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Why are you so fat?

HtChic said:
....And no, it's not easy for everyone. I've seen some people who have health problems that make it extremely difficult. A certain person I know pretty well went on an elimination diet (for food related allergies), had a "cleansing" period of 6 weeks. She could only eat certain veggies (none with high starch), and 1/3 cup of rice a day, and could only drink water. No meat or anything else. She lost 5 pounds during that time - that was all.

I wonder if that's the phenomena where the body thinks it's starving so it goes into self-preservation mode?
Bad Dad said:
What I really get bothered by is when I'm in a restaurant having a nice salad and water, and watch 3 generations of a family walk by. Grandma, mom, and child. All of them obese. All of them ordering mega burgers, milkshakes etc... I don't care if you don't wish to be in shape, but it sickens me to see people pass that on to their children. At least ATTEMPT to teach them better than yourself. :(
I luv Snap-On....
kickstand said:
janna, ive got plenty of fat friends, theyre all great human beings....but im not sexually attracted to them.
its very possible to be a person of depth and character and also care about your body and physical stregnth....it doesnt jsut have to be one or the other.

well...I mybe fat, butt yr ugly and i kin dyet
I've had an in shape body my whole life, and i haven't had a line of girls waiting to blow me. Or maybe I do... Nope. Just opened the front door. There's nobody there.

Maybe they can smell the McDonalds oozing from my pores? Since I eat 3000 calories a day, and none of it is healthy food.

OK! I will follow the kickstand regime, and quit McDonalds and all fast food. Maybe then I can get some of kickstand's table scrap BJs.
This is a subject that I've spent a lot of time researching --- actually reading JAMA reports, books by sociologists, nutritionists and psychologists -- as well as having my own personal experience with this, and here's a bit of what I've learned:

Human behavior is shaped by many different factors: physiology, socialization from family, friends and the media, psychological issues, etc. In a nutshell: overweight and obesity are NOT so easily addressed, physically, mentally and emotionally, as most people think. It's simplistic to chalk it up to "laziness." If it truly were that easy, everyone would be thin. One must look at the factors behind the rampant increase in obesity worldwide over the last 40 years. If it were laziness, wouldn't we have had the same general percentage of overweight people then as now?

Clearly, everyone has the power and responsibility to keep their weight in a healthy range. But here are a few things that are dramatically different now than even a few decades years ago, things that affect our weight and health, and these things are hard to take back:

--Technology rendering our lifestyles more sedentary: as a kid, I walked to school, hiked, skated and rode my bike alone. Today, kids are driven to school out of time concerns or widespread parental concern over their children being abducted. Schools have eliminated their PE programs, and kids play console games together after school instead of physically active play. Adults rarely walk anywhere; instead, we sit on chairs and couches and watch TV, DVDs, pay-per-view; we play computer games, browse online, or (yes) post on online forums. We use labor-saving devices such as gas-powered mowers instead of push mowers. Many jobs today center around sitting in front of a computer. We don't even walk down the hall to talk to our boss; we email him instead. In the course of our daily lives, we burn far fewer calories without realizing it, and this has a significant effect on our weight.

-Media manipulation of the populace into changing their idea of what to eat, how often to eat it, and what a portion is. Food commercials are all over our TV and the Internet, far more prevalently than before. Eating junk food is far more common today than in years before, as a direct result. Food manufacturers are increasing the product sizes, as well. Big Gulps 25 years ago were 32 ounces. Today, you can go into a 7-11 and get a 64-ounce Double Big Gulp which delivers 800 calories. Bagels are bigger now; candy bars are twice the size; and you can't find the regular sized bag of chips in convenience stores anymore, only the Big Grab which is now morphing into the Bigger Grab.

-People don't cook much anymore, and rely on pre-portioned food from the supermarket, or order take-out. We eat out far more often today than we did 25 years ago. Restaurant portion sizes have doubled, and those who try to serve "normal" portions face complaints from customers for not offering a good value.

-Plus, the sheer availability of food is stunning -- you never used to be able to get food at gas stations, and now, some even have fast food franchises right inside their doors. Minimarts are found on nearly every corner in densely populated urban environments. Fast food franchises have proliferated, and now even operate in our schools. And with a massive increase in food marketing, particularly the idea of snacking, the average citizen is beset by forces he's not even consciously aware of pushing him towards overconsumption of food. Nobody literally puts a gun to their head and forces them to eat, but human beings are easily manipulated by lesser forces, and manipulated to doing much worse things that put food in their mouth.

