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Time to get Fit thread

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No "proper" work outs this weekend. I got to surf twice and yesterday was outrigger. Even though it was a newbie day the steer person pushed us hard and I got my heart rate up quite a bit. I like it. The coast was fogged in thick so we did hot laps around the harbor, a few race starts and even syked the bow of the canoe on a breaker peeling off the jetty at the harbor mouth. Seats 1 and 2 got air and the looks from the sailboat next to us were priceless. I was in seat 5 and just got told to DIG, HARD. Good times.

:thumbup !!!

Fyi: squeezed in shortened workouts on sat and sun just to keep momentum but supplemented by Japanese whiskey on fri, tequila on sat and pisco sours in sun. I don’t drink much sometimes gotta let loose. Will eat super duper clean for the next few days. I hate how it takes a a couple of days for me to feel healthy again after eating/drinking junk.
40 minutes rowing
50 minute weighted (25lbs) hike, 1300ft. elevation
Lat puldowns sets of 8 to failure (13 sets)

Protein shake
1 cup beef chili
two chicken burritos
1/3 small block of cheese
Sounds like a great workout!

When I used to help my dad get to the top of the mountain in Eastern Quebec, I worked up to 40 lbs for my 4 mile run that had about 1300 feet of elevation change. I had to carry a 100 pound pack up 3400 vertical feet on a 5.5 mile trail with some very steep sections. Then we spent 4-5 days on top doing about 10 miles of rough terrain. My dad did it 6 months after knee replacement when he was 79. From when I started training for it, 3 months before and when I get down off the mountain I'd drop 20 pounds.
Down about 25# from a couple months ago. I just had to buy all new pants. The size I've been wearing for years now looks unprofessionally baggy and unkempt. That's a nice change.

Also, the Beau effect: Noticing women giving me eyes and smiles, whereas they never did before.
22 laps practice
4 laps qualifying
6 laps * 5 races = 30 race laps
3 wins

2 protein shakes
Lots of water
Lots of coconut water
4 fig newtons
2 oatmeals
2 pumpkin spice latte's
1 Mexican coke
2 chicken tacos

Drained. 26 wins, 4 championships, 1 2nd place championship, 1 #6 or #7 plate,
51's. 1 retired battle worn 2010 R6 owned since a little puppy (who won her very last race).

44 never felt so great. I can't count how many 30 year olds and younger I've kept off my lawn this year...
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22 laps practice
4 laps qualifying
6 laps * 5 races = 30 race laps
3 wins

2 protein shakes
Lots of water
Lots of coconut water
4 fig newtons
2 oatmeals
2 pumpkin spice latte's
1 Mexican coke
2 chicken tacos

Drained. 26 wins, 4 championships, 1 2nd place championship, 1 #6 or #7 plate,
51's. 1 retired battle worn 2010 R6 owned since a little puppy (who won her very last race).

44 never felt so great. I can't count how many 30 year olds and younger I've kept off my lawn this year...
That is great, Berto! Show those young pups that the old dog still has fight in him!

When did you get so old? Last I remember you were early 30's! :afm199 :laughing
Drained. 26 wins, 4 championships, 1 2nd place championship, 1 #6 or #7 plate,
51's. 1 retired battle worn 2010 R6 owned since a little puppy (who won her very last race).

44 never felt so great. I can't count how many 30 year olds and younger I've kept off my lawn this year...

:thumbup Awesome job and congrats on a great race season!! :party


Mostly focusing on my prep for next year - was counting on a sponsorship check coming kind-of on time for the last round, and it's going to be too late, so, just going to put that money towards getting ready for next year.

With the diet changes and increases in my workouts/intensity, had some gaps to fill, so upping my usage of a few supplements - just to fill in the holes and make sure my workouts are as productive as possible.

Gym shopping this week, need to find something soon, checking out the "top of the list" gym tonight. Then, I'll use the gym M-Th before work, and have already planned it so I can do one workout a week on my telecommute day using my little fitness center where I live.

