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Time to get Fit thread

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Via email I'm playing the part of "personal trainer" for a long time friend who lives in the hills of LA. For him it begins today:

Step One.

Find a trail near home, five or less minutes by foot, with elevation, hills- steeper the better; a hill or trail that looks like it could own you. You objective is to walk, jog, and eventually run this for 30 minutes straight- no stopping. What you're trying to achieve is peak cardio (jesus it feels like I'm going to die) for ten minutes of this 30. The other 20 should be done at a pace that keeps you breathing hard enough that you can't sing "row row row your boat" or any other song.

Get a calendar and every day you do this run write "Run 30" and if you don't run use a red pen or shrpie or crayon and make a big red X for FAIL. Your ideal is to only have four or five red X's a month.

Step two begins in two weeks.
Some guy just did a marathon in under 2 hours.
Good lord
He did, but there is a caveat on it in that it was a perfectly flat course and he had a relay of pacers to run with him (not sure if he followed each one).

Still, an amazing feat, but not exactly what first impressions might picture.
It was under super controlled conditions, intended as an exhibition and proof of concept.

I've been reading some things and I tend to believe that now since the mental barrier is broken, somebody is likely to replicate it under official conditions in the next couple years.
He did, but there is a caveat on it in that it was a perfectly flat course and he had a relay of pacers to run with him (not sure if he followed each one).

Still, an amazing feat, but not exactly what first impressions might picture.

You can add whatever *** you want. Still super sick and really an achievement for a human no matter what the circumstances.
I've been reading some things and I tend to believe that now since the mental barrier is broken, somebody is likely to replicate it under official conditions in the next couple years.

The 500-lb bench press was a psychological barrier for a long time. Too lazy to google who was the first to do it but shortly thereafter bros benched 500 and new records were set often.
The 500-lb bench press was a psychological barrier for a long time. Too lazy to google who was the first to do it but shortly thereafter bros benched 500 and new records were set often.

Same for the 4 minute mile. "Experts" all theorized it was impossible, until Bannister did it. Said his heart would assplode, etc. Now that mark is beaten occasionally by high school athletes, and the world record is a 3:43 or some insanity.
Thus endeth day six of the fast.

Felt a little hungry this afternoon. Fine now. I'm past my previous duration by about twelve hours. Will see how tomorrow goes.
Thus endeth day six of the fast.

Felt a little hungry this afternoon. Fine now. I'm past my previous duration by about twelve hours. Will see how tomorrow goes.

Can you explain the theory behind the extended fasting? An what is supposed to be achieved by doing it?

I'm not being flippant. I think I know why some people fast for say 12 hours, but not for many days in a row.
Can you explain the theory behind the extended fasting? An what is supposed to be achieved by doing it?

I'm not being flippant. I think I know why some people fast for say 12 hours, but not for many days in a row.

+1 at some point your body is going to start eating itself once you run out of fat reserves or need protein. Not sure what the goal here is.

Mild stress to the body over a short period of time? Maybe ok or beneficial I think.

Moderate to heavy stress to your body over a longer period of time? Eghhhh??

Full disclosure, I am very cautious even skeptical of any program that uses the word "cleanse" in its marketing.
Thus endeth day six of the fast.

Felt a little hungry this afternoon. Fine now. I'm past my previous duration by about twelve hours. Will see how tomorrow goes.

What did you drink in those 6 days? Did you eat anything? Not flippant just curious.
I started a new Jim Stoppani program last week - his HIIT 100. Trying to cut some fat around my boiler. Also sticking to my diet and taking supps.

From his web site:

“What happens when you combine HIIT cardio with German Volume Training and the popular Hundreds method? You get one of the most efficient programs there is for whittling away stubborn body fat: HIIT 100, my popular six-week plan that's helped hundreds of thousands of people leave boring, ineffective steady-state cardio sessions behind with leaner, more muscular physiques to show for it.”

Last night’s routine minus a couple of exercise that I didn’t do cuz I was pressed for time. The exercises that call for 10 sets of 10 reps require you use 50% of the weight that you can barely do 10 sets.

BTW there’s 30 seconds rest period between sets.

Squat - Drop set_____3_______10

Dumbbell Lunge______3_______10
Leg Extension________3_______15
Romanian Deadlift____3_______15

Tri Press____________10______10
Tri Press - Drop set____3______10
Overhead Tri Ext______3______15
Standing Calf Raise___10______10
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Sounds like a fun workout! Today's work out was a lot of snatches (hehe)

Snatch: Part 1 build to a heavy, 3 reps for 4 rounds. I stopped at 75lbs cause im terrible at these.

Workout part 2 - For Time - barbell was set to 45lbs

21 snatches
100 single unders
18 snatches
80 single unders
15 snatches
60 single unders
9 snatches
40 single unders

I did it in 11:28
^ I been on a oatmeal kick too. I do the cold soak with chia seeds, unsweetened vanilla almond milk and some honey. Add a few slivered almonds for crunch. Im only doing about a cup at a time though lol.
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