TV Shows I am enjoying

Yeah, original Shogun was really a big deal, especially back in the few channels era. Sort of entry-level exposure to Japanese culture for a lot of people. Comedians joked about it, people did impressions, the whole nine yards. I remember it well.
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Found "The Best Little Prison in Britain" on YouTube and have been enjoying it. It's seriously silly! It's about Jurby Prison on the Isle of Man. It's like what you always read about with jails in the old west...repeat offenders, everyone knows everyone, small community and the LOLs that go along with that. :laughing

Thanks for the tip. That was enjoyable and insightful too.
One guard to one prisoner ratio is amazing.
Shogun delivers. Apparently the original was so popular restaurants and movie theater lost business during the show time hours

Will also be hitting up the Gentlemen this weekend, the movie is one of my favorite movies

Man, I want to like this show, I really do. After one episode I can already tell it's going to be a great white savior type deal tho and I'm kinda saddened by that. I'd probably give it a few more episodes if I had Hulu ad free, but the commercials just killed all the motivation I had.
Man, I want to like this show, I really do. After one episode I can already tell it's going to be a great white savior type deal tho and I'm kinda saddened by that. I'd probably give it a few more episodes if I had Hulu ad free, but the commercials just killed all the motivation I had.

That's what my old manager buddy said, he's Asian American.

I'm biased because I've read the book and am a fan of the material, but the book is based on historical events. There was the first Englishman to get to Japan. The was his story. This is historical fiction based on real life events. Would you want to see a story about a white guy who gets to Japan in the 1600s and gets murdered immediately? If you're not familiar with the book, they are very layered and 1200 pages and shows the events from the Japanese side as much as the Englishman's.

What do you consider a white savior? He plays a huge part in the ongoing war and politics, but he doesn't "savior" anything...Japan is a military feudal society when he arrives, and it was a military feudal society after he died. He has knowledge of the world the Japanese wouldn't have had. The Europeans were vastly technologically ahead of the Japanese, this is just reality. I can't say how it ends without spoiling it, but it might not be how you expect. You might even claim that the real main character is the aspirational Shogun, and his story is told through the eyes of the white savior.

Nice seeing a real Portuguese actor playing a Portuguese priest...Joaquim de Almeida love that guy in everything I've seen him in.
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Just to toss this in to keep with the theme of all the shows here, my wife and I really like "The Masked Singer".

It's lightweight and fun.
Man, I want to like this show, I really do. After one episode I can already tell it's going to be a great white savior type deal tho and I'm kinda saddened by that. I'd probably give it a few more episodes if I had Hulu ad free, but the commercials just killed all the motivation I had.

Sho Kosugi's Ninja movies of the 80's shits all over Shogun...Especially Revenge of the Ninja. I live my life by that movie.

Noomi Rapace in "What Happpened to Monday" is a worthwhile sci fi flick. Fully entertaining.
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I just finished watching Turning Point: The Bomb And The Cold War on Netflix. All nine epsiodes were excellent. After watching this series, I'm even more unsettled by Trump's actions and where we are heading as a nation. Recommended to anyone who is interested in world history/current events that are leading to a Trump dictatorship.
That's what my old manager buddy said, he's Asian American.

I'm biased because I've read the book and am a fan of the material, but the book is based on historical events. There was the first Englishman to get to Japan. The was his story. This is historical fiction based on real life events. Would you want to see a story about a white guy who gets to Japan in the 1600s and gets murdered immediately? If you're not familiar with the book, they are very layered and 1200 pages and shows the events from the Japanese side as much as the Englishman's.

What do you consider a white savior? He plays a huge part in the ongoing war and politics, but he doesn't "savior" anything...Japan is a military feudal society when he arrives, and it was a military feudal society after he died. He has knowledge of the world the Japanese wouldn't have had. The Europeans were vastly technologically ahead of the Japanese, this is just reality. I can't say how it ends without spoiling it, but it might not be how you expect. You might even claim that the real main character is the aspirational Shogun, and his story is told through the eyes of the white savior.

Nice seeing a real Portuguese actor playing a Portuguese priest...Joaquim de Almeida love that guy in everything I've seen him in.

