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Time to get Fit thread

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Some people are made for power and that is where their development has been and what they want out of their workouts.

Others are made for speed or endurance. I'm built for speed, I have a fair amount of power, but speed was always the most important element for me along with being able to do my sports.

Each of us has to follow that path that achieves the results that are important for us.
So last night was shoulders, forearms and trap day. Good shoulder workout and I added the farmers walk just to work on grip and traps and I did a few sets with 45lb dumbbells. I had to kind of walk-in a line and then turn around and walk back. My wild ass guess is it was 30 feet a leg and I did about 8 legs before my grip started to give, I did this for about 3 minutes taking breaks when my grip gave out. That was one MoFo of a workout and my forearms are killing me today.

Mad props to Kim on her farmers walk accomplishments. You are killing it.
Shoulders and some abs at my complex fitness center today. Feeling the changes to my workouts with the gym, so really was not particularly motivated today - but knocked it out anyways, and my 15 minute warmup "cardio" was just walking on the treadmill.

Had to purchase a bar pad, feels like I bruised my neck/shoulders area doing squats earlier this week :/
Sometimes you just have to throw a monkey wrench into your workout.

We are, by design, creatures of efficiency, so if we keep doing the same workout for months on end our bodies will adapt and we'll get diminishing returns unless we keep our bodies off balance and always having to strengthen to adapt to the changes.

It's easy to get into a rhythm and go on auto-pilot with the same workout for years on end, but the benefits will erode over time.

Just a reminder.
Got my body fat way down this week.


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With the props im getting im afraid what we call farmers carry isnt the same with what you guys think a farmers carry is? :laughing cause that was my break when doing all the other stuff :laughing

(goes to look it up)

hmmm so it is the same thing......... :p thanks guys! The girls (depending on level) had to do 35lbs kettlebells the guys had to do 55.
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Shoulders and some abs at my complex fitness center today. Feeling the changes to my workouts with the gym, so really was not particularly motivated today - but knocked it out anyways, and my 15 minute warmup "cardio" was just walking on the treadmill.

Had to purchase a bar pad, feels like I bruised my neck/shoulders area doing squats earlier this week :/

I'd always heard to not use a bar pad; it makes the bar squishy and a bit more prone to sliding around.
I'd always heard to not use a bar pad; it makes the bar squishy and a bit more prone to sliding around.

Bruised spine sounds like a worse problem - my neck is absolutely killing me 3 days later- it was less than $20. If it helps, great, if not, not out much.
Shoulders and some abs at my complex fitness center today. Feeling the changes to my workouts with the gym, so really was not particularly motivated today - but knocked it out anyways, and my 15 minute warmup "cardio" was just walking on the treadmill.

Had to purchase a bar pad, feels like I bruised my neck/shoulders area doing squats earlier this week :/

The problem with your neck could be due to bar position. try a little lower.
The problem with your neck could be due to bar position. try a little lower.

Any lower will be the middle of my back LOL, I just have a pokey spine. Didn't bother me when I was fatter, but now that I've lost a lot of my "padding" ouch lol :laughing
Shoulders and some abs at my complex fitness center today. Feeling the changes to my workouts with the gym, so really was not particularly motivated today - but knocked it out anyways, and my 15 minute warmup "cardio" was just walking on the treadmill.

Had to purchase a bar pad, feels like I bruised my neck/shoulders area doing squats earlier this week :/

Try front bar squats or goblet squats. I do goblet squats because due to my wild youth I have caused some damage to my shoulders and collarbone area and it is painful to do traditional squats even front squats. WIth Goblet squats you hold a dumbbell at chest height and squat with it. Probably limits the weight you can do but at least you can do something. Even dumbbell lunges would be good.
Down about 20# since August. The fast a couple weeks ago really kicked things off for me, and since then I've been on IF, no calories outside of a four hour window. Also picked up a 40# weight vest to start doing some after work hill training. Weekend warrior status isn't gonna get me to the summit of Denali next June. :)
Sometimes you just have to throw a monkey wrench into your workout.

We are, by design, creatures of efficiency, so if we keep doing the same workout for months on end our bodies will adapt and we'll get diminishing returns unless we keep our bodies off balance and always having to strengthen to adapt to the changes.

It's easy to get into a rhythm and go on auto-pilot with the same workout for years on end, but the benefits will erode over time.

Just a reminder.

Do like this comment
If you are a man (not sure what you are) you Can probably carry at least your bodyweight overall after lifting for not too long. As a roughly 200 pounder I expect to be carrying 100 pound dumbbells on my worst day.

My background and goals may differ.

I’m a dude but sometimes channel the girl within me when I go powershopping :laughing

In all seriousness, I’m 150 so using your formula I’m work up to 75 DBs in each hand (need to take care of whats left of my L4-L5).

How many sets do you do and the distance per set?
I’m a dude but sometimes channel the girl within me when I go powershopping :laughing

In all seriousness, I’m 150 so using your formula I’m work up to 75 DBs in each hand (need to take care of whats left of my L4-L5).

How many sets do you do and the distance per set?

I like 4-5 sets, each lasting roughly 30 seconds at a medium to fast walk with 60-90 seconds rest. Modify according to your goals. I must say, it’s fun to carry the suitcases in the airport rather than drag them on wheels. Yea I’m one of those freaks that carries his and his woman’s suitcase.

The strong men carry their body weight in each hand. That’s why I think half of body weight in each hand is a good goal for many, but not all of course. At about 200 pounds the most I’ve used is 130 per hand but I typically use around 100 these days.
Easily a top 5 exercise IMO.
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Bruised spine sounds like a worse problem - my neck is absolutely killing me 3 days later- it was less than $20. If it helps, great, if not, not out much.

Any lower will be the middle of my back LOL, I just have a pokey spine. Didn't bother me when I was fatter, but now that I've lost a lot of my "padding" ouch lol :laughing

Random last just-to-make-sure question: You're not looking up doing squats, are you? If the bar's already sort of on the lower side I can't see how it would mess with your neck otherwise.
Quick getaway to Phuket. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game :twofinger

20-minute beach run with pushups every 2 min at Paradise Beach.- - V

Fuck yeah, bro!

Edit: Local girl :) told me about her gym so I bought a 1 week pass - hit delts, bis and flabs today.

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Quick getaway to Phuket. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game :twofinger

20-minute beach run with pushups every 2 min at Paradise Beach.- - V

Fuck yeah, bro!

Edit: Local girl :) told me about her gym so I bought a 1 week pass - hit delts, bis and flabs today.



Sure that's a local "girl"?
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