I won't go into the role of corn syrup in obesity and overweight here because it would take too long, but it's shown to have an effect on the human metabolism above and beyond the calories it contains. There are other factors that affect the endocrine system as well.

So people can truly be aware that they have a weight problem, but truly be ignorant of all the small things that added up to make it happen. We don't realize how many or few calories we burn day-to-day, or how many calories we actually take in. Simply becoming aware of how many calories are in our soy lattes and asiago bagels would go a long way towards getting a handle on excess weight.

These are just a few of the contributing factors to the global epidemic of overweight, not even cracking the incredibly important subject of psychological reasons for overeating and being overweight, such as the fact that we are conditioned to medicate our moods with food. To change, one has to change one's entire lifestyle, and not just temporarily. Asking anyone to change their life is asking a great deal, even if the payoff seems obvious.

The solution is NOT shaming and ridiculing fat people, or saying there's no excuse for being obese or overweight. The solution is education, awareness, and systematic change; education for everybody, because sometimes, it's the genetic gift of a fast metabolism that keeps a thin person from gaining weight such that they feel justified in looking down on those "ignorant and lazy fat people."

We are each responsible for our bodies and our health, absolutely; but we do not live in a vacuum, and for most people, weight management is not as simple as some people think it is or should be.
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Janna said:
This is a subject that I've spent a lot of time researching --- actually reading JAMA reports, books by sociologists, nutritionists and psychologists -- as well as having my own personal experience with this, and here's a bit of what I've learned:

Human behavior is shaped by many different factors: .......................................................We are each responsible for our bodies and our health, absolutely; but we do not live in a vacuum, and for most people, weight management is not as simple as some people think it is or should be.

oh great, another "everything's relative" nutcase !

Just kidding Janna, I have the same problem.

As I got older and less active, I found that the "move around more, eat less" mantra only worked to a degree. Doing a little (and I mean very little) research on WHAT I was eating helped enormously....the corn syrup and partially hydrogenated stuff is just NASTY !.

My lazy solution is to: eat less, cut down on alcohol, shop at Trader Joes, and run/walk as much as possible. Next problem to overcome is my reluctance to stretch.

I don't really have big issues with self image, mostly I just like to be able to tie my shoes without squishing my belly.

I really feel for women in our culture and all the negative, invalidating attitudes, images, and stereotypes they have to live with
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well im glad that alot of you found humor in my OP and youre too PC if you didnt IMHO. The girl who lost only 5 pounds did so because she was starving herself....lizard is 100 correct.
Janna said:

The solution is NOT shaming and ridiculing fat people, or saying there's no excuse for being obese or overweight. The solution is education, awareness, and systematic change; education for everybody, because sometimes, it's the genetic gift of a fast metabolism that keeps a thin person from gaining weight such that they feel justified in looking down on those "ignorant and lazy fat people."

Its great how you can make fun of some people on BARF but if you do it to others youre jsut mean.....Fast metabolisms have nothing to do with not eating mcdonalds....EVERYBODY knows mcdonalds and food like that is bad for you....its nothing but processed sugar, salt, and fat. I dont think fat people are less human...I WAS FAT. I know how easy it is to become healthy by buying $20 book and knowing facts.....thats how ive started..
I know very much aobut nutriotion and athletic activity but dont expect the avg. person to at all. This is jsut somehting Im into so ive learned alot about it.
P.S. its becasue I was shamed and ridaculed that i got off my fatass and lsot the fat.

P.P.S. Sex and relationships is not jsut about looks for me at all. please try to see humor and sarcasm in peoples posts. I can do it in everyones posts and so can many. Separate fact from humorous exagurations.
Its great howeveryones always trying to be funny on barf but once you start to argue against someone youre all business and pretend like humor doesnt exist.
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kickstand said:
Its great how you can make fun of some people on BARF but if you do it to others youre jsut mean.....Fast metabolisms have nothing to do with not eating mcdonalds....EVERYBODY knows mcdonalds and food like that is bad for you....its nothing but processed sugar, salt, and fat. I dont think fat people are less human...I WAS FAT. I know how easy it is to become healthy by buying $20 book and knowing facts.....thats how ive started..
I know very much aobut nutriotion and athletic activity but dont expect the avg. person to at all. This is jsut somehting Im into so ive learned alot about it.
P.S. its becasue I was shamed and ridaculed that i got off my fatass and lsot the fat.

