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Time to get Fit thread

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I think it'll help slightly, but I think being in the deficit is just gonna put you in position with minimal energy. I was on a 6-7month cut where i lost ~20lbs and got <11% BF and the drop in energy during my workouts was substantial. The day I started clean bulking again, it almost came back instantly. I think on a cut just being able to maintain your lifts is standard, aiming to really increase them I think will be VERY difficult on a cut (unless you're on newb gains or a teenager). That's just my experience
I think it would be more than slight.

Your body is going to burn up the available glucose in your cells and blood, once that is depleted it will move on to the anaerobic energy systems.

The Glycolysis provides a higher level of energy than the anaerobic system, so that is what you'd want to be drawing from for lifting instead of expending it during the cardio phase which wouldn't require such a high short-term output of energy.

You simply get more benefit out of burning your glucose for lifting than for cardio, and not in a small way.

While I'm no expert on gym energy choices, I am an expert in Track and Field energy strategies.
I think it would be more than slight.

Your body is going to burn up the available glucose in your cells and blood, once that is depleted it will move on to the anaerobic energy systems.

The Glycolysis provides a higher level of energy than the anaerobic system, so that is what you'd want to be drawing from for lifting instead of expending it during the cardio phase which wouldn't require such a high short-term output of energy.

You simply get more benefit out of burning your glucose for lifting than for cardio, and not in a small way.

While I'm no expert on gym energy choices, I am an expert in Track and Field energy strategies.

fair enough, I guess I don't really disagree with you at all. I know when I started a clean bulk and ate a ton more carbs, I probably gained 3lbs just from my glycogen stores filling up again; I was running an almost no carb diet most of my cut. The energy difference was almost immediate, and fucking amazing :cool
fair enough, I guess I don't really disagree with you at all. I know when I started a clean bulk and ate a ton more carbs, I probably gained 3lbs just from my glycogen stores filling up again; I was running an almost no carb diet most of my cut. The energy difference was almost immediate, and fucking amazing :cool
Yeah, I can see how that would happen.

Anaerobic system can only maintain you at less than 65% of your max level, and that depends on what your O2max is. If you're on a low carb diet, you would definitely be struggling for any sustained effort over 6 seconds which is when your ATP has been depleted in the cells you're working. It takes about 3 minutes to replenish your ATP back up to 98%...if your body has the available glucose.
So a few questions - 1) what have you been doing post-workout? and 2) are you doing a fasted workout? and 3) are you tracking macros, and where are you at?

I know my workouts were falling on their face for the longest time as soon as I'd try to cut calories enough to lose 1/2-1 pound/week (that was with 20+ still to go, too). With how I am working out (first thing in the morning) and what I'm doing (cardio followed by lifting) there were some big gaps I needed to fill to keep doing both.

I've since fixed the problems, and workouts are better than ever, AND I'm losing fat, but costs me a little $$ in some supplements and a little more effort in meal planning to keep me going....:laughing

I am eating a mostly protein diet with some carbs and fat thrown in to round it out. I eat every 2 hours until dinner then after that I am usually finished for the day. I found that if I drink a protein shake around bedtime the weight loss isn't as good overnight so I have mostly cut it out. I am trying to lose a lot of weight >30lbs so I will have to sacrifice muscle gain at the altar of weight loss.

I think it would be more than slight.

Your body is going to burn up the available glucose in your cells and blood, once that is depleted it will move on to the anaerobic energy systems.

The Glycolysis provides a higher level of energy than the anaerobic system, so that is what you'd want to be drawing from for lifting instead of expending it during the cardio phase which wouldn't require such a high short-term output of energy.

You simply get more benefit out of burning your glucose for lifting than for cardio, and not in a small way.

While I'm no expert on gym energy choices, I am an expert in Track and Field energy strategies.

fair enough, I guess I don't really disagree with you at all. I know when I started a clean bulk and ate a ton more carbs, I probably gained 3lbs just from my glycogen stores filling up again; I was running an almost no carb diet most of my cut. The energy difference was almost immediate, and fucking amazing :cool

Hmmm I could try to switch the workout around because I am really pushing it on the treadmill to try and burn as many calories as possible. I could also be pushing it on the lifting and trying to go too fast too quick. I am still kind of following the bulk up routine I was on but after last night I am thinking I may have to go with more of a higher rep routine with less weight than lower reps with more weight and trying to pack more weight on each week.

Thanks all for the replies you have given me something to think about...:thumbup
That's the beauty of a thread like this. We have a lot of different people with a wide variety of experience, knowledge and education that each can contribute to benefit everybody. I'm glad that my knowledge from track and other sports can allow me to contribute to the group knowledge.

And that's just part of it, sustaining months and years on end of hard workouts requires both the personal fortitude and the support of others.
I tried the “lay back” tonight. I like it. Takes more effort, which means more cals burned. Thanks for sharing Beau.


