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Time to get Fit thread

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Monday morning workout done.

So, this is going to sound really weird, but one of my favorite muscle groups is the serratus - and mine are starting to become visible again, and I am ridiculously excited about it lol.
40 minute row
deadlift sets of 8 to failure (13 sets)

Birch Bender's protein cakes
7 egg whites
2 chicken breasts

Incline bench sets of 8 to failure (11 sets)

2 slices lean beef meatloaf
spinach & wheat berry salad
vegan macaroni
1 head cauliflower
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I posted this on my FB page and its posted on my gym social media page. Im weirdly hesitant to post it here but fuck it :laughing. Its on Youtube anyways. So if you know my full name which some might you'll find me :)

My gym asked to interview me a few weeks ago so they could do a new "featured athlete" series. I think I was the first one.

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I posted this on my FB page and its posted on my gym social media page. Im weirdly hesitant to post it here but fuck it :laughing. Its on Youtube anyways. So if you know my full name which some might you'll find me :)

My gym asked to interview me a few weeks ago so they could do a new "featured athlete" series. I think I was the first one.

You rock Jersey girl! :thumbup
I posted this on my FB page and its posted on my gym social media page. Im weirdly hesitant to post it here but fuck it :laughing. Its on Youtube anyways. So if you know my full name which some might you'll find me :)

My gym asked to interview me a few weeks ago so they could do a new "featured athlete" series. I think I was the first one.


By far Kim, coolest thing you've posted so far. That really rules...and well done in front of the camera. Well worth my time to watch the whole thing!
I posted this on my FB page and its posted on my gym social media page. Im weirdly hesitant to post it here but fuck it :laughing. Its on Youtube anyways. So if you know my full name which some might you'll find me :)

My gym asked to interview me a few weeks ago so they could do a new "featured athlete" series. I think I was the first one.


Thanks for posting! I really enjoyed your vid. Watched every second. Wow, you are strong!!! Keep it up, Kim!
SOB! :mad

Think I developed golfers elbow in BOTH freakin elbows just as I was progressing well in a 5x5 push/pull routine. I've been doing 5x5 in squats, bench, shoulder press, deadlifts, biceps, abs mondays/fridays and then accessory and cardio 3-4 other days.

I think the deadlifts, which I really haven't gone heavy in a year or so, have aggravated my elbows. Twice a week of 5 sets of 5 @ 215-240lbs.

Hope I can manage and stay active. Wife and I booked Hawaii late March and I don't wanna feel like a beached whale out there.
If you mean flap and arms and legs and move a little in water, then yes :laughing

Yeah, I can swim, not the best but can. Is that good for rehab elbow issues?

No idea if its good for elbows or not but in general its a good way to use your muscles with minimal chance of injury. You get some cardio to boot. I think swimming is a good all around rehab exercise but please don't take my work for it.
Thanks everyone! Ive gotten multiple compliments on it (my speaking/interview skills). and super surprised people sat the whole 7mins listening to me talk :laughing
Finally signed up for a proper gym again.

Had a health screening at work last week. Free full panel so said fuck it let’s go see where I’m at.

Height: 71”
Weight: 185 lbs
BMI: 25.8
Systolic blood pressure: 114
Diastolic blood pressure: 76 (much higher than it used to be)
Total cholesterol: 186 (a bit high, tech life is getting to me)
HDL cholesterol: 72
LDL cholesterol: 101
Cholesterol/HDL ratio: 2.6 (optimal range is < 3.4 so I’m good there)
Triglycerides: 62
Glucose: 85
Body fat: 17.7%

Gotta step it up to counterbalance the upcoming holiday feasts + get in shape for Hawaii in March.
did sleep at all last like. just kept seeing the clock 10:30, 12aam, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30. 5:45 alarm went off :cry

Forced myself to get up and also forced myself to the gym in hopes it will make me extra tired and knock the fuck out tonight.

As many rounds as you can do of rowing, running and step ups in 30mins. I almost made it twice around...

1000m row
800m run
80 box step ups

1000m row
800m run
48 box step ups
In regards to sleep: I found that a 1/5th dose of nyquil will help slow down my thoughts enough to sleep when I make the mistake of letting my brain rev up on some issue at night. Doesn't take much. I need it only every couple months, but is a good solution for when I forget and free my mind.
Finally signed up for a proper gym again.

Had a health screening at work last week. Free full panel so said fuck it let’s go see where I’m at.

Height: 71”
Weight: 185 lbs
BMI: 25.8
Systolic blood pressure: 114
Diastolic blood pressure: 76 (much higher than it used to be)
Total cholesterol: 186 (a bit high, tech life is getting to me)
HDL cholesterol: 72
LDL cholesterol: 101
Cholesterol/HDL ratio: 2.6 (optimal range is < 3.4 so I’m good there)
Triglycerides: 62
Glucose: 85
Body fat: 17.7%

Gotta step it up to counterbalance the upcoming holiday feasts + get in shape for Hawaii in March.

Panel looks good. Very similar to mine. FYI, please be aware that you could have arterial blockage even with low cholesterol numbers. My bro in law who has good cholesterol numbers has had 1-2 heart attacks and a couple of stents. He suggests everyone on earth get an angiogram regardless of cholesterol numbers. I had a physical this am with my doc and she confirmed the same. Not trying to scare anyone nor trying to be a doc; just sharing info.
Love it Kim!

40 minute row
60 minute run 1300ft. elevation

20oz. protein shake
6 egg 1 avocado burrito
10oz. protein shake
24oz. grapefruit juice (maybe this is what Blankpage is talking about)
1/2 box Barbara's oat squares
1/4 gallon 1% milk
1 bag Beanfield's bean chips
I love it too Kim. Awesome

Dead lift would kill me!!

1 aerobics class taught.
45 minutes cardio.
6 minutes of squats
6 minutes abs.
5 minutes weakass stretch.
Much better when I was at a different spot.
1.5 hours Of rock n roll exercise. WAY Better stretch. Pushups. 10 minutes of legs.

Times change. Still happy with 60 plus and getting paid to do it. :teeth
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