Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Thanks for the info. The console, if that's the thing has all the keys and pedals, was in different locations the times I heard. I didn't notice any cabling going to it so I thought it might be some kind of wireless connection it was using. This is at the Unitarian church in Kensington.
That organ is an Aeolian—Skinner, first built in 1958. I would think it has had restorations since then but I haven’t found a record of one.

It’s a good sized instrument, with 2,945 pipes. The console should be 3 manuals (keyboards), plus the pedal board. The key actions would be electro pneumatic.

The organist there was in touch with us over the past couple of months to arrange for tunings for some of the instruments on the AGO Convention tour this year. I’m not sure who maintains the Kensington organ.
hi from baker city!

the fireworks and hats on our avatars are adorable @budman

I've been watering the lawn for a couple hours in the morning during the heat wave and the resulting bird party is ridiculously cute. When I water in the evening, the robins like to come in and pick for bugs, but it's a straight up party when it's in the morning.
speaking of birds, I'm sitting at my dinning room table when I hear a loud thump, I look out the sliding glass door and there's a larger bird. At first I think it's a drunk crow but it was a hawk that had caught something and in the process flew into my house. Before I could get my phone and take a picture it flew away.
Maybe it got drunk and decided it was just as good as a Bald Eagle and hit your door while distracted by that thought.
How the hell did you get there?
this thing.
Wow yeah that's a lot of riding. I see, a parallel twin from Austrians .

More hellos from the suburbs of Santa Cruz. There are a lot of traffic lights and waiting around here... It's 61 degrees in the shade.
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