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Time to get Fit thread

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It was :boobies

And it's been gone about a year now.

Kim, awesome work! I did one of those scans back in February, with the intention of following up on my birthday in June, but a new job, moving out of state, and buying a house kept me a bit busy for a few months. Feels good to be back at it now.
They have the tank at my gym so I can test as often as I want. Thinking every 6mos to make sure I stay on track.
Keep up the nice work, Kim.

I'm sticking with it so far-I'm down to 209 lbs from a high of 235.

I don't have an end goal as I find that gets intimidating for me-I basically shoot for current weight minus a pound. Working so far.
I hit 19. Fuck yeah, bro!

I was going to try 20 but didn’t want the hot chick see my face turn purple. Actually not sure if I had enough left in the tank. Haha! Enjoy the weekend! And thanks to all for inspiration. This thread is like a spotter in the weight room.


21 nonstop, dead-hang pull-ups. Fuck yeah, bro! And thanks to Kim, sharky, open water swimming Mike, Holey, Beau etc for inspiration.

BTW, no. 21 required grimacing, purple face and a slight grunt.

Tip: tighten glutes, legs, core, which will reduce the amount of energy you need to pull up.
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21 nonstop, dead-hang pull-ups. Fuck yeah, bro! And thanks to Kim, sharky, open water swimming Mike, Holey, Beau etc for inspiration.

BTW, no. 21 required grimacing, purple face and a slight grunt.

Tip: tighten glutes, legs, core, which will reduce the amount of energy you need to pull up.

Great job Lizard. You got a month or two to breeze past my high of 30. I can't do anything with my hand in a cast until sometime in November. The upside it all of those nagging little strains and pains have time to heal and I will have sick gains while getting back to pre-injury status!

21 nonstop, dead-hang pull-ups. Fuck yeah, bro! And thanks to Kim, sharky, open water swimming Mike, Holey, Beau etc for inspiration.

BTW, no. 21 required grimacing, purple face and a slight grunt.

Tip: tighten glutes, legs, core, which will reduce the amount of energy you need to pull up.

I did 28, out of curiosity when I was a competitive rock climber years ago. There was one guy who did a baby-finger one arm pull-up (put his baby finger in a strap and did a pull-up on it), total mutant.
If all goes according to plan I will be hitting the salt water gym with a flotation device today.


  • surfline.PNG
    34 KB · Views: 92
6'8" with a ton of float. Old man short board. :laughing
Is it easier, with greater flotation to paddle out or harder?

I remember the first time I tried surfing in Hawaii and how much my lats hurt for days afterwards form the unfamiliar exercise even though I was in really good shape for most activities. Same thing after taking a capoeira class. :laughing
Is it easier, with greater flotation to paddle out or harder?

I remember the first time I tried surfing in Hawaii and how much my lats hurt for days afterwards form the unfamiliar exercise even though I was in really good shape for most activities. Same thing after taking a capoeira class. :laughing

Bigger boards with more float paddle and catch waves easier. That's why you long board when its small. When the juice shows up all that float can become a liability as you can't get under waves breaking in front of you. When is consistent head high and better I prefer a board I can duck dive well. Once you step into the world of BIG waves, 3 to 4 times over head is getting there, the rules change again and the Guns come out. That isn't my world, yet.

Proper Hawaiian Gun right here. (not me pictured)

Restarted workouts on a trainer after two and a half week vacation and eating whatever. That hurt.

What hurt more is going climbing. The 10d climbs pumped arms and were super painful. :laughing My climbing partner was jumping on 11d climbs. Normally I would be jumping on those too, but I was like "have with that, I'll do that 10*".
Restarted workouts on a trainer after two and a half week vacation and eating whatever. That hurt.

What hurt more is going climbing. The 10d climbs pumped arms and were super painful. :laughing My climbing partner was jumping on 11d climbs. Normally I would be jumping on those too, but I was like "have with that, I'll do that 10*".
You'll be back up to 11d's in 2 weeks, and probably a bit stronger in 3 weeks.

When I used to get pulley injuries I'd have to take 6 weeks off, within 2 weeks I'd be stronger than I had been before, those micro-fractures and micro-tears in your fingers, hands and arms accumulate in climbing, the stresses an upper tier climber puts on their fingers and hands are enormous.
Bigger boards with more float paddle and catch waves easier. That's why you long board when its small. When the juice shows up all that float can become a liability as you can't get under waves breaking in front of you. When is consistent head high and better I prefer a board I can duck dive well. Once you step into the world of BIG waves, 3 to 4 times over head is getting there, the rules change again and the Guns come out. That isn't my world, yet.

Proper Hawaiian Gun right here. (not me pictured)

It seems your timing is excellent as Two-story waves headed to Bay Area beaches, which you probably already heard about.
Great job Lizard. You got a month or two to breeze past my high of 30. I can't do anything with my hand in a cast until sometime in November. The upside it all of those nagging little strains and pains have time to heal and I will have sick gains while getting back to pre-injury status!

30?!?!! Fuck me. You are a strong mutha


I did 28, out of curiosity when I was a competitive rock climber years ago. There was one guy who did a baby-finger one arm pull-up (put his baby finger in a strap and did a pull-up on it), total mutant.


And props to you for 28 :thumbup
You'll be back up to 11d's in 2 weeks, and probably a bit stronger in 3 weeks.

When I used to get pulley injuries I'd have to take 6 weeks off, within 2 weeks I'd be stronger than I had been before, those micro-fractures and micro-tears in your fingers, hands and arms accumulate in climbing, the stresses an upper tier climber puts on their fingers and hands are enormous.

No "proper" work outs this weekend. I got to surf twice and yesterday was outrigger. Even though it was a newbie day the steer person pushed us hard and I got my heart rate up quite a bit. I like it. The coast was fogged in thick so we did hot laps around the harbor, a few race starts and even syked the bow of the canoe on a breaker peeling off the jetty at the harbor mouth. Seats 1 and 2 got air and the looks from the sailboat next to us were priceless. I was in seat 5 and just got told to DIG, HARD. Good times.
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