P.P.S. Sex and relationships is not jsut about looks for me at all. please try to see humor and sarcasm in peoples posts. I can do it in everyones posts and so can many. Separate fact from humorous exagurations.
Its great howeveryones always trying to be funny on barf but once you start to argue against someone youre all business and pretend like humor doesnt exist.

Oh, I could see your sense of humor in the post. I just also saw the other stuff. And my response was based off all the posts in the thread, not just yours. In and amongst all the good-natured fun I love about BARF were a few very real issues and statements that deserved addressing. That's all.

Back to the insults and random association now, ya Sink Beasties...:twofinger
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kickstand said:
Man everywhere I look i see fat people. Im pretty sure that most of these peoples are not bodybuilders in off season or professional athletes who need to be at a certain fat level.
You people are too fat. Its unhealthy and i dont want to have sex with you. And this is bad for me becasue now its jsut harder to find sex. Do you not know how to eat right or jsut dont care? Dotn starve yourself, jsut get a workout book and a nutrion book.
Most workout out books have nutrition in it already.
You make car manufacturers make car seats that are too big for me. I cant find an XL tshirt that fits right they all parachute out for the fat that they expect me to have...but i jsut have big shoulders and thin waste.
It wasnt even that hard to get. I stopped getting high, stopped eating shit, and work out really hard for about 40 minutes/day 5 days a week (id be even more muscular if i didnt box) I weight 225lbs but in clothes it looks like im 180...but im not fat. You weigh 180 look like youre 225. Dont even worry about getting muscualr, just drop some fat and tone up a tad...its so healthy and youll be so pretty and people will want to have sex with you and buy you things.
Frankly I don't care what civilians look like :x and I happen to Dig heavier chicks. Historically heavier chicks were not considered obese they were considered healthy, as well they were the standard for beauty.

But, uniformed personnel is another thing. There are weight regulations for a reason. I'm not going to go very far into this. How can you inspire confidence and leadership when you look like a fat piece of shite.:p Me personally I would much prefer to fight with those that take their uniform and the responsibility that comes therein seriously. Last thing I wan't is someone who will drop out because of lack of physical preparation and endurance. At that point you are more of a hindrence someone else has to pick up your slack, literally you are a walking casualty. But this is only one scenario. I could carry on about this subject for quite sometime but I won't.

But lately it's IMO that women need to put on MUCH MORE weight. You look ridiculous walking around like skeletor, to go even further I dislike the fact chuckle heads like you make these beautiful women feel insecure and self concious.:x I'll tell ya what I would consider myself fat and out of shape currently but I can still work my bench with 220, am still a 300 pft'er. I'm well into my 30's. But do I look like a Calvin Klein model? No.......Nor do I want to. Take a good look in the mirror, are you god's gift to mankind? If so great, but I myself am not a greek god by any means. :laugh but I would be willing to bet I could keep up with you.:teeth \\

But overall popular opinion has become that voluptous is not attractive, a reminder "Popular opinion througout history has proven itself wrong" Gen Jomini
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Re: Re: Why are you so fat?

abn375 said:
Frankly I don't care what civilians look like :x and I happen to Dig heavier chicks. Historically heavier chicks were not considered obese they were considered healthy.

But, uniformed personnel is another thing. There are weight regulations for a reason. I'm not going to go very far into this. How can you inspire confidence and leadership when you look like a fat piece of shite.:p Me personally I would much prefer to fight with those that take their uniform and the responsibility that comes therein seriously. Last thing I wan't is someone who will drop out because of lack of physical preparation and endurance. At that point you are more of a hindrence someone else has to pick up your slack, literally you are a walking casualty. But this is only one scenario. I could carry on about this subject for quite sometime but I won't.

But lately it's IMO that women need to put on MUCH MORE weight. You look ridiculous walking around like skeletor.:x

Yes, absolutely. People in uniform need to have fully functional bodies. I agree with all that you said completely. And women do look like Skeletor these days. Bleagh.
agreed...women shouldnt in starvation mode...it seem that there are two options. either fat or holocaust skinny....no one cares about stregnth or at least muscle tone anymore...just the dress size....
like i said. i know gorgeous girls taht weigh from 160-175 who are track stars and physique competitors and they look like godesses... lean. strong, defined. yes they even have fat for energy....but they are still cut and hot. They do not fit a size 4 at all but they are not overly large or fat by any means.
(Making sport become half of your life is not what im suggesting, jsut put your body through strenuous activity for 45 minutes a day)
Re: Re: Re: Why are you so fat?

