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Time to get Fit thread

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Congratulations to everyone is who is meeting or continue to work to meet your personal goals.

Just a quick update since I don't post a lot. I changed my diet in August to low carb, low sugar, little alcohol intake, and moderate exercise, along with good sleeping habits. Consistent sleeping habits are crucial for me, I don't know why it affects me so much more than it had in the past, but it does. My numbers go completely out of wack when my sleep routine gets disrupted.

In the last two months I have made more progress than I have in the last two years. I have weighed myself regularly, tape every four weeks and take pictures in the same shorts and sports bra every two weeks because all numbers, not just scale numbers, matter to me. I have to meet weight standards every 6 months for my job so I constantly know what my numbers are.

The result: I am down 16lbs, lost 5 inches (mainly about my waist and hips), and have gone down at least two sizes. Some clothes are way too big, mainly pants, but now the ones I have been wanting to wear-actually fit! I am not buying new clothes yet because I am only half way to my goal.

I don't post pictures because its not my style. I am not ashamed of my body but I only share those with my spouse.
Congratulations to everyone is who is meeting or continue to work to meet your personal goals.

Just a quick update since I don't post a lot. I changed my diet in August to low carb, low sugar, little alcohol intake, and moderate exercise, along with good sleeping habits. Consistent sleeping habits are crucial for me, I don't know why it affects me so much more than it had in the past, but it does. My numbers go completely out of wack when my sleep routine gets disrupted.

In the last two months I have made more progress than I have in the last two years. I have weighed myself regularly, tape every four weeks and take pictures in the same shorts and sports bra every two weeks because all numbers, not just scale numbers, matter to me. I have to meet weight standards every 6 months for my job so I constantly know what my numbers are.

The result: I am down 16lbs, lost 5 inches (mainly about my waist and hips), and have gone down at least two sizes. Some clothes are way too big, mainly pants, but now the ones I have been wanting to wear-actually fit! I am not buying new clothes yet because I am only half way to my goal.

I don't post pictures because its not my style. I am not ashamed of my body but I only share those with my spouse.

thats great work. congrats and keep on going :thumbup. I think to see results it's like 80% diet (and proper sleep) and 20% working out
Congratulations to everyone is who is meeting or continue to work to meet your personal goals.

Just a quick update since I don't post a lot. I changed my diet in August to low carb, low sugar, little alcohol intake, and moderate exercise, along with good sleeping habits. Consistent sleeping habits are crucial for me, I don't know why it affects me so much more than it had in the past, but it does. My numbers go completely out of wack when my sleep routine gets disrupted.

In the last two months I have made more progress than I have in the last two years. I have weighed myself regularly, tape every four weeks and take pictures in the same shorts and sports bra every two weeks because all numbers, not just scale numbers, matter to me. I have to meet weight standards every 6 months for my job so I constantly know what my numbers are.

The result: I am down 16lbs, lost 5 inches (mainly about my waist and hips), and have gone down at least two sizes. Some clothes are way too big, mainly pants, but now the ones I have been wanting to wear-actually fit! I am not buying new clothes yet because I am only half way to my goal.

I don't post pictures because its not my style. I am not ashamed of my body but I only share those with my spouse.
Great job!

I've found that people interact with you different when you're fit versus over-weight.

Are you going to burn the old larger clothes to give yourself extra incentive not to go back there? :)
thats great work. congrats and keep on going :thumbup. I think to see results it's like 80% diet (and proper sleep) and 20% working out

Thanks. I completely agree.

Great job!

I've found that people interact with you different when you're fit versus over-weight.

Are you going to burn the old larger clothes to give yourself extra incentive not to go back there? :)

Thanks. No need for me to start a wildfire, I just donate them.
havent posted a work out though I have been going. Over head squats today. Work out part one was build to a heavy. Work out part 2 was

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 each of:

Overhead Squat - I did 35lbs since I suck at these
Wall balls - 14 lbs

I was fucking gassed. Took me 17mins to get it done

Woohoo, Kim!

Congratulations to everyone is who is meeting or continue to work to meet your personal goals.

Just a quick update since I don't post a lot. I changed my diet in August to low carb, low sugar, little alcohol intake, and moderate exercise, along with good sleeping habits. Consistent sleeping habits are crucial for me, I don't know why it affects me so much more than it had in the past, but it does. My numbers go completely out of wack when my sleep routine gets disrupted.

In the last two months I have made more progress than I have in the last two years. I have weighed myself regularly, tape every four weeks and take pictures in the same shorts and sports bra every two weeks because all numbers, not just scale numbers, matter to me. I have to meet weight standards every 6 months for my job so I constantly know what my numbers are.

The result: I am down 16lbs, lost 5 inches (mainly about my waist and hips), and have gone down at least two sizes. Some clothes are way too big, mainly pants, but now the ones I have been wanting to wear-actually fit! I am not buying new clothes yet because I am only half way to my goal.

I don't post pictures because its not my style. I am not ashamed of my body but I only share those with my spouse.

Oh man, another success story! Thanks for sharing. Your post is inspiring me to keep at it!

thats great work. congrats and keep on going :thumbup. I think to see results it's like 80% diet (and proper sleep) and 20% working out

Totally agree that its more diet than exercise that transforms
your body.