Row machine
Dead-hang pull ups (10, 8, 8, 8, 6, 2 - 1 minute rest between sets)
Calf raises
Leg Extension
Leg press
Bicep tendon curl thing (not sure what to call it)

*per Cavalier’s vid https://youtu.be/89e518dl4I8

7:30 - eggs and a small potato
10 - Stoppani protein shake
11 - red banana from Ecuador and a pear
12 - half deviled egg sandwich; half turkey sandwich (only meat, 1 slice bread)
3 - grapes and pear
4 - Stoppani Protein shake
4:30 - Stoppani Pre Workout
6 - Stoppani post workout
7 - Wholepaycheck hot meal $7 - blk beans (P15 C40 F1), quinoa (P8 C40 F4), brown rice, beets, bell pepper, cherry tomatoes - see pic below
8:30 - Nonfat greek yogurt (P15!!!) w 1 TSP cacao
11 pm - grapes and Stoppani protein shake


Very healthy looking..and depressing. :laughing
Hey Beau, when you post your food, is that one meal or..? Do you calc macros or do you have a pretty good idea of what you’re eating?

What I post is what I've done and eaten so far that day, which is usually about 2/3 to 3/4 of what I'll do and eat that day. With that said, today:

40 minute row
55 minute weighted (30lbs.) hill-run 1300ft. elevation
incline bench sets of 8 to failure (11 sets)

1/2 chicken
1 head butter lettuce
20oz. protein shake
10oz. mixed greens
1/2 box Barbara's oat squares
1/2 gallon 1% milk

Currently weighing in at 198lbs. with 9.4% BF.
Keep at it Dan, and thanks for the PM info. Just got to reading. Back in the G house from two weeks off...god it was hard, but time off was welcomed after the last race of the season.
What I post is what I've done and eaten so far that day, which is usually about 2/3 to 3/4 of what I'll do and eat that day. With that said, today:

40 minute row
55 minute weighted (30lbs.) hill-run 1300ft. elevation
incline bench sets of 8 to failure (11 sets)

1/2 chicken
1 head butter lettuce
20oz. protein shake
10oz. mixed greens
1/2 box Barbara's oat squares
1/2 gallon 1% milk

Currently weighing in at 198lbs. with 9.4% BF.

I have GOT to fix my diet. Damn
Keep at it Dan, and thanks for the PM info. Just got to reading. Back in the G house from two weeks off...god it was hard, but time off was welcomed after the last race of the season.

Take your time reading :thumbup
I have GOT to fix my diet. Damn

Having well disciplined eating like Beau is not the only way to be successful. I would say, he is on a very high level that most folks just cannot keep up with or maintain. If you pick an eating style you cannot maintain it's going to be a waste of time and effort. Better to slowly change your habits to cut out high sugar and processed foods and incorporate whole foods. Veggies to make you feel full.

Personally, I do not feel the need to eat as clean as he does to maintain my level of fitness. When I want to lean out, I adjust, but for me it is not compatible for my long team goals to stay super lean all the time. A few percentage of body fat keep me stronger. Sub 10% and all my gains slow way down or even go backward. My sweet spot is somewhere between 10-15%. At that level, I can eat mostly what I like, but still do not eat processed crap, because it is terrible for you.
40mins work out

Farmers carry - 35lb Kettlebell in each hand 400m walk
Run - 800m
Row - 1000k row
Sled push - 400m
300 single under or 150 double unders
Air bike - 35 CAL

Since the roads were icey you could double up on the row instead, which is what I did, so no running and 2000k row.

Almost made it twice over. did half of the row and didnt do a 2nd round on the airbike.
40mins work out

Farmers carry - 35lb Kettlebell in each hand 400m walk
Run - 800m
Row - 1000k row
Sled push - 400m
300 single under or 150 double unders
Air bike - 35 CAL

Since the roads were icey you could double up on the row instead, which is what I did, so no running and 2000k row.

Almost made it twice over. did half of the row and didnt do a 2nd round on the airbike.

Farmers carry is an epic exercise.
40mins work out

Farmers carry - 35lb Kettlebell in each hand 400m walk
Run - 800m
Row - 1000k row
Sled push - 400m
300 single under or 150 double unders
Air bike - 35 CAL

Since the roads were icey you could double up on the row instead, which is what I did, so no running and 2000k row.

Almost made it twice over. did half of the row and didnt do a 2nd round on the airbike.
Wow, Kim, that Farmers carry is impressive!

I'm not sure I could do that without working up to it, and I've got a really good grip from years of rock climbing and 260 lb pull downs with my fingers just over the bars.

Ben better not get on your bad side, or you could drag him around the track by his ankles. :rofl
Personally, I do not feel the need to eat as clean as he does to maintain my level of fitness. When I want to lean out, I adjust, but for me it is not compatible for my long team goals to stay super lean all the time. A few percentage of body fat keep me stronger. Sub 10% and all my gains slow way down or even go backward. My sweet spot is somewhere between 10-15%. At that level, I can eat mostly what I like, but still do not eat processed crap, because it is terrible for you.

This is mostly me. Clean about 85%. Loving life enough so why ruin that?
Farmers carry - 35lb Kettlebell in each hand 400m walk

Holy fuck. You are strong! I do farmer’s carry w 45 plates probably 3 sets of 200 feet? Suddenly I feel weak! Thanks again for inspiration.
Holy fuck. You are strong! I do farmer’s carry w 45 plates probably 3 sets of 200 feet? Suddenly I feel weak! Thanks again for inspiration.

If you are a man (not sure what you are) you Can probably carry at least your bodyweight overall after lifting for not too long. As a roughly 200 pounder I expect to be carrying 100 pound dumbbells on my worst day.

My background and goals may differ.
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