Honestly I didn't even know it was a book, just looked like a cool show to watch. Having seen just the first episode that's just the vibe i got, if i'm wrong please keep us posted. Basically the white dude looks like he's gonna come in and stop that one clan from being on the outs with those other clans by joining their side all the while banging that hot chick :laughing . Just feel like it could have been plenty interesting a show without the white guy at all. Just the warring clans would be enough to keep my interest. If it's based on a book though I guess they kinda gotta keep it similar. Just feels the same as countless other movies/shows tho by putting him in there.
Sho Kosugi's Ninja movies of the 80's shits all over Shogun...Especially Revenge of the Ninja. I live my life by that movie.

Noomi Rapace in "What Happpened to Monday" is a worthwhile sci fi flick. Fully entertaining.

Never seen it, might check it out.

Started watching Man Hunt, the abe lincoln murder show on apple TV. Really enjoying that so far. You might check that out if you haven't yet.

Been pretty impressed with Apple TV line up actually. Still have HBO, Apple TV, and the disney + (espn/hulu package thing). Dumped Netflix after the price hike just couldn't justify it anymore. Tried paramount + but wasn't really impressed there either, so after my promo trial i down graded to the ad free version of that, but only because it's at no cost to me.

So many streaming providers now, unfortunately still slim pickings for the really good shows. Forgot about Amazon, don't tune in there either :laughing .

HBO still #1 in my book for the most consistent content, especially when you factor in price.
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Getting into Season 2 of Tokyo Vice on HBO Max.

As far as I'm concerned, Ken Watanabe can do no wrong.

I think I preferred "Napoleon" now on Apple to "Oppenheimer."

I'd agree, but I'm guessing Napoleon was much better if you actually knew his history. It's mostly "world history and events in the background of his relationship with Josephine".
Started watching Man Hunt, the abe lincoln murder show on apple TV. Really enjoying that so far. You might check that out if you haven't yet.

Thanks J. Been waiting to watch that one, but now's as good time as any. It looks great and your review has it next up. Danke.
We are up to episode 5 of 3 Body Problem. It’s outstanding. Starts sort of sluggish but by the time of this episode, it’s riveting and even overwhelming. A few left to go. It reminds me a bit of 1899 in terms of the scope and mystery, and musical score. The opening theme music is like Westworld, too; several of the characters are from GOT. I wouldn’t call it derivative, per se, but it does ring some familarity bells in this way for streamers..
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We are up to episode 5 of 3 Body Problem. It’s outstanding. Starts sort of sluggish but by the time of this episode, it’s riveting and even overwhelming. A few left to go. It reminds me a bit of 1899 in terms of the scope and mystery, and musical score. The opening theme music is like Westworld, too; several of the characters are from GOT. I wouldn’t call it derivative, per se, but it does ring some familarity bells in this way for streamers..

Yeah I’m watching this one too. You’re further along than me, but yes it’s very good. First episode was super slow, but it does set up why she sells us all out.

A few familiar faces in there from Game of Thrones. Same producers.
Three Body Problem is definitely on my list.

I tried watching "Foundation" but the first episode was so plodding I bailed.

I DID love the Foundation books and anything Aasimov wrote in the SF sphere.

This Three Body Problem seems to have a similar arch from what my friend who read the books said.
I tried watching "Foundation" but the first episode was so plodding I bailed.

S2 better than S1. Overall its not bad. Minor detail is that they pretty much kill off everyone at the end of each season.

Still, looking forward to S3 whenever it drops.

I need to start 3BP.
On your recommendations I watched the thing about the Cold War. I am as far along as the death of Khrushchev. One thing that really surprised me was the revelation and claim that after a reconnaissance, it turned out that the Soviets actually had very few bombs at that time. They only talked about it once and then let it go after that but otherwise, it’s a bracing reminder of American history, since I’m old enough to remember some of it, it has resonance with me. One thing that I remember is that for all the fear of the Cuban missile crisis, Khrushchev always seemed different to me than the other leaders despite the Crisis. It seems like he was just trying to stay fearsome but it cost him his position in the end.. More humane and dimensional. The show kind of verifies his intent, and desire to prevent war. The other real surprise to me, watching last night was the escalation of nuclear arms production under Eisenhower. I always thought of him regarding his final statement about the military industrial complex, and how somehow he was now less hawkish doesn’t really match up with the escalation - the building of so many more nukes during his term.
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Three Body Problem is definitely on my list.

I tried watching "Foundation" but the first episode was so plodding I bailed.

I DID love the Foundation books and anything Aasimov wrote in the SF sphere.

This Three Body Problem seems to have a similar arch from what my friend who read the books said.

Give it another try, brother. It's worth sticking it out; there are some great moments in S1 and S2 is pretty damn epic.