I see so many people at the gym working out hard but without any physical
change. Maybe they’re ok with that?
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Totally true! My problem is the inverse: I don't get hungry very often and have to remind myself to eat. Intermittent fasting is the "new" thing I hear from a lot of people, but because I get distracted (constantly), I miss meals all the time. It sucks if you want to gain size, but finally it's coming around to be a benefit.

I'm horrible at a regular eating schedule. Turns out that's a good thing now. Amazing...

Like all things that gain in popularity intermittent fasting it’s bound to become uncool and start getting some blowback from naysayers.
Totally agree that its more diet than exercise that transforms
your body.

I see so many people at the gym working out hard but without any physical
change. Maybe they’re ok with that?

I just kind of assume that it's a heck of a lot easier to go to the gym than it is to eat right AND in moderation.
Totally agree that its more diet than exercise that transforms
your body.

I see so many people at the gym working out hard but without any physical
change. Maybe they’re ok with that?
I've seen plenty of people over the years a gyms who either do aerobics, cardio or lifting but little to no cross-over.

I see the value in cardio and in lifting (as well as aerobics, though I do very little of it lately, choosing to go at my own pace) and try to do an equal amount of effort in both.

I've seen tons of studies that show that weight loss is hard if you are subjected to a high amount of stress, but that strenuous exercise can offset the impact of stress.

I've talked to some guys who thing that cardio or aerobics will diminish the muscles they've worked so hard at getting bigger.

And, yes, I've seen a lot of people who go to the gym, year in, year out whose bodies don't change and some in fact go backwards.

Though, to be fair, they may have reached the goal or level that they're willing to put the effort into achieving and are maintaining that level.

On the other side, I've seen plenty of people who go to the gym but spend far more time and effort picking out their songs and wtf else they're doing on their phones and accomplishing little of the real purpose to going to the gym.
Like all things that gain in popularity intermittent fasting it’s bound to become uncool and start getting some blowback from naysayers.

Truth. We'll be onto Semen shakes at that point.
So much this!

And Climber you look great, with that said, start rowing 20-40 minutes a day and stop eating and you'll have my abs in no time.
Thanks Beau.

I'm using a hand crank style cardio machine, I do 40 seconds hard with high resistance with high lactic acid burn by 4th set, then 50 seconds slow pump back to the next set for 10 sets. I works a lot of muscle groups including all of the ones I'd use if I was in a fight and had to swing hard for 40 seconds. It's also working through all of my energy systems (ATP, Glucosate, Anaerobic) since I'm not giving enough time for the first two to recover and I'm going well over 75% effort.

It takes about 13 minutes and really strengthens my recovery. That on top of 2 mile run earlier in my workout.

My energy, conditioning is coming back, I"m walking out of the gym with a light step on my hard days, recovery is really important to me. I'm a track coach and know that it is the biggest indication of conditioning.

They don't have a krankcycle in this gym, so I'm improvising with the machines they have. I prefer it because you can adjust it to do exactly how you need it for position.

On the other side, I've seen plenty of people who go to the gym but spend far more time and effort picking out their songs and wtf else they're doing on their phones and accomplishing little of the real purpose to going to the gym.

I think that going to the gym, for the vast majority of people, is a hobby, not a means to an end. Does not diminish it, by any means.
I think that going to the gym, for the vast majority of people, is a hobby, not a means to an end. Does not diminish it, by any means.

interesting point. not everyone is min/maxing their workout and i'd argue the fact that they are in the gym being active at all is an improvement over most people
Got a Run-Swim-Run in last night. It's getting harder to squeeze those in on a weekday after work with shrinking daylight. It won't be too long until its time to swim in the pool again.

A big lump of Kelp scared the shit out of me right around sunset. I was sure it was a shark under me for about 3 seconds. Ya wanna know what makes you really swim faster? Fear. Fear will up the intensity of your workout like no other. Lol.

Props to everyone participating and sharing. Its really, really good stuff.
interesting point. not everyone is min/maxing their workout and i'd argue the fact that they are in the gym being active at all is an improvement over most people

Ffffuuuuu...so many aren't though. They do a set and then sit on the equipment surfing their phone for minutes on end. I want to claw hammer those fucks!!!!! It's a surprise more of the 7.5 weights don't have blood on the ends of them....
Ffffuuuuu...so many aren't though. They do a set and then sit on the equipment surfing their phone for minutes on end. I want to claw hammer those fucks!!!!! It's a surprise more of the 7.5 weights don't have blood on the ends of them....
I know exactly what mean.

Those clowns who monopolize a machine for 15-20 minutes and accomplish 3-4 sets during that whole time, the rest of the time they are intently doing who knows what on their phone.

Personally, I think there should be a rule in the gym that states that if you are not going to be active for more than a minute on the machine, you should stand up. You can't talk to these people because their have headsets in and aren't looking around.

I feel your frustration.
At the gym I am at there is a group of kids that come in and while one or two are intermittently using a machine/bench the others in their group are hanging with them and are sitting on the other machines in the same area doing nothing.

Forget the weights I want to grab the lat pulldown bar and go all highlander on them. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!!!
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