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What did you do to your dirty bike today?

What? I would have expected it to mostly do it's job when it freezes. That's interesting.

I figured that the expansion during the phase change would be the key. Now I'm intrigued.
Ice is at it's largest pretty much right at freezing, maybe a degree or two below. I don't see how it could happen any other time.
Ice is at it's largest pretty much right at freezing, maybe a degree or two below. I don't see how it could happen any other time.

That's actually not true. Blocks of ice sometimes shrink over time, but that is due to sublimation. If the pipe is completely full of water, and the water doesn't contain very much trapped air, there will be minimal room for sublimation. That said, sublimation might be a key part of the pipe fixing process. Interesting thought, actually....
I'd be very surprised if popping dents out was due to anything but the expansion on initial freezing.

The pressure from sublimation is very low.
Somebody should put a gopro in the freezer. I'd love to watch it sped up, popping out the dents.
I gave my bike and every other friggen thing in the garage an oil bath while working on my WP closed chamber forks.

Like a dumbass, I forgot to pull the bleed screw out of the damper cartridge before inflating the bladder. I can tell you from first hand experience that "cracking it open" to bleed it a "little bit" does not work.

Nothing quite like a face and mouthful of fresh 5wt!
It's the best way to keep the plastics fresh. That's what I tell myself at least.
Dropped-off my forks and shock at Super Plush for re-spring, minor mods, and fresh seals/oil. Looking forward to trying them out in a week or two when I get the bike back together. :banana

Not looking forward to the bill when I pick them up. :laughing
Nice! I'd love to do the same for the cr250. I'll probably just do the rebuild myself for budget reasons.
Nice! I'd love to do the same for the cr250. I'll probably just do the rebuild myself for budget reasons.

I will rebuild pretty much anything. Anything except suspension. I hate even doing suspension maintenance. Forks...not a fan. Shock...not a fan. I know what good suspension should feel like, but I don't know squat about valve shim stacks, etc. I also hate doing oil/seal refreshment. Not sure why, but I have always hated it. I do all of the other work myself, so I don't feel too badly about having someone else do my suspension work now and then. :dunno
Today I pulled my 01 YZ250 out of the shed and cleaned it up for sale. Now I have to find all the spares, books, and paperwork. It should be ready to advertise this weekend. I did drain the gas before I put it away last time. After not being ridden for 2-3 years it started right up and ran fine. Someone will get a good green sticker dirt bike.

I have gotten a lead on another dirty bike that I may pickup just because it is such a good deal, and because I'm addicted to expanding the stables...
Bought a '09 KTM 450 EXC 2-days ago. Impulse purchase. It popped up on craigslist for 5k with the SM wheels and two hours later it was mine :laughing

Yesterday I:
Checked Valves, re-shimmed intake valves.
Took carb apart, cleaned (sat for a year)
Re-jetted (bike came w JD jetting kit and was jetted for altitude)
Fork Oil
Engine Oil
Tranny Oil (its separate lol, that was a surprise)

Those were all the big items, hoping for some rain today so i can get her dirty manana! oh yeah, picture of the bike:

Nice scoot! Good on you for going through her thoroughly before flogging. That can prevent a lot of heartache when buying a used bike.
Should be fun. Will you be riding it on the street much? If so, too bad it isn't the 530 but it'll still be fun.
Just got done wrenching on my 690. New steering head bearings, bled clutch and brakes. Cleaned the heck out of everything.

I won't have my forks and shock back until late next week, but I want it to be more or less ready to rock other than that stuff. There are a few more things that will have to wait, like adjusting the chain length for the new chain and some other little odds and ends. With any luck, it'll be running next weekend. :party
Congrats Aaron. Lets go get it dirty again!
Just got done wrenching on my 690. New steering head bearings, bled clutch and brakes. Cleaned the heck out of everything.

I won't have my forks and shock back until late next week, but I want it to be more or less ready to rock other than that stuff. There are a few more things that will have to wait, like adjusting the chain length for the new chain and some other little odds and ends. With any luck, it'll be running next weekend. :party
How many miles were on it and how toasty were the steering head bearings?