Watching my diet closer (to be sure my carbs stay where I want them) has me keeping a much closer eye on my calories too, and that's paying off. Started having to bust out the belts this week as my pants are starting to fall off LOL. I just bought these since I moved, but I guess it's a good problem to have :laughing

Started having to bust out the belts this week as my pants are starting to fall off LOL. I just bought these since I moved, but I guess it's a good problem to have :laughing

Great! Thats the best feeling when the pants get looser and you start tightening the belt! Keep it up :thumbup
Seeing good progress on my cardio portion, my heart rate is 10 bpm lower for the same distance/speed as 3 weeks ago. Upping the speed and length. Also, more importantly, seeing my recovery time (down to 118 bpm) cut in half. Also, feeling stronger and more energy at the end of my workout than when I walked in no matter how hard I pushed. I still always end my workouts with 10 minutes in the steam room to keep my lungs healthy, covering that 5-10 minutes after you come down from a hard workout when your body temp rebounds below normal temp and when you're most vulnerable. I've found that when I consistently do the steam room I've stayed healthy 100% of the time over a 15 year period.
Ten mile run yesterday morning, stopped every mile to crank out ten push-ups and ran up every flight of stairs along the trail.

Little sore afterwards but spent the rest of the day on my feet and I feel like I could go do it again.

Need to add weight training into the plan on a regular basis. I'm a big guy so when I think of working out, cardio/weight loss is what comes to mind.
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Ten mile run yesterday morning, stopped every mile to crank out ten push-ups and ran up every flight of stairs along the trail.

Little sore afterwards but spent the rest of the day on my feet and I feel like I could go do it again.

Need to add weight training into the plan on a regular basis. I'm a big guy so when I think of working out, cardio/weight loss is what comes to mind.

Damn all of you are killing it I am so impressed by everyone's gains.

I am thinking about switching gyms from the local one to Anytime Fitness which is really the only other game in town. Really like the idea of going in Anytime because I am kind of a night owl with my workouts. The only thing that sucks is the machine and weight selection looks limited.

Started eating modification today. 6 small meals a day and nothing after dinner meal except for a protein shake after workouts. Last time I did this I lost like 10 pounds in 2 or 3 weeks. Hoping to replicate the feat and then stick to it for longer. Heres to hoping I drop 30 pounds before New Years'.
Damn all of you are killing it I am so impressed by everyone's gains.

I am thinking about switching gyms from the local one to Anytime Fitness which is really the only other game in town. Really like the idea of going in Anytime because I am kind of a night owl with my workouts. The only thing that sucks is the machine and weight selection looks limited.

Started eating modification today. 6 small meals a day and nothing after dinner meal except for a protein shake after workouts. Last time I did this I lost like 10 pounds in 2 or 3 weeks. Hoping to replicate the feat and then stick to it for longer. Heres to hoping I drop 30 pounds before New Years'.
My downfall after thanksgiving is that we usually do the thanksgiving meal and all of those leftovers (turkey sandwiches!!!) offer far too much easy filling food to pass up. :laughing
I’m just happy that my motivation is back.

I’m lifting heavier for a change to keep things interesting. I’ve never tried weighted pull-ups but the other day got 4 strict reps with 25 pounds. I think more strength should increase my BW pull-ups rapidly, which givers around 10-12 when I’m in decent shape.
My downfall after thanksgiving is that we usually do the thanksgiving meal and all of those leftovers (turkey sandwiches!!!) offer far too much easy filling food to pass up. :laughing

On this diet, I get one cheat day a week where I eat what I want for one meal that day. I think the third week of November my cheat day will fall on that Thursday.......:laughing

Going to need another one for Christmas as we do homemade tamales on Christmas eve. They are so good just out of the steamer. Just thinking about it makes me hungry.
Drove up to Yosemite in Saturday, hiked half dome, drove back. That was fun, and much less crowded then during summer.
havent posted a work out though I have been going. Over head squats today. Work out part one was build to a heavy. Work out part 2 was

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 each of:

Overhead Squat - I did 35lbs since I suck at these
Wall balls - 14 lbs

I was fucking gassed. Took me 17mins to get it done

What is your goal with overhead squats? How beneficial are they?
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