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Time to get Fit thread

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Hey AJ, How much range of motion is in your bad ankle? Both of mine are limited to about 30 to 40 degrees. I hear your scream about running. On a good day when they don't hurt its almost fun to run. The elliptical was my go to when I was heavier and they really couldn't take much abuse at all. As I have lightened up the running has gotten easier. I took a page out of Beau's book and run hills off road. I get a quick, intense cardio work out with fewer steps/impact than I would on a long run. Running on something softer is a big help too.

So, foot flat on the ground, on a good day, I can have my foot 2" from a wall and touch the wall with my knee. That's pretty much max dorsiflexion. Plantar I don't really have a way to measure, but basically, I can wear up to a 3" heel (I pay for it dearly) but can't wear anything more than that (and heels, even 1" aren't particularly comfortable).

Also can't feel most of that foot....part of why it was such a problem riding, not only is my control/ROM limited, but I can't feel WTF it's actually doing, so really just had to retrain the muscle memory. Which wasn't bad for a street or chill pace, but trying to do it at a race pace was a whole other ball game!

The combined effect also makes balancing on that leg much more difficult. I don't get the data input from my foot that you normally would, so I can't correct until other nerves are picking up that I'm falling over LOL.

Thankfully my cartilage stayed pretty intact, so "impact" isn't too much of an issue, just if the impact requires ROM to go with it (which, a lot of it does).
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hey now, im over 30 :D

great job Berto. see you in March.

Thanks Rob. Look forward to getting on track with ya soon! We might put a group together and go ride for Trckdaz Turkey Days at BW...
fuck, missing a week along with poor diet really kicked me in the ass....

I know the feeling.

• Sunday: work out
• Monday: no work out; flew to LA
• Tuesday: no work out; doing biz in LA then fly home
• Wednesday: no work out - work out postponed cuz had to drive aunt somewhere then she guilt-tripped me into eating junk

Already feel like a fat tub of goo. Tonight must work out or will hatchet-kill someone.
A week off shouldn’t do that much....but if you can notice it, then I guess it affects you worse than it does me.

Check out my fat burning circuit

Lunges 6 reps per leg
SLDL 12 reps
Squats 6 reps
Good mornings 12 reps
Military Press 12 reps
Barbell rowa 6 reps
Floor press 12 reps

This can be modified of course. Repeat anywhere from 1-4 times with a 1 minute rest between circuits.

Melts fat off especially if you do slow cardio after.

everyone says that. But I honestly believe if im not actively keeping my body working and moving and I take a long break i feel like i start back over. The only difference being it takes no time whatsoever to get back to where I was. But that first work out is fucking HARD and im weak.

I know the feeling.

• Sunday: work out
• Monday: no work out; flew to LA
• Tuesday: no work out; doing biz in LA then fly home
• Wednesday: no work out - work out postponed cuz had to drive aunt somewhere then she guilt-tripped me into eating junk

Already feel like a fat tub of goo. Tonight must work out or will hatchet-kill someone.

I swore after the weekend when i stepped on the scale it was going to say i was 5lbs heavier :laughing i wasnt but boy i felt like it
Indoor climbed yesterday. When I started felt super tired, but surprisingly strated to feel better as session progressed. Ended up climbing some 11a/11b. Skin on fingers hurt a lot. Lol.
Indoor climbed yesterday. When I started felt super tired, but surprisingly strated to feel better as session progressed. Ended up climbing some 11a/11b. Skin on fingers hurt a lot. Lol.
I know the feeling! I used to go to Hawaii once a year back in my heavy climbing days. I'd spend most of the time out on the water and my callouses would be all gone by the time I got back. Tore out the skin on the inside of my fingers too many times during first week back. The strength was still there but the callouses would take several weeks to really start building up again.
Went to the doctor yesterday. 12 days and I get the pins out and presumably can start some rehab. That's a relief, since I am going a little batty not being able to really workout. I can't use my right hand, so I'm pretty limited. I can't run or exercise heavily, because increased heart rate makes my hand hurt like a mother. I have been doing lighter weight pause squats about 3-4 days a week.
I am jealous of you guys working out!!
I know the feeling.

• Sunday: work out
• Monday: no work out; flew to LA
• Tuesday: no work out; doing biz in LA then fly home
• Wednesday: no work out - work out postponed cuz had to drive aunt somewhere then she guilt-tripped me into eating junk

Already feel like a fat tub of goo. Tonight must work out or will hatchet-kill someone.

Haha! I'm on the same train:

Monday: no Workout
Tuesday: no Workout
Wednesday: no Workout
Thursday: Who knows...probably no Workout
Friday: Why not...skip Workout

I'll pick it back up next week. It's good to miss several days at a time, IMO, to not get to vein and OCD about this stuff. In the end, we have reasons/ goals...if a goal is met (mine was) then it's nice to take a vacation and then get back into it. At least for me...
I can't use my right hand, so I'm pretty limited.

I had hand surgery on my, ahem, “strong hand.”
I was single at the time :(
Six weeks of “strong hand” in a cast :-O
You KNOW where I’m going with this.
After 3-4 weeks I finally attained ambidexterity :)
Fuck yeah, bro!

... back at the gym tonight after 3 unintended days off. Feels good!

Props to everyone; lots of very interesting workout routines!
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I shoot for 5 days a week. Have consistently managed 3(-5) plus an active (but not workout) weekend day. Average the past 6 weeks is probably about 3.75x/week lol
I shoot for 5 days a week. Have consistently managed 3(-5) plus an active (but not workout) weekend day. Average the past 6 weeks is probably about 3.75x/week lol
I do 5 days a week, then give myself the weekend to recover, but I'm active on the weekend with stuff like yard work, doing fixes/additions around the house. By Friday, my body is feeling it, but ready for another 5 days by Monday.

Switching to brown rice this weekend for more fiber and less carbs for dinner and back to salads for lunch.

I've been exploring more time in cooking and have been way too successful at turning out really good (tasting) food, especially stir-fries along with experimentation with Habanero peppers. :laughing
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So the eating modification plan started this week and so far it looks like 6 pounds are gone. trying to really hold myself to strict portion control so it continues on the downward decline. Being slightly hungry all day tells me I am running on a calorie deficit so that bodes well also.

I haven't been able to hit the gym as much this week as life has gotten in the way. It just provides more reasons for me to switch to Anytime Fitness as the gym I am at currently does not have hours that work for me on the weekends. So I will find out when my current plan runs out and will switch to new gym then.
Workout today: 9min cap so you just kept going until you ran out of time

21 deadlifts - 135lbs
21 piked push-ups
15 deadlifts
15 piked push-ups
9 deadlifts
9 piked push-ups

Round 2 - more weight on the deadlift and bear crawl

21 deadlifts - 165lbs
50ft bear crawls
15 deadlifts
50ft bear crawls
9 deadlifts
25ft bear crawls

This was easier read than done. I finished the first round and got through 21 deadlifts at 165 and that was it
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