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Time to get Fit thread

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Every morning...oatmeal. Mainly cause it's easy as shit.

Dan, Do you subscribe to Jim's site? Is it worth it? I like his stuff, but I wish he'd ditch the creatine in his products...so I can't use them that have the creatine.
^ I been on a oatmeal kick too. I do the cold soak with chia seeds, unsweetened vanilla almond milk and some honey. Add a few slivered almonds for crunch. Im only doing about a cup at a time though lol.

I carb-load for the next day. And I've still got an hour and a half of soccer practice this evening.
I carb-load for the next day. And I've still got an hour and a half of surfing this evening.

;) Pray for swell. All my east coast buddies are rubbing my nose in the fall they have had. Fuckers scoring perfect beach break A frames in trunks for over a month.
What did you drink in those 6 days? Did you eat anything? Not flippant just curious.

Lots of water. Black coffee. Some electrolytes. A couple of beers.

Haven't eaten anything. Zero.

Health benefits: Weight loss (obviously), body goes through a couple phases of protein consumption, then shifts to burning fat reserves, autophagy, and some mental benefits.

Good summary here:


I'm keeping a very careful eye on how I'm feeling, I have a physically active job, on my feet 10-12 hours a day, and I've been keeping up a light running and yoga schedule. Last time I fasted things were fine until midway through day six, and then I crashed pretty hard. Needed food ASAP. So I'm monitoring for the onset of that. Energy levels, mental clarity, attitude, physical sensations, Still feeling basically 100% right now. :)
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I been patting myself on the back the few times I’ve done 24 hours without eating. 6 days is a whole other level of commitment beyond where I at.
Too hardcore for me.
You can add whatever *** you want. Still super sick and really an achievement for a human no matter what the circumstances.


It's a goddamn 4:30 mile pace. FOR 26 MILES.

OK I don't even like driving 26 miles.
Every morning...oatmeal. Mainly cause it's easy as shit.

Dan, Do you subscribe to Jim's site? Is it worth it? I like his stuff, but I wish he'd ditch the creatine in his products...so I can't use them that have the creatine.

Yes I subscribe. I think its $15 a month. For me its worth it. I’ve learned a lot from him.

Check your PM
Speaking of world records, how bout the heaviest clean and jerk ever by a human? 588.6lbs! :wow

He will surely hit 600lbs in the summer olympics.

Lasha Talakhadze, 6'6, 26 years old and weighs 375. From the country of Georgia.


The science of juicing is advancing.

Last week some juice monster was deadlifting 7 plates next to me as I was doing my puny squats.

Dude would just drop the bar at the top of the lift. Seems the attention is the motivating factor for many.
I've never taken more than Protein supplement and never more than 24g. It seems split whether to take before the workout or after, so I drink half before and half after.

I've seen guys in the gym take all kinds of supplements. C3 seems to be the most popular these days.
C3...makes me think of the Chris Rock move.
Its been 6mos since ive started CrossFit. In April I did a hydro fat testing thing. I just did one again today. Here's what happens if you work out every week but don't change your diet lol

Overall weight loss 1.4lbs
Muscle gain - 2.7lbs
fat loss - 4.1lbs
Body fat % - April 25.6%, Today 23.1%

Would love to lose 5-10lbs of fat and put my body percentage at under 20 next time I do the test.
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Its been 6mos since ive started CrossFit. In April I did a hydro fat testing thing. I just did one again today. Here's what happens if you work out every week but don't change your diet lol

Overall weight loss 1.4lbs
Muscle gain - 2.7lbs
fat loss - 4.1lbs
Body fat % - April 25.6%, Today 23.1%

Would love to lose 5-10lbs of fat and put my body percentage at under 20 next time I do the test.

Props to you for sharing and for your improvement! Women tend to have higher bodyfat since they’re wired for childbearing so I wouldn’t worry about the numbers. If you want to lean out just modify your diet (I know some people dislike the word “diet”).

Keep working out; you always inspire me.
Its been 6mos since ive started CrossFit. In April I did a hydro fat testing thing. I just did one again today. Here's what happens if you work out every week but don't change your diet lol

Overall weight loss 1.4lbs
Muscle gain - 2.7lbs
fat loss - 4.1lbs
Body fat % - April 25.6%, Today 23.1%

Would love to lose 5-10lbs of fat and put my body percentage at under 20 next time I do the test.

Ignoring the numbers for a minute, are you happy or, at least happier, with how you feel and look than when you started? Rocking new jeans is more of a motivator for me than numbers.
I'm 100% ignoring the numbers. :laughing but was curious to see them because of how different i look from April until today

1. I feel fucking fantastic
2. ALL my clothes feel different from April until now. There's work out clothes I cant wear that I wore then because they fall down
3. I will never have a figure with a body fat % in the teens just not my body structure or even what im after
4. I'm listed as "average" when i get into the 20's ill be considered healthy and what im shooting for.
5. I have more of a voluptuous figure. I have no doubt that a good portion of that body fat % is just in my boobs alone :laughing
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I'm 100% ignoring the numbers. :laughing but was curious to see them because of how different i look from April until today

1. I feel fucking fantastic
2. ALL my clothes feel different from April until now. There's work out clothes I cant wear that I wore then because they fall down
3. I will never have a figure with a body fat % in the teens just not my body structure or even what im after
4. I'm listed as "average" when i get into the 20's ill be considered healthy and what im shooting for.
5. I have more of a voluptuous figure. I have no doubt that a good portion of that body fat % is just in my boobs alone :laughing

Yeah, bewbs should get an exemption for the calculation.

also, how long ago did we lose the :tata's emoji?

also, also, Sounds like you are winning Kim. Nice work.
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