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Time to get Fit thread

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Been swamped with a car job and finally made it back on the water yesterday after over a week off.

One might think a week of sanding with my arms until they dropped would maintain some semblance of muscle, but apparently not. I was slow as hell.
I go back into the gym 2-1/2 weeks ago after 2 months off due to moving.

At my age (late 50's) things drop off fast, and it takes more to get there. I had dropped 20 lbs during the move, but 10 of that was muscle so I've already put 12 back, but I know that as I tone that will drop a couple pounds.

This new gym is huge and has a wide selection of machines including Hinge series which I'm liking, though some of them I don't. What I do like is that there are at least 3 for every muscle (3 brands) so if somebody is on one I can hop on another and keep moving. I do 30 sets in under 30 minutes by jumping between muscle groups so there is no down time through my workout.

What's interesting is that there are a higher percentage of OG's who are in great shape at this gym, so I've got a higher bar to be the most fit for my age group. :laughing
Brett, keep us up to date on your progress. Will be interesting given your (well) fitness and age.
Been swamped with a car job and finally made it back on the water yesterday after over a week off.

One might think a week of sanding with my arms until they dropped would maintain some semblance of muscle, but apparently not. I was slow as hell.

Have you signed up for the race yet? Nothing kept me motivated to train more than the stark terror of failing spectacularly in front of a bunch of people....
We all putting on our fat layers for winter? I have been slacking. I hit the gym for the first time in months last week for some overdue weight training. It felt good to be sore but I also felt slow. I got one hill run session in and surfed last evening so I feel better but not quite how I like to be. Outrigger is this Sunday and I'm pumped for it. I hope to find out soon if I get drawn for the escape from Alcatraz tri. I didn't expect to feel this way but I'm really hoping to do it.

Kim was crushing it, hope you are still on it.

Beau, whats up? Winters coming. Lets mid life crisis our way into some epic sessions.

Dave, sharks our are friends. They will absolutely motivate you to MOVE!! do the race, do the race, do the race, do the race do the race.

lizard, you got 20. Do it.

Sharxfan, one step at a time. Just keep working it will all come together. Your health is paramount and worth the effort.

stangmx13, can you swim on that wrist? It might be a nice change of pace from running.

Berto, Don't forget to eat. :twofinger
Mike, love your honesty. As said above...breaks are good. I went through a slump about 3 months ago and had to find new motivation. I found it in taking a deep few breaths, forcing myself to go to the gym when I wanted to nothing with gym. IT sucks! Power to you brother...you go it.
We all putting on our fat layers for winter? I have been slacking. I hit the gym for the first time in months last week for some overdue weight training. It felt good to be sore but I also felt slow. I got one hill run session in and surfed last evening so I feel better but not quite how I like to be. Outrigger is this Sunday and I'm pumped for it. I hope to find out soon if I get drawn for the escape from Alcatraz tri. I didn't expect to feel this way but I'm really hoping to do it.

Kim was crushing it, hope you are still on it.

Beau, whats up? Winters coming. Lets mid life crisis our way into some epic sessions.

Dave, sharks our are friends. They will absolutely motivate you to MOVE!! do the race, do the race, do the race, do the race do the race.

lizard, you got 20. Do it.

Sharxfan, one step at a time. Just keep working it will all come together. Your health is paramount and worth the effort.

stangmx13, can you swim on that wrist? It might be a nice change of pace from running.

Berto, Don't forget to eat. :twofinger

I don't want to hear about your winter.

I made it out again today.

I feel I have a decent base built up and am going to try to go from three days/week to four or five. Time to step it up a notch.
Fuck yeah Dave.

I will cop to being a total CA pussy in the cold. It was 45 deg yesterday morning and I thought I needed a parka. :laughing
I went to the gym on Monday. part 1 was more deadlifts, I stopped at 195. Then part 2 was a failed a test and I was just in a foul mood all day so didnt feel like posting about it :laughing test was 21-15-9

Deadlifts and push-ups. 115lbs for the deadlift and push-ups from the ground.

21 deadlifts, 21 push ups, then 15, then 9. All had to be done within 8mins. What I did:

21 deadlifts, 21 pushups
15 deadlifts, 15 pushups
9 deadlifts.......... out of time :mad

apparently ive been doing pushups all wrong. I did chest and thighs touch then back up. This coach said your thighs arent allowed to touch. So chest then back up. Not sure why its so vastly different but the 21 pushups at the beginning gassed me and i couldnt finish.
Well i am off most weights for a while. Broke may hand up this morning. Looks like squats for me for a while!

My legs are going to be huge!
Well i am off most weights for a while. Broke may hand up this morning. Looks like squats for me for a while!

My legs are going to be huge!

Sorry to hear it.

Heal up, man.

In other news, I've finally hit the point where I actually feel good again. Initially I went from tired all the time to....tired all the time but now I hurt too.....to feeling physically well.

Now to get this diet under proper control. I've stopped snacking and cut out sugar. That last bit has been difficult.
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...I just gave up on cutting sugar. Totally not worth it!

I took up cocaine for a few weeks to cut something and feel good about it.
I can’t cut sugar. I can get it down to once a day or every other day but that’s as good as it gets right now.
For as much as you shit on me...we both love the sugar. God bless Maroon 5 and that song too...
Just finished cycle September. Before September I had 35 miles in my lifetime on a bicycle

I finished with 254 miles for the month of September. I had a blast riding around Santa Cruz with my Co workers

Sept 30th we did a 34 mile ride to finish strong. I think bicycling is my new hobby!!!
lizard, you got 20. Do it.


Fuck Mike, your ocean swimming is so inspirational. Fuck yeah! I will work on 20!

I went to the gym on Monday. part 1 was more deadlifts, I stopped at 195. Then part 2 was a failed a test and I was just in a foul mood all day so didnt feel like posting about it :laughing test was 21-15-9

Deadlifts and push-ups. 115lbs for the deadlift and push-ups from the ground.

21 deadlifts, 21 push ups, then 15, then 9. All had to be done within 8mins. What I did:

21 deadlifts, 21 pushups
15 deadlifts, 15 pushups
9 deadlifts.......... out of time :mad

apparently ive been doing pushups all wrong. I did chest and thighs touch then back up. This coach said your thighs arent allowed to touch. So chest then back up. Not sure why its so vastly different but the 21 pushups at the beginning gassed me and i couldnt finish.

Kim, you are a fucking bro. Fuck yeah!

...I just gave up on cutting sugar. Totally not worth it!

I took up cocaine for a few weeks to cut something and feel good about it.

Holey, I still have a hard-on from reading your post about
your workouts. I may have to call a doctor cuz its been longer than four hours.
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...I just gave up on cutting sugar. Totally not worth it!

I took up cocaine for a few weeks to cut something and feel good about it.
I went to drinking natural lemonade (3 large lemons in half gallon) with no sugar on ice in place of all the juices I drank. It seriously cut down on my sugar intake and is very refreshing.

I've also cut back on my salt intake and am getting 4-5 days workout instead of 2-3 during the 10 months of track season (including training).
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