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Time to get Fit thread

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Just curious why so few pictures since that is a good indicator of progress.

More of an observation than request.

Also, with the brain-trust on here, others could see where we're lacking and give suggestions. I know that most people have favorite machines, lifts, muscle groups, etc and we often don't fill out the full spectrum of our muscle groups. It's always good to get a second pair of eye's catching what we're looking at and not seeing.
I let Beau handle the pic posting and keep mine to myself, because I am considerate of my fellow human beings and nobody wants to see me shirtless.
No disrespect taken, I'm honored.

With that said, what you want is fully realistic and can be achieved by simple diet and cardio. Start by figuring your basal metabolic rate then eat a little fewer calories that that number. As you introduce cardio (minimum of 20 minutes a day) your BMR will go up so you can eat a little more. Stay away from processed grains and sugar, eat whole grains and protein rich foods- combined with plenty of leafy greens. I guarantee you will see and feel results within the first two weeks.

Totally agree. And if there are no results in two weeks, usually it means there’s something amiss like effort in working out or something in the diet. But yeah, if you stick to a legit program you will see results in two weeks - most likely looser fitting pants, flatter stomach, and improved muscle tone. Its amazing how we can change our bodies through diet and exercise.
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How do you guys stay disciplined? I lack it so much :cry
Gotta find your thing. My thing is being told what to do :laughing

Going into a gym and having to come up with a routine everyday? Nope! I get bored and/or no motivation to do it.

Going to a class every day and having the workouts always be different definitely helps my boredom. Ive been going strong since April and thats the longest stint for me.
How do you guys stay disciplined? I lack it so much :cry

Once you start seeing the results you want it becomes a self-feeding cycle as far as sticking with it. You see what happens when you go and then you are like hell yeah I am liking this and then it becomes a habit. Try finding things you like doing at the gym so it makes it enjoyable as well helps. I have found a renewed joy in lifting weights and it is helping my shoulder become more stable so it is a win-win.

You can also try to find a gym buddy to help keep you motivated by making you feel guilty for not going to the gym with them.

Studies say if you can do it for like 4 weeks then it will become a habit so make that a goal. 4 weeks of consistent gym-going and then it should become a habit and a lot easier to keep up.

Also, follow this thread it is great motivation and we can help you keep it up with our unwavering enthusiasm in seeing everyone succeed in what they are doing.
Ok, 3 weeks back in after a couple months off while moving.
I see some guys in my age group (late 50's) in better shape in my gym, at least I assume that is their age, hard to tell.

Part of my reason for posting this is that I know if I stall out, I will be (rightfully) called on it. :laughing


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Damn Climber looking good.

You can't always tell age by looking. there was a guy at my gym who I could have sworn was older than me but I overheard him talking one day and he was like 17 years younger than me.

You guys have set too high a bar I am never posting in here until I look like The Guvnah in his Mr. Olympia days. :twofinger
There was a guy in my last gym who was an old ex football player who was 72 years old and in better shape than most 20 somethings and most 30 somethings that went to the gym regularly. He spent 2-1/2 hours, five days a week doing his workouts and never cut himself a break.

I got him turned on to the Matrix Krankcycle which works the arms, body and legs well, he was one of the few who would put in the sets on that machine that really worked you when you cranked up the resistance.

If I look as good as he did when I get to 72, I'll be content.
Damn Brett...old guys are sending it! Beefcake!
This year I'm down about 40lbs. Was in the 220s a year ago and most recently got into the high 170s. I'm kinda short so likely my body WANTED me to lose that.

I've gone up and down most of my life, but of late what has worked best for me isn't necessarily working out (but that IS important) but rather diet. Diet is like 75% or more.

I do intermittent fasting.

I give myself a day where I don't. Sometimes 2. Just depends.

There's really nothing I can't eat. It's just about structure. I try to do a minimum of 18 hours a day. So that means my last meal may be at 6pm, then my first meal is at 12 the next day.

If I do a low carb or no carb thing (especially the first few days after a binge on the weekend), then it's all the more effective. (worth noting that on weekends I eat most anything and try to eat more)

I'd broken my clavicle in June so I had to find a way to keep losing weight and that meant getting serious with Intermittent Fasting.

When I read up on it, it all makes perfect sense. Hunter/Gatherers didn't have the luxury to be snacking whenever. They may eat one big meal, then go a day or more without eating. The body in turn kicks in systems to up your game when it sees you've been fasting. It produces human growth hormone, helps cell regeneration ... blah blah

Point is it worked for me and it's tough to call it a diet as I can eat whatever I want. It's just the WHEN. And you'll find your stomach will shrink. Your taste for food will change. So will your appreciation.
Also, hunger is a LIE.

It's a lie.

You may have eaten say ... 3 hours ago ... then you feel hungry. LIES!

Your body is still processing that food. The sensation of hunger will go away. Once you realize that, you can laugh at hunger. You will eat for necessity and not just to pass the time.
Ok, 3 weeks back in after a couple months off while moving.
I see some guys in my age group (late 50's) in better shape in my gym, at least I assume that is their age, hard to tell.

Part of my reason for posting this is that I know if I stall out, I will be (rightfully) called on it. :laughing

Props to you for posting :thumbup
How do you guys stay disciplined? I lack it so much :cry

Agree with what everyone has said. I just want to add that it’s not easy but once you get into your routine and see the changes you really want to continue. The mirror is so inspiring along with the people on this thread.

The feeling of being in shape is more gratifying than indulging on food.
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Props to you for posting :thumbup
I see it as keeping me honest.

I've got a strong inner-drive, I get into the gym and I push it hard and half of that is not fun but to get the conditioning and tone that I want there is no other way to get there.

But, there is always those extra little things that can help you push a little harder...that guy 2 machines down who is running at a little higher speed than you, the guy who was last on the machine who was pushing a bit more weight than you, the people around you in cardio who would notice that you stopped after 10, 15, 20 minutes. All of these little mental games to push that little bit harder.

I wish I had my wife's endorphin hit, once she's 20-25 minutes in, she can go for hours, riding the endorphin high. I've never had that, every minute, every mile is pure willpower. I would have killed for that kind of training aid throughout my life.
Also, hunger is a LIE.

It's a lie.

You may have eaten say ... 3 hours ago ... then you feel hungry. LIES!

Your body is still processing that food. The sensation of hunger will go away. Once you realize that, you can laugh at hunger. You will eat for necessity and not just to pass the time.

Totally true! My problem is the inverse: I don't get hungry very often and have to remind myself to eat. Intermittent fasting is the "new" thing I hear from a lot of people, but because I get distracted (constantly), I miss meals all the time. It sucks if you want to gain size, but finally it's coming around to be a benefit.

I'm horrible at a regular eating schedule. Turns out that's a good thing now. Amazing...
havent posted a work out though I have been going. Over head squats today. Work out part one was build to a heavy. Work out part 2 was

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 each of:

Overhead Squat - I did 35lbs since I suck at these
Wall balls - 14 lbs

I was fucking gassed. Took me 17mins to get it done
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