TV Shows I am enjoying

Or don't! I mean, there's so much "TV" available, why suffer through something you don't like. I've turned off a bunch of stuff halfway through. I wish there was an easy way on the Apple TV to remove stuff from my Netflix "keep watching" list. I typically go to the last episode, fast forward through to the end, and let it run off -- that will drop it. Be nice if I didn't have to do that.

My tolerance for the stuff in front of shows and movies is at an all time low, and I just skip it. Especially on NF with some movie from overseas with 7 different production companies elaborate animations to suffer through.

"No thanks!"

I agree that you shouldn't watch stuff you don't like. I made my point partly because the scene where he checked out (And my wife started dozing) was where it starts getting better. I merely suggested (somewhat sternly I'll admit) that he give it another chance. I mean, it did win academy awards, which isn't nothing.

We regularly quit on shows because they seem to suck. If someone were to suggest we missed out on a gem, I'm not against taking a second look.
I mean, it did win academy awards, which isn't nothing.

I think me and the Academy have been drifting over the years.

I liken them now to restaurants that have "authentic" food.

And I have a criteria for restaurants: The food has be good, compatible with my palette. I can watch travel TV so see "authentic".

(Footnote: Worst mexican food I've ever had was in Ensenada! Was in it authentic? Couldn't say. Just that, for me, it was terrible.)

I am hesitant to go into a Mongolian Hot Pot Restaurant that says its authentic -- I've SEEN "Long Way Round".

Similarly, a lot of modern asian/Chinese restaurants are, I assume, catering to more authentic dishes, stuff more like back home that what we may consider "Chinese" food here, and those menus do not look attractive to me.

That said, and I didn't really mean to shoot down your recommendation. But there just a lot of stuff (recommended here even) that I've started and left behind.
I know enough about being old that I have to venture out of my comfort zones at times so I don’t mind follow-up admonition.

It’s astounding how much choice we have on the teevee anymore. Despite all of that, after our two tries the other night, we started Monk over again just for the guaranteed laughs…Ha. Insofar as something both of us could watch.

PS. Football season is over now, but one of the things that popped up on one of the streamers was “Inside the NFL.” When it was on Showtime, I watched a fair bit of those. The new version is just horrid, I mean baaaaaaad. That dummy Ryan Clark makes Nick Buonicanti seem smart by comparison and that’s reaching back. Clark is the guy who boxed himself into a corner of dissing Brock Purdy into just a system player with his famous line going into the playoffs of “there are seven good quarterbacks and Brock Purdy.” Or something like that.
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New season of The Tourist just showed up on Netflix. Kind of surprised because we had only seen the first just a week ago or so.
Just started Masters of the Air, not sure what to think about it yet. I like the historical aspect, but I keep wanting to compare it with Band of Brothers which isn't very fair.

Resident Alien is funny, but I think you need to be an Alan Tukyk fan as the story can get repetitive.

Anyone watched Shogun yet?
Found "The Best Little Prison in Britain" on YouTube and have been enjoying it. It's seriously silly! It's about Jurby Prison on the Isle of Man. It's like what you always read about with jails in the old west...repeat offenders, everyone knows everyone, small community and the LOLs that go along with that. :laughing
Anyone watched Shogun yet?



If you watched the 1980's mini-series (like I did) try to forget every moment of it. This version is intense, well crafted, and much truer to the book. The special effects and cinematography are perfect. Lots of subtitles, the real Japanese actors add to the authenticity.
apologies if mentioned already - but The Gentlemen (guy ritchie). netflix. starts off a little slow, but hung in there - and ended up loving it.
Chop-socky but more lead than flesh delivered: Furies. French production where females are bad-ass. Just finished last night. I liked it even if a bit on comic-book side of plausibility. Netflix.
apologies if mentioned already - but The Gentlemen (guy ritchie). netflix. starts off a little slow, but hung in there - and ended up loving it.

Such a great movie. Colin Farrell particularly does a great job. I'll also use the phrase "There's fuckery afoot" until the day I die.
Slid on down to the Bay Theatre for some Dune.
It has been years since the Sting version, it was billed as a multi movie story, never made the second.
I did catch this version, first installment, a few days ago, so, I was "fresh" for the second.

Two things, the cowboy didn't get to kiss his horses and ride off into the sunset, yet??

And, Do they rent Spice Worms in Pismo/Oceano dunes????

PS. The cowboy didn't kiss his Spice Worm???
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Such a great movie. Colin Farrell particularly does a great job. I'll also use the phrase "There's fuckery afoot" until the day I die

I love all the Guy Ritchie gangster movies. His other ones are hit or miss.

yeah, the movie was great. The Gentlemen i was referring to is the series. season 1 is streaming on netflix.
Buddy is raving about how much better "The New Look" on Apple TV is vs "Masters of the Air" which he likes.

The story of how fashion icon Christian Dior and his contemporaries, including Coco Chanel, Pierre Balmain and Cristóbal Balenciaga, navigate the horrors of World War II and launch modern fashion.

I knew Hugo Boss had designed the Nazi uniforms but evidently many other famous designers made their names outfitting the wives of said officers.
What's that "The New Look" show like? It looks interesting.

Still working through MoA, but beyond base spectacle, it's still not really engaging.
What's that "The New Look" show like? It looks interesting.

Still working through MoA, but beyond base spectacle, it's still not really engaging.

My very picky friend says the acting is first rate as are the story lines base on fact.

Masters of the Air's acting is a bit on the wooden side IMHO but I still love it as it does indeed depict the horrors of being a bomber pilot.

No sugar coating or rah rah.
I just started watching Turning Point: The Bomb And The Cold War on Netflix. So far episode one was excellent. Unsettling parallel between Hitler and Trump is scary obvious.
Enjoying The Gentllemen. Ms. BA thanks BARF and remarked on the recommendation! I initially didn’t want to see yet another drug lord type of joint but its pretty entertaining.
Shogun delivers. Apparently the original was so popular restaurants and movie theater lost business during the show time hours

Will also be hitting up the Gentlemen this weekend, the movie is one of my favorite movies