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Time to get Fit thread

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For as much as you shit on me...we both love the sugar. God bless Maroon 5 and that song too...

Dude, nah man it ain't like that. Just trying to break that spell you're under for your own good.
Didn't know of the Maroon 5 sugar song until now, but um, think I might be able to cut that one though easier than actual sugar.
Hahahaha! Well, FTR you say some funny ass shit, so I don't care what you call/ say to me. The humor is worth it! Long live BARF, brother!
Well....managed to slide in 10k meters on ye olde rowing machine. On trak to up the frequency of the workouts.

It's early out your way Mike, so I expect to hear about you working out today.

As for your harassment about me signing up for something to hold myself to.....fine. But it won't be that row.

The Boston marathon starts in my town.

I'm going to shoot for 2021.

We'll see if I can qualify in 2020.
Also worked on lat pulls last night in effort to get to 20 non-stop. But did something different. Cavaliere (athleanx) recommends improving pull ups by pulling down then slowly releasing the weight to enjoy the burn. Fuck yeah :burn

Will try my 40 reps next time and hopefully will beat my 40 reps in 6:30. Really like this thread!

Damn I can’t believe my above post was in July. It seems more recent. Anyhoo, tonight I tried to beat my 40 in 6:30 and did:

40 in 4:32 :)

It took about 9 sets. The first 3 sets included 6 reps. Last
set included 2 reps.

Have a great Thu evening everyone!
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Damn I can’t believe my above post was in July. It seems more recent. Anyhoo, tonight I tried to beat my 40 in 6:30 and did:

40 in 4:32 :)

It took about 9 sets. The first 3 sets included 6 reps. Last
set included 2 reps.

Have a great Thu evening everyone!

Massive improvenent!
Well finally back in the gym after about a week of not being able to go. Got sick Sunday/Monday lost about 5 lbs. Not the way I would recommend losing it.

Hit personal high today. got 145 lbs bench pressing and did 45lb dumbbell incline presses. I am back to where I was before I had surgery and my shoulder is feeling good. I kind of tweaked it doing cable crossovers but stretched it out and was able to complete my sets. Love being back in the gym.

I asked a friend who does it every year for a training thing she had told me about-it's something like a newb-to marathon how to. I'll post it up when I get it.

My muscles this morning:

Workouts have been going well. Weight loss less so - every time I cut into enough of a deficit for it to really be a measurable amount, the hangries are overwhelming, and energy levels plummet.

Accepting that it's just going to be slow going unless I want my workouts to suffer (which is not acceptable).

Today was legs/lower core. Pretty sure I'll be sore tomorrow lol.

But tomorrow is "Goat Yoga" so I'm kinda excited about that!
Well....managed to slide in 10k meters on ye olde rowing machine. On trak to up the frequency of the workouts.

It's early out your way Mike, so I expect to hear about you working out today.

As for your harassment about me signing up for something to hold myself to.....fine. But it won't be that row.

The Boston marathon starts in my town.

I'm going to shoot for 2021.

We'll see if I can qualify in 2020.

I slacked yesterday But dood, FUCK YEAH on the Boston Marathon. What does it take to qualify? And I Have NO idea if I could pull it off but, I would not rule out trying to do it with you. It is a worthy goal.
I will be swimming today with a bit more intention because of you.

For motivation I give you....

I slacked yesterday But dood, FUCK YEAH on the Boston Marathon. What does it take to qualify? And I Have NO idea if I could pull it off but, I would not rule out trying to do it with you. It is a worthy goal.
I will be swimming today with a bit more intention because of you.

For motivation I give you....


IIRC you need to have a qualifying time at another marathon, first.

They used to just let you run it without being entered but they stopped that after the bombing.

It's a bit odd for all the folks running it and the people watching to suddenly show up in my tiny town one day a year, and then all disappear.
IIRC you need to have a qualifying time at another marathon, first.

They used to just let you run it without being entered but they stopped that after the bombing.

It's a bit odd for all the folks running it and the people watching to suddenly show up in my tiny town one day a year, and then all disappear.

