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What did you do to your dirty bike today?

I'm a 565 series snob....it was Hattinger and he designed one hell of a motor. Wish they still made 'em.

You'll have to ride it one of these days, the bike is one of my fav's, no question. So much torque then an explosive mid range; gets you moving deceptively quickly....Just weighed all my bikes and my built 550 won; 233 lbs with about a 1/2 gal of fuel.

Developed a hydro clutch mod for the 550's by using an RFS slave and welding/machining the case. Done about 10 of them, so much nicer than a cable. Put an '05 set of 48mm WP's on with some aftermarket rims (stocks were a little soft) with an '05 plastics; Ohlins rear was stock a couple of production years. Had the motor ported by Eric in Pasedena; he did Danny Hamel's motors for Baja; dyno'd at 65 rwhp so you can leave it in gear and just use the throttle. Way fun.

Rode the Vertigo today with Undertheoaks, dirt at Carnegie was excellent, found some wild new rock sections up in the hills, borrow that montessa and come check it out!

233 pounds and 65 rwhp, what could possible go wrong? That thing must want to kill you every time you ride it. You have to bring it to Stony the next time we are all there.
Ordered new chain and sprx for the KTM. Found out no-Toil air filters are 50% off on RMATVMC so I ordered two more along with another set of oil filters.

I ordered Primary Drive chain and spx...the chain is supposedly a DID X-Ring chain rebranded and 50% less money.

I'm ready for Moon Rocks if I get the parts in time.
Ordered new chain and sprx for the KTM. Found out no-Toil air filters are 50% off on RMATVMC so I ordered two more along with another set of oil filters.

I ordered Primary Drive chain and spx...the chain is supposedly a DID X-Ring chain rebranded and 50% less money.

I'm ready for Moon Rocks if I get the parts in time.

FWIW, I have used a PD X ring chain on my DR350 now for the last year or so, and it has held up fairly well.
Fixed a leaky fork seal.

I've been living with a crank seal leak for a little while.

Originally my plan was to wait until I was due for a top end, then split the cases and do a total rebuild. But that sounded like an awful lot of work. Then I had another idea. I decided to just replace the seal/bushing/o-ring now. If it fixes the problem, rock on, if it still leaks, I can go back to plan A.

The good news is that the right side crank bearing has absolutely zero play up/down or in/out. I was afraid maybe the seal was leaking because the bearing was going out. But it turns out the spacer bushing had a hell of a groove worn in it, so that was probably the issue, and I think it'll be good to go.


Nice job, I assume this is your KTM 300. How did you know you had a small leak? Too much smoke? Fouling the plug? Gear oil low?

BTW, I'm always amazed at how a rubber seal, soaking in oil, can wear a groove in a hardened spacer.
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Nice job, I assume this is your KTM 300. How did you know you had a small leak? Too much smoke? Fouling the plug? Gear oil low?

BTW, I'm always amazed at how a rubber seal, soaking in oil, can wear a groove in a hardened spacer.

Yes, KTM 300.

Gear oil would go missing, but it wasn't leaking. Also, I could feel it bog when oil made it's way into the crank case. Normally it would happen after a descent, which makes sense because the oil would pool at the front of the case cover and submerge the seal. I read that a leaky seal can cause a lean condition, because when it's not sucking oil past the seal, it's sucking air. However my bike never exhibited any lean condition.

After riding today, surprise, surprise, it runs much better when it's not burning 75wt gear oil! :party
After riding today, surprise, surprise, it runs much better when it's not burning 75wt gear oil! :party[/QUOTE]

For sure, It's a two stroke not a diesel! :laughing Nice find and repair.
Rode at Hollister today.....Primo soil on Lake Road,North Canyon,Petes Path/Jay Way.......Its good to be retired....
Got me a ten-pack of fuel cap vents because I keep losing whatever line I put on. Also got a Suzuki NECJ needle and #40 power jet. But I think I'm going for a ride tomorrow instead of fiddling with the jetting.
She gained a little weight today, but she needed it.
She started weeping after Sunday's ride at Hollister. (I cracked the clutch cover a little.)
I coulda shoulda just bent the old skid plate back into shape and saved some money. But at least now I have a shiny new skid plate! (which will last for all of 5 minutes :rofl)




I lubed my chain, checked the air pressure in da tyres and rode at Carnegie for three hours
I recently richened up the jetting for the cool winter air. But after a couple rides I was starting to think I went too rich, so I took the slide back out and moved the needle down a clip.
After putting the carb back together and staring at the bike in satisfaction, I noticed the spark plug, and wondered how long it had been in there. So I checked my maintenance records. Oops. 99.2 hours. The recommended service interval is 40 hours. That plug has been in there for over a year and 43 trail rides. I think I got my $1.99 out of it.
Luckily I had a new one on hand, because the one I took out was not looking so hot; there was crusty corrosion looking stuff on the ground electrode.