Janna said:
Yes, absolutely. People in uniform need to have fully functional bodies. I agree with all that you said completely. And women do look like Skeletor these days. Bleagh.
damn it : you quoted me before my edit :laughing

I was trying to say something profound
kickstand said:
agreed...women shouldnt in starvation mode...it seem that there are two options. either fat or holocaust skinny....no one cares about stregnth or at least muscle tone anymore...just the dress size....
like i said. i know gorgeous girls taht weigh from 160-175 who are track stars and physique competitors and they look like godesses... lean. strong, defined. yes they even have fat for energy....but they are still cut and hot. They do not fit a size 4 at all but they are not overly large or fat by any means.
(Making sport become half of your life is not what im suggesting, jsut put your body through strenuous activity for 45 minutes a day)

Yes, if you work out so that you sweat for 45 minutes a day and never eat anything larger than your head, chances are, you'll be alright.
I like fat people. What's there not to like???? The more of a good person, the better.

The good things about fat people:
1. They are nice to you, because they are always happy - excessibe fat protects them from stress and they are always in a good mood.
2. They are easy to deal with - since being out of shape prevents them from participating in all sorts of physical activities (including sex), they will gladly let you do whatever you want. They are sooooo easy going!
3. The understand and like food. You can always count on them having some yummy stuff at their houses! They are the best hosts.
4. They look funny and cuddly. You can pet them, and pinch them, and poke them and they will like it.
5. They can drink shitloads, and they are fun to be around at the parties.
6. They float well in the pool.
7. They are soft, so if you go camping, bring one with you.
8. They are insecure, so they will not get nasty to you and won;t be competing with you and stealing your clothes.
9. They are reliable and usually stay put.
10. They are THE MAJORITY in United States of America.
kickstand said:
agreed...women shouldnt in starvation mode...it seem that there are two options. either fat or holocaust skinny....no one cares about stregnth or at least muscle tone anymore...just the dress size....
like i said. i know gorgeous girls taht weigh from 160-175 who are track stars and physique competitors and they look like godesses... lean. strong, defined. yes they even have fat for energy....but they are still cut and hot. They do not fit a size 4 at all but they are not overly large or fat by any means.
(Making sport become half of your life is not what im suggesting, jsut put your body through strenuous activity for 45 minutes a day)
thats an opinion and a preference. It shouldn't be a "standard". The implication I read in your original post was that you felt it should be a standard.

Ever been a Mom? Try it my wife works full time, keeps the house clean neat and organized. Then makes sure her family is fed. Then makes sure the children are clean and healthy. Then when she's done with all that she attends to me. Tell me she doesn't sweat..........Tell me she isn't active......and I'll happily tell you to meet my old ass outside:laughing

How's that for activity? See part of the problem is folks have made women think it's innappropriate to carry on the traditional role of mother/wife by belittling the role. Then folks want to know what happened to chivalry, and the code of conduct of a gentleman.

If someone ever told my wife she was overweight I'd beat them to a bloody pulp. No questions asked. I cherish the role a woman plays traditionally.

Literally we have asked our women to be more masculine to prove themselves. Shit I couldn't do a woman's traditional job.

kickstand said:
agreed...women shouldnt in starvation mode...it seem that there are two options. either fat or holocaust skinny....no one cares about stregnth or at least muscle tone anymore...just the dress size....
like i said. i know gorgeous girls taht weigh from 160-175 who are track stars and physique competitors and they look like godesses... lean. strong, defined. yes they even have fat for energy....but they are still cut and hot. They do not fit a size 4 at all but they are not overly large or fat by any means.
(Making sport become half of your life is not what im suggesting, jsut put your body through strenuous activity for 45 minutes a day)
I like skinny emaciated bitches. I wish I looked more like that. That's it, I am starting my new "no food" diet. That yellow bike makes my ass look too big!!!!

Man shold be all fat and big. Women whould be skinny and weak. Otherwise it gets confusing.
abn375 said:
Literally we have asked our women to be more masculine to prove themselves. Shit I couldn't do a woman's traditional job.

We are working to hard!
This can;t be good....

I better go lie down.