I wonder if the 70.3 would qualify me. My gut says they won't consider triathlons to make someone eligible. The last thing I am is a runner. But, if I don't get drawn for the escape from Alcatraz tri, I will give this a hard look and maybe try to qualify the right way for it. I like the idea of a Boston Mara-BARF-athon.
Fuck Dave,

its no small feat to qualify for the Boston Marathon....


if i'm reading this right and did the math correctly you need to run 7 minute 15 second miles to qualify in 2020! Even then 7000 people didn't make the entry. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk!

For reference, I ran 8 minute 15 second Miles over a 10k and it was all I had in me at the time.

Ya sure you don't wanna do that Rowing Race? :laughing
Fuck Dave,

its no small feat to qualify for the Boston Marathon....


if i'm reading this right and did the math correctly you need to run 7 minute 15 second miles to qualify in 2020! Even then 7000 people didn't make the entry. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk!

For reference, I ran 8 minute 15 second Miles over a 10k and it was all I had in me at the time.

Ya sure you don't wanna do that Rowing Race? :laughing

Guess I'll never have to worry about adding that to a bucket list :laughing
Workouts have been going well. Weight loss less so - every time I cut into enough of a deficit for it to really be a measurable amount, the hangries are overwhelming, and energy levels plummet.

Accepting that it's just going to be slow going unless I want my workouts to suffer (which is not acceptable).

When I first start my diet which is 6 meals a day every 2 hours I have to snack in between usually with unsalted nuts because I am starving before my next meal. After the second or third week, I am usually trying to force myself to eat every 2 hours and finish what I am supposed to. Hang in there and the hangries will go away as your body adjusts. I got sick earlier this week so will be starting the diet again next week. So yeah me...... :(
I channeled you and your manly 28 nonstop dead hangers!

Well, i am out of the pull gane for the next one or two months getting the bones in my hand fixed. Ill use the tine to let any nagging pains from lifting subside. Im going to bounce back and shoot for a plus 50lbs on my deadlift and 35+ pullups by years end. Since i will be doing 80% cardio that should really help with the high reps on pullups. I would.normally aiming to bulk up a little now that fall is here, but it looks like plans changed and going to get lean
When I first start my diet which is 6 meals a day every 2 hours I have to snack in between usually with unsalted nuts because I am starving before my next meal. After the second or third week, I am usually trying to force myself to eat every 2 hours and finish what I am supposed to. Hang in there and the hangries will go away as your body adjusts. I got sick earlier this week so will be starting the diet again next week. So yeah me...... :(

Umm, it's been like 4 months LOL - and this is historically the case. Thankfully I love veggies, so I can at least feel full right after a meal, it just doesn't last long. Pretty sure my body is just wired to eat like it did from childhood into my mid-late 30's, when I realized that my move to a sedentary job (and lack of changing my eating) led to enough weight gain to make me put on the brakes.

Since...2015, I've been working to slowly lose - if I'm working out, with fitness being priority #1, I simply can't seem to lose fast (and by "fast" I mean 1 pound/week) without my workouts suffering. 1 pound a month is manageable and maintainable - just really slow LOL

I can lose faster, but at the sacrifice of my workouts and ST...so just have to choose my priorities, and fitness goes a lot further with what I'm doing than a few pounds will - at least when you're already riding a fire breathing dragon :laughing
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I signed up for a 6 week nutritional challenge at my gym. 2 teams 2 coaches, 2 different ways of going about it. I dont know details I find out Sunday. No idea what the winning team gets other than maybe bragging rights.

Let's how this goes. working out is easy. Nutrition is not.
Fuck Dave,

its no small feat to qualify for the Boston Marathon....


if i'm reading this right and did the math correctly you need to run 7 minute 15 second miles to qualify in 2020! Even then 7000 people didn't make the entry. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk!

For reference, I ran 8 minute 15 second Miles over a 10k and it was all I had in me at the time.

Ya sure you don't wanna do that Rowing Race? :laughing

I thought it was supposed to be a challenge? :laughing

I haven't self timed a mile (or ran one) in a long time. Guarantee you're currently faster than me.

You gonna let an old man training in the snow beat ya?
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