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What did you do to your dirty bike today?

I had planned to install my new Dunlop front with Tubliss Friday, but I didn't get next-day delivery from Rocky Mountain. The tire showed up Saturday via ON-TRAC, but not the Tubliss, which was shipped USPS. WTF?

2017-06-24 15:17:00 RENO NV xxxxx Delivery Exception, Animal Interference
2017-06-24 06:28:00 RENO NV xxxxx Arrived at Post Office
2017-06-23 19:49:00 In Transit to Destination
2017-06-22 19:49:00 PROVO UT 84605 Arrived at USPS Origin Facility

I was home alone at that time yesterday, I think I was working in the garage with the door open. There hasn't been an animal here in months. Methinks USPS is making shit up.
My pet hawk Pete in the cottonwood tree is an asshole but Pete disappeared. Any time I'd be in the driveway or front yard where Pete could see me from his nest he would screech at me. Asshole. He probably raised some asshole young hawks.

Oh I know, it was one of the lawn bunnies.


USPS pepper spray is no match for those ferocious cottontails, which can only be killed with holy hand grenades.


The spark arrestor stayed on. It was so secure, in fact, that it was difficult removing it. Why would I remove it? Because my bike stalled and wouldn't restart and it was one of the last things I did, thinking it was clogged. (It was not.)

My bike was down on power and wouldn't lift the front wheel with throttle. One time after a break it wouldn't restart so I bump-started it. Then, at hour 1.9, it stalled and died. I figured it was out gas, expecting to run out at 2 hours. The way it stalled felt exactly like running out of gas. I flipped to reserve. Nothing. Absolutely nothing when kicking, no hint at firing.

I pulled the plug. WTF? One side was scary lean white and the other was nice and brown.


It wasn't fouled, but I put in a new plug anyway. No dice restarting. I yanked the spark arrestor, thinking it was clogged. No dice restarting with an open exhaust. With the plug that white I figured the pilot was lean, so I turned on the choke. It fired right up. I switched the petcock back to ON and got on a road home. It started running very lean, like it was running out of gas, which it was. I switched to reserve, which I estimate to be a couple float bowls worth of fuel, and it ran better and I made it home. Phew.

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?






I changed the transmission oil to Rotella T4 15W40, which is what I use for the Rekluse in my YZ250. It may or may not work. I hope it works, so I can have one less oil on my shelf, and a less expensive one at that. We'll see.

The Amazon ketchup bottle worked like a charm.


I need to get some more Dell'Orto pilot jets. I bracketed the stock size and put it in the richer one. Whodathunk I still need a richer pilot at 5,000+ feet and 90+ F. This is not your daddy's Japanese 2 stroke. Crazy Spaniards!
What is that weird thing between the tank and rear fender? :laughing

Did you ever figure out the compression spec? Hope you get it sorted, I'm sure you're on the right track with more gas. :thumbup

ps- super jealous of your riding area and the amount of time you're getting to ride!!
What is that weird thing between the tank and rear fender? :laughing
You may not see it again because it's broken. It was a lame design. :thumbdown I wonder if I can get it warrantied. :teeth

Did you ever figure out the compression spec?
Nope. Plenty of compression at the kick lever. I will retest again when I rejet and install a new plug. I have almost 10 hours on the engine now.
Some mellow weekend dual sporting up in the Sierra Foothills

Out of the Hull Creek OHV about 20 miles East of Sonora on 108
Good riding. Lots of shade
That hill climb looked entertaining. Ouch. :laughing

I gave up on it as soon as my front wheel hit the steep part. Usual disclaimers about it being steeper than it looks, etc.

I think if I were fresh instead of 75 miles into a long day of hot riding, I would have tried again (and had more fail footage for you to enjoy), but the potential cost of failure was rather high with a hard landing surface and common sense prevailed after just one hold my beer moment.
It looked plenty steep in the video. Looks like a heck of a fun ride, Alex.
It looked plenty steep in the video. Looks like a heck of a fun ride, Alex.

It was quite an enjoyable couple of days, I liked the mellow pace of it instead of having to ride at the end of a long train of much more skilled dirt riders :teeth
I did a compression test, 140 psi. Mo betta than the 115 psi. I'm not sure if it's because I just kicked it more, or because the rings are seated. It may have still been climbing but I got tired of kicking.

Changed the plug. The piston color looked great through the plug hole. Pulled the carb, ready for new jets.

Supposedly my exhaust pipe adapter shipped today.

Speaking of shipping, USPS didn't update their "animal interference" tracking from Saturday. Like nothing happened with the package today. Maybe the animal ate it.
:laughing @ the animal issue. WTF, USPS?

Glad to hear that the compression is where it should be and parts are arriving. Sweet bike, man.
I ordered a proper little rack out of Canada.