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What did you do to your dirty bike today?

Yeah a CRF150 would rock there
Trail 3 action from last week. Tried to do all the hard trails, I'd already rode 1-3 in the quad and 1-2 on the KLX so I was spent by the end of this. But that's what I love about this bike I can just throw it around and whatever I know I can pick it up easily and it'll tackle tough terrain without much fuss.
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Tried to take my 450 for a ride. It was hard to start and wouldn't idle. I got it running and it would die at low throttle openings. It would run with the choke on. I rode it back home and prepped my 250. It started first kick with the new (old) jets/needle and an un-tuned air screw.

I rode the 250 and it was awesome. First time I've ridden the 250 and 450 back to back. I like the 250 so much more. I got all my beastly power back that I lost with the Suzuki needle. It would wheelie anywhere, any time. We had snow earlier this week and it melted yesterday so it was hero dirt today.

Following my riding buddy I got distracted by an ATV off the trail and ran into the back of him and his Husaberg. I was just poking along real slow, no damage, no injuries, but I feel stupid. Video is rendering.

So what's up with the WR450F? Clogged pilot jet? It sat for months with pump gas before I rode it a couple weeks ago, with poor small-throttle performance and frequent small-throttle stalls. Somebody suggested the hot start hootus could be broken.
Highlights from today's ride.

Unedited video of the trail with the crash at the end. :(
Does sound like the pilot. Was wondering what the snow situation was over there, nice you got some hero dirt!

How's the stomach?
I have random problems with food but it's mostly healed from the surgery. I put a little weight back on.

I think I'll put a larger pilot in the 450 anyway. I may keep that thing empty of gas, float bowl drained. I never ride it. It's supposed to be for Death Valley, Moab, Baja, but it hasn't been anywhere.
They added more trials obstacles to Metcalf also, here's some vid of me playing on the easy stuff.
Tried out my new GoPro Session 5 (mounted under visor) and did mostly single track trails at Metcalf on Sunday. Here's a vid of Manzanita.

disclaimer - I have < 10 hours of riding time on a dirt bike. So please factor that in when you see any noobness :laughing

Added a flywheel weight to the 250

Tried out my new GoPro Session 5 (mounted under visor) and did mostly single track trails at Metcalf on Sunday. Here's a vid of Manzanita.

disclaimer - I have < 10 hours of riding time on a dirt bike. So please factor that in when you see any noobness :laughing


Nice a little less swampy than when I rode it, were you sitting down most of the time? Haha it looks like a bigger bike soaks up the terrain so much better. I've been dirt riding for maybe a decade and that's the first time I tried that trail.
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Nice a little less swampy than when I rode it, were you sitting down most of the time? Haha it looks like a bigger bike soaks up the terrain so much better. I've been dirt riding for maybe a decade and that's the first time I tried that trail.

That was toward the end of my day so I was probably sitting a fair amount being tired and lazy. But honestly I'm not sure how much I sit on those single track trails.

On another run I dropped it in slippery conditions and throttle sank into in moist dirt that was almost mud. Ooops, was banging off the rev limiter for a sec while I figured out why it kept going after I pressed the kill switch. Had to hold the kill switch down. I guess that's another benefit of having hand guards. I ordered some but didn't realize I needed to also buy special big bar mounts since I have pro-taper bars. Hopefully I'll get them mounted before next time I ride.

Hahaaaa i like your vid you posted above. I watched some and will watch some more later. Nice to see someone else navigate those trails so I can compare and learn what I do. Yeah it feels to me like I can use the torque of the YZ250 as my suspension over a lot of stuff, just stand up, twist throttle and skim over stuff =)
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Yeah that last vid where I did the the Manzanita trail I was super tired by the end. It's good to watch videos of your own riding though. Like from that video I realize I'm pretty good at choosing easy lines that's how I'm able to blaze through sections. But if I want to really challenge myself I need to ride slower and over the rougher stuff. Riding dual sports all the time has given me this mentality that I need to choose the easiest path, but on a dirtbike I'm willing take more risks. I think later on that will probably translate to the bigger bike maybe...

Hah from riding a small bike and a big bike I notice that the small bike will beat you up quite a bit more, like you mention the torque just churns through the terrain.
Between the Rekluse and the FWW, this thing almost rides like a 4 stroke now :)

Came home early so I could prep my 250 for a morning ride with thedub. Aired up the Tubliss, lubed the chain, bled the fork air, mixed gas, filled gas, etc.

Put my 450 on the lift to deal with the pilot jet. Saw a video on YouTube of some guy who figured out how to rotate the carb to get to the drain and therefore the main and pilot. No go: the thick wiring harness above the carb prevents rotating it. So then I starting removing the subframe. There are a bazillion wires and stuff to remove. And then I'll have to remove the shock. I gave up in frustration to deal with it later. Fuckin four strokes.

Aftermarket dual sport wiring on a carb'ed bike you don't ride frequently and you blame four strokes?? :laughing

I can do it on mine, but I had to sacrifice a screwdriver to grind both ends to fit in there. FI bikes don't plug pilots. :p
I do tons of work cleaning other people's pilot jets.
I LOL at people who come back several times a year, even though every time I tell them to run the carb dry after every ride unless they are sure they are using it again very soon.
Well after doing some routine maintenance I noticed my
Fan kit bolts were digging a hole in my big tank..
So I had to grind them down.. They were about 3/16 high with a sharp


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Then afterwards I put the bigger single track sprocket on
For the Downeyville runs..


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