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Time to get Fit thread

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Brett, I've started this (and it works), stand in front of them till they look up, point at them, then make the hitchhiker thump and and point it high and to the right. The look you get is awesome, all the while listening to Pat Benatar's Invincible. One guy said "I've got two more sets" and I instantly replied (with my headphones in, so I'm sure it was too loud), "get on with it so I can get one in, please". He ended up just bouncing.

I have no time for those fucks.
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Brett, I've started this (and it works), stand in front of them till they look up, point at them, then make the hitchhiker thump and and point it high and to the right. The look you get is awesome, all the while listening to Pat Benatar's Invincible. One guy said "I've got two more sets" and I instantly replied (with my headphones in, so I'm sure it was too loud), "get on with it so I can get one in, please". He ended up just bouncing.

I have no time for those fucks.
Agreed. You and I are on the same page. If somebody is just being a 'tard I can be assertive. It usually depends on the day.
Thankfully I'm typically in the gym early enough that the people who are there are there to workout, get their stuff done, and get out (mornings before work). I MUCH prefer the morning crowd, it's more likely to be the folks who are there for a purpose, not just hanging out or doing - who knows what.

That all said, I'm having to start gym shopping - officially outgrown my little complex fitness center on a couple things (legs especially) and a few other things would benefit from more options.

Granted, it's been really handy to have it here, but I think my plan is to find a gym closer to work (not too many options right where I live) and just shower and prep for work at the gym. It'll waste the least amount of time, and better gym options over there. Can plan one workout that fits into my little fitness center's supplies, so on my telecommute day I can stay home.

Final note - the diet changes *seem* to be working. It's a bit early to really tell, but I'm seeing small improvements. And since it has me tracking everything, my intake has been way more on point, and the scale is responding as well - finally down to where I was (or even slightly below) when I broke my leg back in 2016.

May not seem like much to most, technically I've only lost about 11 pounds, but when you're averaging around 1/3 lb/week, it's nice to finally have the numbers reflect all the work.

Fitness is doing great, my workouts this week have been really good, so apparently the diet changes aren't causing any crashes in that department.
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I think that going to the gym, for the vast majority of people, is a hobby, not a means to an end. Does not diminish it, by any means.

That’s me. I’ve been going to the gym or 6 months and look like I’ve never been in the door of one. I don’t have a routine, just grab whatever machine isn’t being used and end with 30 minutes of cardio which is mind numbingly boring.
I’m not looking to get bigger or smaller but simply stay somewhat active. Better than doing nothing.
Damn I can’t believe my above post was in July. It seems more recent. Anyhoo, tonight I tried to beat my 40 in 6:30 and did:

40 in 4:32 :)

It took about 9 sets. The first 3 sets included 6 reps. Last
set included 2 reps.

Have a great Thu evening everyone!

Felt like shit when I woke up but planned to hit 40 dead-hang pull-ups today so I said fuck it, let’s get this fucker done.

40 in 4:02.

It took 9 sets again: 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 2, and 2.

Goddamn I wanted to beat 4:00 but that 40th rep was a mother. Got gassed with my nose at the bar and willed my chin another couple of inches up. Face turned purple goddamnit.

Happy weekend everyone!
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AJ, 11 lbs is a lot for you. Well done so far.
Ffffuuuuu...so many aren't though. They do a set and then sit on the equipment surfing their phone for minutes on end...

Today. Hot millenial.

While I did:

40 sets of various stuff & ran 1/2-mile on treadmill

She did:

3 sets & iPhone texting/surfing
Today. Hot millenial.

While I did:

40 sets of various stuff & ran 1/2-mile on treadmill

She did:

3 sets & iPhone texting/surfing

but her IG is killing yours!
Today. Hot millenial.

While I did:

40 sets of various stuff & ran 1/2-mile on treadmill

She did:

3 sets & iPhone texting/surfing

Well you did say she was hot...old guys like us need more work than young hotties
Well you did say she was hot...old guys like us need more work than young hotties

That’s an unfair advantage women have over men. A lot of women look hot without doing any exercise. There’s a much smaller time window where men can look in shape while not exercising at all.
Food reset

I've been keto-ish for quite a while, generally eat pretty low carbs, but I'm fasting right now to see how long it lasts. I'm allowing myself beer occasionally but that's it. Multivitamin and some electrolytes daily, along with black coffee. It's now Sunday night, last time I ate was Tuesday dinner and I feel fine. Went for a six mile run yesterday, worked on the house and yard today, everything seems completely normal.

Which seems weird

So tomorrow will be day 6
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I have to give a shout out to my cousin Kasey who competed in her first international marathon 10K Swim in Bermuda this past weekend.

She Finished 8th overall. Second in Womens. No age divisions. She did 22 minute miles for 6 miles. Thant ladies and gentlemen is Swimming. 2 hrs and 38 mins is a long time to swim.


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Hah, turns out that's almost exactly my one mile record. :laughing

Pretty confident that you and I can out-trample a bunch of skinny marathoners.


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    1 Mile.jpg
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Hah, turns out that's almost exactly my one mile record. :laughing

Pretty confident that you and I can out-trample a bunch of skinny marathoners.

I don't want to think about how much slower I've gotten.

Probably in the ten min range right now. Used to be half that.

I'll be happy to be a 6 min miler again.

I'm starting weds from the look of things here.
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