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What did you do to your dirty bike today?

Nice, byke. Got any pics from your outing?

Only took a few. That one above is on the road to Grouse Ridge lookout/campground. The next below is Bowman and the following is Faucherie. You might remember my bud Scotty from Stony, he was having a bit of fun sticking himself in ma pics...


Only took a few. That one above is on the road to Grouse Ridge lookout/campground. The next below is Bowman and the following is Faucherie. You might remember my bud Scotty from Stony, he was having a bit of fun sticking himself in ma pics]

I came down Lowell Hill from the other side
And could not find a way across the river.
You know of one?


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To many gravel washouts down there.


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Nice! Was this yesterday? We passed a few guys on Lowell the way back from 20 towards 80, but all I can really remember about them is that one was on a Yamaha. Was that you guys?

The road you're talking about in the second pic, isn't that actually Chalk Bluff? I think I know the area you're talking about, but I can't get my bearings from the pic. If you were on the south side, did you head down a short rocky section with a sign that says something about releasing water and u gun die? If that's the spot, you go down that rocky part until you get in the riverbed and then turn right and as you're approaching the water from perpendicular, there's a slightly easier spot to cross to the far left, it's like a double crossing at a Y. Where the road leads you to cross, it's too deep right now. We should meet out there sometime!
I came down Lowell hill from chalk bluff
I believe that is bear river down there.
The bridge has been out for a while.


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Yeaahhh, I gotcha now. Where I turned right on Lowell to head to 20, you'd have been coming from the left, if not for the river, which i think you're right that it's the Bear. The way I was talking about is from the other side, so you'd need to try over to the far right from where you took the pic. I assume you tried a little bit to the right from there where the gravel 'road' crosses? Last time I looked, which was a few weeks ago, that was too deep. If you go waaaaaaaay to the right, maybe even having to cut a short bit of new trail, that's where you can cross...barely. I saw a fellow in our group do it, but he didn't bother getting up (down from your side) to that overgrown logging road because not all of us in the group were willing to do it.

So, if you came from that direction, that means you went through the *other* riverbed area where you'd have been naughty to cross? If you head back out there, from your side, if you turn left and head down the riverbed a little bit, there's a horizontal mineshaft on the right side that's like a half mile long, it's pretty awesome. By the time you get to the bend, the light at the entrance is pin size. If you haven't already, check it out and bring a flashlight.
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I always pack a light.
Can you gps the mine? Send a pm?

So you rode past this??


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Well, it's not super top secret because I can't remember exactly where it's at lol, but I remember this spot specifically. I believe you go upstream maybe 1/2 mile and it's on the right.

The spot in that looks familiar. If it's where I'm thinking, we rode through a short offshoot that kind of looks like you're not supposed to ride there and ended up on the grassy area on the left. And, it was just by happenstance that we found it because that grassy spot wasn't visible from the road/trail. If that's the same spot, that bottom little bypass channel was dry a few weeks ago. Do you know where the diggins is? Is the diggins a little ways up a hill to the left? Now that I think about it, that may not be the spot I'm thinking because *I think* you should have been able to make it to Lowell pretty easy from there. Anyway, regarding the route I posed earlier, I don't recall seeing anything like that. We saw some of the aqueducts from Bowman, but that was it.

Are you out in the Colfax/GV/Chicago Park area? I'm maybe 5mi or so from downtown Dutch Flat, so that whole area is the local spot, just haven't explored it as much as I'd like.
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This is what it looks like now
Really loose and hot. Hard too cross.

This was the old way down.


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Went for a super kickass ride yesterday with Trackcage and a couple of his buddies, plus another fellow who was flying solo, plus my bud Scotty Poo. We rode the disappointingly neutered trail 6, counterclockwise, at Foresthill and had killer weather. It was hot at first and we jumped in at the first bridge, then got rained on and soaked at the end. Possibly the best time I've had on T6.
I got hail in Downeyville
Took the long way back Goodyears bar. Forest city.Allaghany ect.
Awwww dang, was just talking about Downie. Never been and really want to check it out!
I got a 1997 tip. It's about as loud as the White Bros I removed a while ago, but this doesn't need repacking. The smaller tip does sound good, and it's nice and stealthy, but the 97 tip sounds really good...

I also love that it's totally OEM..

That is one of the pro tips and cool that you found one. I went straight to a FMF Power Core 4 that ran great but was too loud for the SI, so I then bought the FMF Q4. Pack the original in your gear bag. I think you will need it next year for the SheetIron.

Have I told you recently, Damn that bike looks clean?
Kinda looks like the hrc tip on my xrr. Isn't the early xr400 cdi supposed to be higher reving, etc too? Lots of xrr people use that unit as an upgrade.
That is one of the pro tips and cool that you found one. I went straight to a FMF Power Core 4 that ran great but was too loud for the SI, so I then bought the FMF Q4. Pack the original in your gear bag. I think you will need it next year for the SheetIron.

Have I told you recently, Damn that bike looks clean?

Tom, I was thinking the same thing about the Sheetiron - I'll probably just put the quite tip on for the SI. Oh, and it's an easy purchase from any Honda OEM parts house. I got mine from Rocky Mountain.

Kinda looks like the hrc tip on my xrr. Isn't the early xr400 cdi supposed to be higher reving, etc too? Lots of xrr people use that unit as an upgrade.

Daniel, I'm not sure about the higher reving, but you're right about others switching to this tip.