what mountains look like because it is flat as flat here in the swamps. Probably by teh end of this year will be looking at jobs in CO and ID areas because I want a better climate and some mountains.

Upped my jogging interval to a 4.6 MPH pace today and checked my heart rate right after and it was at 160ish which is huge for me because for the longest time it would be more like high 170s. Plus the pace is getting easier to keep up for a longer time. I am going to keep upping the speed until I get to around 5.5 or 6 MPH and then I will start upping the run time until I can do a good 45 minutes stretch with no issues.

Got in a really good shoulder and back workout today and was lifting heavier on the front shoulder press with less pain. I think taking the pain the first week and pushing through may have helped loosen up the shoulder and got me some movement back.

Tomorrow is leg day and will try to throw in some deadlifts and maybe box jumps so I can get my vert back and dunk on some fools at the playground.
Kim, you're in outdoor workout LAND! We're all jealous!
These pictures don't do the view ANY justice. It was breathtaking. I can't wait to head out again.
Just finished pecs and legs. Then I weighed myself like a lil bitch haha
Some dudes at the gym weigh themselves more than once per night.

I took a two week vacation and haven’t done anything since other than walking.
Its easy to keep a routine going but when you stop it’s easy to blow off exercise.
That law of motion seems apply to motivation also.
Some dudes at the gym weigh themselves more than once per night.

I took a two week vacation and haven’t done anything since other than walking.
Its easy to keep a routine going but when you stop it’s easy to blow off exercise.
That law of motion seems apply to motivation also.


I got hurt two months back and getting back on a schedule has finally come together...finally. I lost 5-6 lbs. Ugh. All muscle mass, but oh well. It's about all I have to lose.
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